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Everything posted by OkobojiEagle

  1. He was the gentleman that tied bucktail, marabou/rabbit zonker jigs commonly known as Phil's jigs. There are anglers that have frequented this site that have known him and tied his patterns. He lived in Stockton, MO. oe
  2. It's been several years since I last called Phil Schafer. Today all of my efforts to contact Phil failed. Can anyone frequenting this site give me up-dated contact information, or has Phil reached the point in his life of being "un-contactable"... I wanted to give him some information he would want to know about. Thanks. oe
  3. buckcreekmike... sfttackle.com near bottom of jighead page oe
  4. Spirit Lake, Iowa is home to Berkley baits. oe
  5. An area of the shoreline-to-bottom slope that is considerably more level than the slope surrounding it. I think interpretation can be quite dependant upon the topography you are used to fishing. I think you could alow a flat to be part of a point. I wouldn't think depth would be a factor in defining a flat as long as you didn't include the lake or river bottom. I also would not require it to be perfectly horizontal or barren of structual anomolies. I think you could find flats on large mid-lake humps as well which my definition doesn't do a good job of including. Mr. Webster I'm not. oe
  6. Population is THE root cause. It is posible to reverse the trend but it will take many generations and except for a very short duration in the 70's we aren't even talking about it! eo
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