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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. If your a st croix fan, why not try the avid? It has a nice medium action, made in USA, cheaper price tag than the Ultra.
  2. I purchased a TLS 865-2 mid flex last year during the same deal. I didn't need the reel so I ordered the large arbor for my six weight. I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I love this rod. Very forgiving all around trout rod. I also love orvis reels. I have switched all of my reels to orvis. If you want to cast this rod check out River Run Outfitters in Branson. They are an orvis dealer, and have great service. I suggest you get in on the deal! Just noticed where you were from. Feather-craft has a good reputation as well.
  3. I can't speak for all of the blue ribbon streams in MO. My thoughts are mainly aimed at the eleven point blue ribbon section and the experiences I have had there. The 11 point doesn't appear to recieve much fishing pressure, but the population seems to decrease rapidly throughout the fishing season. The elevn point is stocked sometimes, which makes it fish great for a while. Only one fish over eighteen inches is allowed to be taken in the 11 point blue ribbon section, so where are the fish going. On the eleven point I think that banning treble hooks would keep a lot of the jet boats out of the blue ribbon section. I believe that this would decrease poaching in this area(please don't take offense, I do not believe all of the guys taking jet boats up there are poaching). As far as banning treble hooks on Taney and areas like Taney, I think thats a toss up. these areas are stocked heavily, and can better handle the fishing pressure. Just one guys opinion, there may be better ways of solving this problem.
  4. Single hook does not mean flies only. I do understand that it decreases the options, but it doesn't eliminate other artificial baites. It's good that you don't have trouble releasing fish with treble hooks, but I always have. That's why I don't use them if I'm going to release fish.
  5. That's a nice article guys. Good to see Brian get some recognition.
  6. Superfly and I floated and fished the 11point this weekend from Greer to Whitton. It was another beautiful weekend on the 11point for us. We spent Saturday and Sunday morning in the blue ribbon section. Greer to turner fished pretty well. We had to fish it pretty hard, but we both caught quite a few fish. Stonefly nymphs worked the best this weekend. As for the boat traffic this weekend, I have never seen anything like it. I wouldn't mind the jet boats if they would slow down for the canoes. There were a few really nice guys who slowed down to an idle speed when they met us, so I don't want to complain about everybody. Don't let this keep you from this beautiful river though. We saw very few people in the blue ribbon section and no jet boats. This is still our favorite place to fish!
  7. I can tell you the keen sandals will be comfortable. I own a pair of keen's hiking snadals, and they are awesome. If you compare the simms keen river sandals to the regular keen sandals the only difference is the felt bottom. If your going to buy the keen's go try them on somewhere, because there sizing is a little off. Bass pro and Ozark Adventure carries them. I know it's a lot of money, but go try them on and you will see why.
  8. I have to recomend the Eleven Point in Alton. You can catch smallmouth on the upper part and trout on the lower. I would deffinately reccomend contacting Brian Sloss at the Eleven Point canoe rental before you make the trip down though. He can set you up with a shuttle and information on fishing and water conditions.
  9. a picture is worth a thousand words my friend. I'd like to catch a dozen of those smallmouth.
  10. You had to be there when the doors opened on Friday in springfield to get any. I got a 5 and 6 wt. Interestingly enough the 5wt did have a welded loop, but the 6wt did not. The line does look brand new, but it says that it is a demo line, which makes sense. You can find demo lines on ebay much cheaper than the new ones. While I don't agree with the way it was advertised, one phone call to BP got us all the info we needed. They told us when to show up to get some, and they were honest about the origin(demo line).
  11. Orvis Battenkill Mid Arbor III. This is a great real with a sealed drag system. They are only $120.
  12. http://mdc4.mdc.mo.gov/Documents/2115.pdf This link should take you to the MDC fishing regulations summary. go to page 18.
  13. I've had decent luck with prchasing flies from www.flydealer.com. However, I now tie most of my own flies, and there is no substitution. If you don't have time, consider the winter months when fishing trips are fewer. When traveling to a new place I always splurge at the local fly shop, because the knowledge is unbeatable. Then next time I go to the area, I can usually imitate the flies I bought.
  14. Brian Sloss, Gald the flies were helpful. I'm sorry I couldn't be there, but hopefully Matt R. and I will make it next year. Bryan Williams
  15. I have to agree somewhat with Silver Mallard. Personal attacks on Johnny morris are a bit of stretch guys. I happen to like shopping at Bass Pro Shops. They carry a lot of products for camping and hiking that we would be hard pressed to find elsewhere in our area. Having said that; I strongly disagree with the way this situation was handled. I would like to know what a biologist thinks about the effects of what they did. One of the problems we run into with taney is the fact that it is 100% man made, and people like Johnny Morris may not understand the extent of the damage this can cause to us local fisherman who can't travel to Argentina to fish whenever they want. As for the "Junk." We are now living in a global economy and not all of us can afford to buy Sage and Winston rods that are made in the good old USA. Don't get me wrong. I agree with most of what has been said, but we have to take a step back and look at everything. We, the consumer, benefit a lot by saving some money from these big name stores.
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