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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. got on the water about 7 am fishing a rabbit strip sculpin. got 13 rainbows and 1 little lonesome largemouth. got strikes on almost every cast, but as usual hooked a low percentage. going to try to change things up a little next time to raise my hookups. one bad thing was one of my fish was heart hooked and died. always a bummer. quit at 11 to beat the heat. had a big fish run all my slack line out and was just about to get on the reel when the hook came out:( crowds were heavy. tons of wet wading spin fishermen around the outlets.
  2. i didn't put my waders on, just putzed around the boat ramp for a few minutes. got two on a purple leech, one 18" brown. sure enjoyed the chat, Brian. thanks for the attendance prize.
  3. has anybody experienced the crappy night fishing at Taney lately. my last 2 trips have been nearly busts. the only change i can see is heavy fog laying on the lake, but that's never been a problem before. my go to flies have been largely ignored.
  4. when fishing rabbit strip sculpins on Taney my fish to strike ratio is very low. do most of you use a strip set or raise the rod tip? thanks
  5. fishing pal dave tucker and i got on the water about 12:30 thursday morning. the moon was just setting over the dam. we put on white rabbit strip streamers and caught fish until about 3 when they really slowed down. i ended up with 18 rainbows and 2 small browns. no hits on red or black hibernators. darn near froze to death. ran the a/c all the way down and the heater all the way back.
  6. we should all remember this when we buy auto parts.
  7. rabbit strip sculpin fly. sorry for any confusion.
  8. fishing pal Dave Tucker and I got into them Thursday on Taney sculpins. it seems like we got anywhere between 1-3 strikes per cast and we landed 25 fish between us, including a nice 18"er for me.
  9. son Rusty, guide for ROLF, and i floated the river for about 3 hours late Thursday. got 7 stocker browns and 1 rainbow. oh, and a nice chub thrown in for good measure. 2 guide trips had been through the stretch earlier in the day so i felt pretty good about our catch. great father and son trip! river is VERY low, but beautiful as always.
  10. haven't spin fished river smallies for years but i do have a rebel craw. used to use a 1/8 oz strike king brown and orange jig tipped with a #11 uncle josh brown pork frog, and found it fit my water pretty well. anyone still fish that rig anymore?
  11. we were fishing the river sunday and my fishing buddy lost his keys (car and house) we think at wildcat. if anybody found a set please reply. thanks.
  12. F and F, my son is a guide on the North Fork of the White. you'd love his service. he serves homemade chicken and dumplings for a shore lunch. his main theme is education. if he can teach his clients something as well as get them on fish, then he has had a good trip. some clients tip big some not at all; i think if it's their first guided trip they just don't know the etiquette.
  13. what is the elevation of the white river below bull shoals at 0 generation-minimum flow. i'm thinking 451.something.
  14. this site is not working for me anymore. i can't get the real time info to come up anymore. says the site has been moved or some such crap. on Phil's site where generation ought to be there are four rectangles with square icons in them. they do not open up. any help?
  15. when i break a fish off it's usually at the leader/tippet knot. i'm looking to change that. would like some opinions on how to correct the problem. some options: loon knot sense. tippet rings instead of knot. different knot ( i'm using a triple surgeons).
  16. good report Duckster. see you in Oct. have a great summer!
  17. another beautiful day, another spectacular white river trip. fishing pal Dave Tucker and i finally got in the water at the state park at 1pm. by the time they turned the water on at 3 we had 30 fish. we jumped down to wildcat and picked up where we left off. i ended the day with 34 rainbows and 3 15" browns. most fish came on midges. what a fishery!!!
  18. too bad you didn't have some liquid "shine" to wash it down with.
  19. DD, DDSMC and i hit the lake from 10 am to 2 pm tuesday with 0 generation. we caught about 50 fish apiece in that 4 hour stretch between #1 and #3 on white flies. fantastic trip. couple 17"ers
  20. creekin, we were fishing deep, maybe 8 or 9 feet below the indicator, dead drift. no weight except the tungsten bead on the fly. learn to mend your line up to keep from getting drag on your fly. by that i mean flip your line loop upstream when it starts to bow downstream. tom, just an old 16' 1970 rich line v-bottom, with 2007 25 hp yamaha.
  21. fishing pal Dave Tucker and i hit the river yesterday morning full of expectations for a wading trip. whoops. 25 mw projected was actually two units running. luckily we brought my boat which we launched at wildcat. between there and the narrows, we caught fish all day. not great numbers, but several great looking wild browns. the caddis hatch was not to be believed. millions of bugs being eaten by thousands of trout. a true spectacle. copper dun midge was the fly of choice. the fish we caught were fatter than the town dog.
  22. hope you get all fixed up, buddy.
  23. i know this subject has been covered to death, but i suffer froma memory disorder and cannot remember it, but what Megawat hour generation is considered wadeable?
  24. two friends and i hit the river at the campground below the dam between tying sessions at sowbug at low water on Friday and Sat. afternoon. between the 3 of us we caught over 100 trout in the two days. the hot flies were the little white lie and a copper dun midge under an indicator. when they turned the water on Sat. at 4pm, we jumped down to Wildcat and kept catching them. a great couple with a place at wildcat called us up from the river at quitting time and gave us bottled water to drink. we stayed there chatting for an hour, and found out how fine the folks in NW Ark. really are. one of the finest weekends of friendship and fishing i have ever had. i will be sure to buy my Ark. license again this year and enjoy this great fishery. we really wanted to catch a cutthroat or brookie but caught only rainbows and one 18" brown. we came to jokingly refer to the rainbows as "those darn ole trash fish" which could not have been further from the truth of course:) my only issue was cold weather and leaky waders on Friday.
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