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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I'm not one to just let people have their way. Some people are stupid and do it on accident. You can move on or take some time to help them find the real joy in fishing. Others do it to get you to move on, I have seen it happen many times. Your are their perfect target. I would rather humor myself by standing in their way all day. Beats the hell out of watching either of those two.
  2. Are you guys really going to argue about this? If you don't want to carry one then fine, but that makes you no better than the guy that does choose to carry one. It's always good to have something in case of an emergency, whether it's on the water and you need help or it's at home and someone needs to contact you. I would rather take my chances on spotty reception than firing a gun into the air. I'm not headed anywhere that I keep hearing gunfire. But it's really supposed to be just a friendly discussion and not another pissing match about who is right. Another good reason to carry one is to contact Operation Game Thief if the situation arises.
  3. That is a nice shot. Have you ever been able to catch any fish jumping the falls. That would be a really cool shot and probably a lot of work and fun to get it right.
  4. That's exactly what I would do Justin, offer some piss poor customer service and then blame it on your customers. If your crap is on backorder and shipment will be delayed YOU need to make the contact.
  5. It doesn't really matter if they are furled or just twisted, these leaders serve a purpose. For the small trout flies then whatever is just fine. But when you start tossing some meat you will appreciate a leader that has some body to it. It's not about the added strength in the lb. test, it's about turning over heavy wind resistant flies.
  6. You are like talking to somebody in grade school. Try to think for yourself, it will help. Is the new truck I drive today gonna last any longer than the new truck I bought in 79? Who knows. I kept the 79 till it had about 50k miles and I suppose I will do the same with this one. Is the new one built better, I guess that depends on what you call better. I think the 2010 is better, I know it's a hell of a lot safer and that's really all I care about when talking trucks and nuclear reactors. Remember, something lasting longer does not necessarily mean better.
  7. It will happen, but that's the same with everything. At some point life on this planet will cease to exist, so should we just give up today. My point is that anything can happen at anytime. I just don't think comparing a reactor used in 1979 to one built today is comparing apples to apples. They made some pretty good pick-ups in 1979. But I don't drive one today.
  8. The thing that happened on the Oil Rig was because of stupidity on site. People were pushing things to stay on track and probably keep their bonus for completing on time. You really can't keep bringing up 3 Mile as a reason to not have nuclear power today. That's just absurd. It was 1979 for crying out loud. Were you even born then? You don't think that anything has changed or been improved from that time? There are nuclear reactors work well all over this country. But we don't want to do it because of what happened in 1979? Please. Things that also happened in 1979 January 29 – Brenda Ann Spencer opens fire at a school in San Diego, California, killing 2 faculty members and wounding 8 students. Her response to the action, "I don't like Mondays," - Do you think schools should be open on Mondays? February 18 – The Sahara Desert experiences snow for 30 minutes. Shouldn't we put some snow plows out there just in case? April 20 – President Jimmy Carter is attacked by a swamp rabbit while fishing in his hometown of Plains, Georgia. I have nothing to add but that's darn funny right there. May 25 - American Airlines Flight 191: In Chicago, a DC-10 crashes during takeoff at O'Hare International Airport, killing 271 on board and 2 people on the ground. That killed more people than any nuclear reactor accident in the US. I can't believe we haven't done away with airplanes. June 3 - A blowout at the Ixtoc I oil well in the southern Gulf of Mexico causes at least 600,000 tons (176,400,000 gallons) of oil to be spilled into the waters, the worst oil spill to date. Some estimate the spill to be 428 million gallons, making it the largest unintentional oil spill until it was surpassed by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in 2010. What? You mean it happened before and we didn't put a stop to it? December 3 - Eleven fans are killed during a stampede for seats before The Who concert at the Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati, Ohio. Have we banned concerts yet? The sad thing is they died to see The Who. McDonald's introduces the Happy Meal in June. This will probably cause more problems for your kids than any nuclear reactor. You are a funny guy. You sound so intelligent most of the time and really seem like you do the research. And then you make a total hillbilly remark on something that you know nothing about. Then you keeping throwing out an accident that happened 32 years ago to uphold your decision. Or you bring up some Russian piece of crap reactor. If you were so worried about your kids you would move them the hell away from St. Louis.
  9. Maybe you have plans to change this, but you shouldn't use a free website for a business. Makes it look cheap.
  10. Yeah a young boy and three men in a 12 foot boat. News just said they had a generator on board too. Nobody was wearing a life jacket.
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