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Jack Jones

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Jack Jones

  1. Where is it? I'm no fan of casino gambling, but my experience has been that when they are done well, they are a very beneficial partner in the community. I remember when they added casinos back in Connecticut. They've performed very well and really helped bring decent paying jobs to a part of the state that needed them. Unfortunately, I haven't seen too many around here that are well done. Some of them are close to being pole barns with slot machines in them. That's not my idea of a casino. Ness, depending on where it is, there may not be many entertainment options. I know here in the Springfield/Branson area, I've hoped for years they would put a nice casino/theater on the Lake. With the Branson airport they could fly in nationally known acts to do 3-5 day stints. As for the crime and the "element", we didn't notice that issue become a problem. That argument has always seemed like more of a red herring to me.
  2. No one crapped on a police car at a tea party event beause it was all stuck in their Depends!!!
  3. Actually, my sister, mother, grandmother, aunts/uncles, and cousins are all up there. Thankfully, a bit further north than Jersey, but still feeling the effects, no doubt. I've not gotten a report yet. I'm sure I'll here something tomorrow.
  4. Did they say when they were going to open? I notice the rods, reels, tying material, but are they going to carry a selection of flys? I'd love to give my money to anyone other than Bass Pro and not have to drive 30-45 minutes to do it.
  5. I suspect both sides would argue disenfranchisement if the vote gets stunted. My main concern is that there's one candidate who would like to privatize federal disaster relief and do away with the FEMA. Might want to consider that before they vote up there.
  6. I got family back that way, so I'm following it. I hope it's quick. Also, kinda concerned how this may impact the election if they really do lose power for 10-14 days like they say they might.
  7. I so want to create my own hatch. Maybe just chuck a bunch of griffith gnats on the water, then slip mine in. That's not really chumming is it? Maybe someone could create a topwater, fly style A-rig.....
  8. Better be pics, lol. Pics or it didn't happen, lol Good to hear something about Fellows though. I don't get up there near enough. And I've never done that well.
  9. In typical Missouri sports team fashion, the Cards have choked when it counts and blown it spectacularly. I know the game isn't over, but I feel safe in saying the dream is dead. I have to laugh at the ad banners on the forum for Academy Sports advertising they would re-open immediately after a win. Guess that means less overtime for the workers, or maybe some folks happy to be able to go home (or not get called in). Oh well...coming up....Giants v. Tigers....OH MY!!!!
  10. Methinks I need to take the canoe out on the water at the park and throw some crappie lures. I drove around it today and noticed that most of the lilly pads were gone. It might also be a good time to fly rod some poppers out there.
  11. That's why I say to check out that loader I posted the link to. It works great. It cost me about $20 to build, doesn't mark up the car, and is perfect for solo loading.
  12. My Old Town Pack is one of the best things I ever bought...
  13. Funny I never would have picked up that pattern. I probably would have opted for something gold or a muted brown type. darn cannibals!
  14. What did you catch them on?
  15. I had wondered about the treble hook part. I'd seen a kid using a baitcaster with a 1/2oz stick bait a few weeks back. He was taking a few on that walk the dog action. Some guy told him it illegal and I admit, I wasn't too sure about it myself.
  16. I've used foam before without a problem. Also, I cribbed a loader system from another forum that made it easy. Here' a link: http://www.texaskayakfisherman.com/forum/viewtopic.php?&t=103508
  17. What body of water? And what were you catching them on?
  18. I straighten them. I just got the feeling that most leaders are longer than I need for the places I am fishing.
  19. If anyone has any doubt what Mitt Romney's America is going to look like, take a look at two pieces of news today: Darden Corp is experiementing with making all hourly employees part time so that they wouldn't have to offer health care and comply with portions of Obamacare: Big business making the rules and you just try and fight back..... One of Romney's senior advisors told some his supposed supporter's that some of Romney's decisions are going to offend them. If that's how he treat's people he's seeking support from, imagine how he'll treat the people he doesn't care about (e.g. the other 47% of the nation)......
  20. Just as I thought....LOL. So all that darn book-learnin' about leaders, twice the depth, etc...ain't helped me a bit with this fishing,
  21. Belize was on the list of country's with happiest population. The Scandinavian countries rank highly also. And they have a great heavy metal scene, LOL.
  22. I'd love to know who uses commercial leaders, who makes their own, and who just wings it? Me, I've pretty much given up on 9 or 7.5 foot commercial leaders. I can never get them to completely unfurl, especially on smaller bodies of water where nine feet is the majority of the length of the cast. Also, the longer leaders suck in the wind. Lately, I've just been tying a piece of either 3x, 4x, or 5x (depending on the water) in a 3-4 foot section onto my fly line loop, then tying on a tippet of 6x fluorocarbon. I've tried using 7x tippet, but it's just too thin, or I'm not that gentle. So guys, how do you rig up?
  23. Nice one Wrench!
  24. Unlikely to write a report without pressing charges. That would almost be considered a waste of the police officer's time. Do you know this neighbor's full name? If so, check him through Missouri's Case.net online to see if he has any criminal charges either in the past or pending. It may give you a better idea of who you are dealing with. I'm with RPS on this one. If you find out he has a felony, you may wish to contact the county prosecuting attorney to report a felon in possession of firearms. If that's the case, I would call the U.S. Attorney's office too. As for the berm, I would simply move it. You certainly have the right to move things that are on your property back to his. I know it's more work than you'd want to do, but it is likely the only way you can do it. Also, you may want to look into taking him into small claims court for the property that has already been damaged. I don't know what the value is, but it would likely give you a small judgment against him and he would certainly get the hint at that point. If you take that route, you may wish to consider splitting the difference on any judgment awarded if he'll stop shooting or shoot in the other direction or something. That way, you won't come off as too heavy handed. Remember, the goal is simply to deter his behavior, not necessarily punish him, right? While I also agree with JD regarding the trespass, and possible other violations of the law, remember where you live. In those small counties, it is sometimes difficult to get local law enforcement to take this type of behavior too serious. Especially when they do what you describe (run and hide, then come out when the law leaves). In the worst circumstances, situations like this can take quite a while to resolve. Lastly, I suppose you could get all Hatfield/McCoy on him and just start your own target practice in his direction.
  25. Must be me, but I never noticed any....too busy reading the posts.
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