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Shad Attack

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Everything posted by Shad Attack

  1. seen the same sign... i wonder if this will effect the fishing there at all, as i spend some time bank fishing there. did last year's work on 243 have any effect in that area?
  2. Aldrich bridge has some good catfishing, especially right underneath the bridge itself. However, the bridge itself is closing for some kind of work in mid april and i don't know how (or if) this will effect the fishing there. also, i was down there today in the morning and it was full of people. it was hard to put out a line without it getting ran over by a launching boat. now, i understand that there is some access elsewhere in that same aldrich area (by the dove fields) that is really good for catfish. i went out there last week to check it out last week and it looks pretty promising. will probably be there saturday night if i'm able to talk the wife into letting me out
  3. I spent some time bank fishing around the highpoint are today as well. didn't have time to pick up any minnows so i spent some time bass fishing. ended up catching a 1 on a black back chartreuse kvd 1.5... But i did catch a huge 5lb on a black/chartreuse spinnerbait. ended up having a pretty good day, sure beats work
  4. what were you using today? i've heard from different people that the whites love the white twin tail grubs on a pink jig head... does this theory hold any water?
  5. i have to take at least one picture everytime i go out. if i don't, my wife doesnt believe that i catch anything. apparently i'm either the worst angler ever, or, the biggest liar ever; in her eyes at least.
  6. let me know the specifics of said tourney and i would be very interested in helping you out
  7. this could already of been answered elsewhere but, what exactly was wrong with the dam that needed to be fixed? or is this work just an update to the dam itself?
  8. where are you going to be on thursday morning Huck. i'm thinking about going out and hitting stockton up in the AM too as i don't have class till 1230 in the afternoon.
  9. I was out at Bolivar landing this past thursday. The water is very turbid and the fishing right now is horrible. I'd take the guy above me's advice and go near the dam.
  10. went out to the aldrich bridge access this afternoon. honestly, i didn't really expect to catch much of anything; but i just felt the need to get outside and get the lines wet. I also went out to try out some of my new cranks that i bought at bass pro this winter. I got the new KVD 1.5 and 2.5 in the blue gill and sexy ghost shad colors (i wanted the color the KVD won the classic with but they were out). I also bought a Baby King Shad by strike king in the sexy ghost minnow. Both were amazing right out of the box. i even had a couple LM Bass SLAM the King Shad right in that little cove right off boat ramp area. I'm going to buy a few more next time as i was quite impressed.
  11. went out there the other day in my off time. it was hard to see much further down then three inches. As for the fishing, no hits on anything. it was nice to see the water was back up though. now i'll just have to remember where all the structure was that i mapped during the draw down.
  12. has anybody been out in the bolivar landing area lately. if so, how are they hitting out there; i imagine that the lake is very turbid currently. any suggestions on lure/color choices. I am a full time SBU student and i don't have much time to go out and figure this out myself. any help would be apreciated
  13. hey all, i was planning on hitting up the aldrich bridge access on thursday morning as i do not have class till 12:30. Has any body been out that way lately? would it even be worth going or would highpoint be better? i was out there on wednesday last week and the water was really dirty.
  14. What kind of Lures were you using this afternoon. i was out at the aldrich bridge yesterday and didn't do well enough to even mention....
  15. dang. getting sick of sitting at the house... thanks though
  16. hello, i was wondering if any of ya'll could let me know the status of the lake ice on Pomme. i fish by john boat and i don't want to drive all the way up there on tuesday just to look at the pretty ice. i put in at Bolivar Landing thanks
  17. i would be interested in a non-boater status as well
  18. i thought it was (really Low) i went to pomme yesterday to take a walk around the shorelines and its about the same situation there. but i did find a snagged crank and marked a lot of good brush piles and fish attractor sites. i'm thinking that i'll do the same at stockton on my next day off.
  19. thanks i appreciate all the help...
  20. well i would love to get some crappie action too by all means. i will be fishing by Bank and boat. i have a decent john boat that needs repainted that i am going to put a small motor on as well. its not much but it'll work (i hope). i have also heard good things about high point. is that a good spot to start out at?
  21. Hello, I am looking forward to fishing stockton lake a lot this coming season but i don't really know much about the lake due to being new to the area (SBU student). I was wondering if i could get any pointers on where to go for some success. Maybe what colors and lures work the best and where some good spots are for Walleye, Largemouth, and White Bass. Any help would be appreciated. Also how early should i start getting on the water a lot? Thanks!
  22. at the very least, they have the loudest rattle i think that i've heard
  23. has anyone used rapala's clackin family. (rap, crank, and minnow) if so, are they worth the buy? i thought they might all make good search baits.
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