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Everything posted by blacknoseddace

  1. When the weather gets hot I like to fly fish for carp. I prefer clear water because I like to sight fish and actually watch the fish inhale the fly. What a thrill! I fished Stockton lake today and saw fish but the water was off color a bit and it was hard to detect a strike. During off color water conditions I tend to pull the fly away from the fish before he takes it. For me, the problem has been if I don't see the fish take the fly, he inhales and expels it without any indication otherwise. Frustrating! These fish don't hold on to that fly long at all. Rarely have I had one of these Carp turn and swim away with the offering in his mouth. I do get quite an adrenaline rush when casting to these wiley critters though. I would appreciate any input some of you might have and also what fly patterns do you like?
  2. Can't get the video to work...love to see it.
  3. I tied some for South Florida in February to look similar to golden shiners and they worked like a charm. We caught big bluegills on them too. You're right Gavin, anything that eats baitfish.
  4. If I put enough weight. The one In the picture rides on it's side a bit, but the Bass are jumping on it, It looks crippled I guess. I like weight also because I'm fishing out from the bank up to 6 or 8 foot depth on my floating line. If the fly sinks quickly to 3 or 4 foot that's where I want it. Pretty much the same way I like to fish a spinnerbait on conventional gear, regarding depth on Stockton Lake. If I stop it and let it sink after several strips I get a lot of hits that way. Sorry, got off the subject a bit. Yeah, more weight turns the fly over.
  5. D if I'm stepping on him he's 3 feet long. Funny guy. ?
  6. Just wanted to share a Puglisi fly, known to many, that I love fishing for Ozarks Bass. I tie a lot of these patterns to imitate Gizzard Shad. My favorite color variations are chartreuse over white and gray or olive over white. I use Gamagatsu Stinger hooks in size 1 to 2/0. I weight the body with lead wraps (about 10) and tie it upside down because of the weight. There are a lot of great flies out there for Bass, but I really like this one. I've been fishing Puglisi's for over 10 years.
  7. She was all for it. It's on her Facebook page. I know what you mean though. Lol!
  8. http://www.aafp.org/afp/2001/0601/p2231.html fish hook removal. I'm sure many of you know this, but for those that don't
  9. Fished a long, long time without grippers or incident, not smart, but that is now changed. I don't want to go through that again. It could have been much worse. Every fisherman owes it to his or herself to learn how to remove a hook using fishing line. That's the second time I've tried it. The first time was on the Sac River 25 years ago when my friend hooked his ear casting with a fly rod. The hook was small and it was in the cartilage so I couldn't get it to work that time. He had the doc do it for $125.
  10. I've never heard of anything like that. I hope you are healing and feeling better. Our prayers are with you.
  11. Sorry, didn't understand the last part. Went over my head.
  12. Wife and I went out for a little while this morning before it got too toasty. She's been fishing with me for 11 years with the worst damage being a bruised ego, until today. She was fishing a spook when I heard the familiar Kawoosh!!!! She hooked a dandy and brought it boat side and lifted it in. I was ready with camera and told her to hold it up so I could take a photo. She held it up by the line about a foot above the fish and he freaked out shaking head and implanting a nasty spook hook into the heel of her hand. First, I gently but quickly lipped the 15 plus inch bassand carefully, with difficulty, removed the other hook from the fish. The hook was buried and awkward to deal with because of the dangling spook. Next plan, got out the split-ring pliers and carefully removed the invasive treble hook. Next, took a piece of mono and looped around the hook bend, pushed down on the eye and plopped it out clean, after the third try. She was a trooper and insisted I put the hook back on the Spook and retie and she started fishing again. That's what top water fishing can do to you. Exciting stuff! Didn't stay long...too hot and the crazy people were showing up. The courtesy dock had a different name today at take out and It was like TSA, only not as friendly.
  13. Thanks for the very useful info on the spoon. Haven't tried that in quite a while...need to keep my options open.
  14. Awsome report!!!
  15. Take care of yourself Jason, hope you heal quickly... the fish will be waiting for you.
  16. Dan, I've had the same experience as you with trolling this year. I've caught a few, but not as good as last year yet. I trolled some on Sunday afternoon too. Did hook one decent feeling fish and it got off about half way in. By the way it was fighting, it might have been a white bass.
  17. Your grandfather was a wise man. Words to live by. We can all learn from that.
  18. Do any of you guys have a link that would show all of the Stoctkon Lake fishing tournaments for the year? Last year I had the info, can't find it this year. Thanks for any help on the matter.
  19. Forced myself to leave it at home. Lol!
  20. Went today and there was a decent bite pretty much all day. Nothing big, just lots of steady action. Caught bass on Ned Rig green pumpkin and pb&j, football jig in green pumpkin with craw trailer, spinnerbait white and chartreuse, and bomber model a crankbait. Caught walleye on green pumpkin Ned rig and bomber model a crankbait. Caught crappie on modal a bomber trolling. Bass were caught in 2 to 18 ft depth.walleye caught in 8 to 16 ft depth. Focused on bass most of the day. Lost one nice fish on spinnerbait. Brought home two 17 inch walleyes and three 12 inch crappie. Water temperature ranged from 63 to 66. When the wind layed down the bite slowed but there was enough most of the day on some banks to help the fishing. All fishing was done on east and west side of the lake near the dam.
  21. What a great report! That just make want to get out there real soon. Great looking Crappie!
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