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Bill P

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Bill P

  1. I have a feeling that the economy is only partially responsible. I'm more inclined to believe it's moral decay and substance dependency.
  2. I dig the blue claws. Gotta pull out my airbrush and do a few like that.
  3. Some fail to realize that GPS is not radar. It don't tell ya where 'they' are.... Don't most tournaments delay their starts because of fog?
  4. At @ $25 a copy, poor customer service would keep me from wasting my $$ on megabass. For that kind of money,they ought to hand deliver a replacement! If there are problems with their baits,AND poor customer service,who's gonna keep buying them? I would like to hear follow-up on any megabass customer service. Spro has replaced 4 or 5 baits for me,and sent a few freebies. I believe they've corrected a problem in their baits,and that's why I had to wait for the 'new' ones last time I had one replaced. They're customer service is so great,it makes me WANT to buy more.
  5. Contact info......... http://www.megabassusa.com/Contact%20Us.htm
  6. Check their website,and 'contact' number. McSticks are replaced when sent back. They might replace em too.
  7. That's one reason I like our club's(TableRock Bassmasters)catch,measure,record and release method. It's pretty much a fair method,and I'm pretty sure it's better for the fish.....especially in the hot months. JMO.
  8. Mine now lives on the bottom at Lake Ouachita! The Skeeter ZX-190 is limited in space,and the last one had an octagonal extending handle(sections fit inside each other) and probable opened to 5 feet or so. Cannot find one that looks the same. Don't remember the brand. I would appreciate suggestions.
  9. Sizes,brands and colors? How bout hook swaps also. Thanks.
  10. My pleasure. We took out the Purple Heart Vets Friday. My vet never fished before! Had a dozen fish,a couple keepers,and he was even able to boat several smallies. A great day for all. Been fishing pegged Texas rigged finesse worms similar. 1/8 bullet pegged about an inch from bait. Powder painted the weights w'melon/gr pumpkin. I think the silver weight was spooking a few fish?
  11. Joe, what size tube,and how did you rig it? Bill P. (The FDR guy....)
  12. What part of Chicago you comin from? There's quite a few of us Chicago guys down here......
  13. Spoke to Syd about it,and he sounded totally sincere. Said he believes the water is getting in thru the nose. I think he believes the problem is fixed,and the improved baits are coming. I think I'll do a super glue thing on em. At least they replace them, $15 baits SHOULD be replaced.
  14. Muddy there yesterday,like coffee with cream. Caught 6 from @ 10:00 to 11:30, then nuthin.....4 keeps w/a 3-1/4 lb SM on a watermelon wart. Two each on grub(smoke/red),wart,and McStick(TR shad). Found out I had a leaking McStick. Called them and they said 'return it and we'll replace it'. Nice people there.
  15. Why not do a catch,measure and release? Use a length/weight chart. Fish could be measured,recorded and released at boat,or measured and released at 'weigh-in'. No scale would be necessary. It might not be as precise as weighing,given thick vs. thin fish,but it would be fair. If it's a 'small' event,it wouldn't take long. You just need a calculator,weight/length chart, and a 'golden rule'.
  16. That's where we started...... We might as well just all fish naked. Easy to see,and I guarantee you won't be bothered.
  17. I don't have that much,really. A few feet on a couple different rolls of vinyl tape/ribbon used on property markers, construction stuff. It's cheap,and available at Lowes,Home depot,etc. I'll use the orange. If it wears out,it's cheap to replace. If you know a construction worker,you can probably bum a few feet from them.
  18. I'll put a bright plastic ribbon(orange or pink)on my trolling motor,and see who it attracts......
  19. Have fished similar tournaments,where you put a ribbon on the trolling motor,and verify catch then release. I won't wear a yellow hat,or clothes. Attracts the bugs...big time. Any colored ribbon should work. I've got rolls of orange.
  20. That's exactly why I haven't 'picked-up' the Cara. I KNOW what'll happen...... Looked at the Cara jerkbait rod. Sweet. I realized I have several quality rods that can do the job well,and I'm gonna hold off for now. An older American Made Quantum Tour TC665F, and an AllStar 806W IM10 6'8". The Allstar has been my Super Fluke rod for 5 yrs or more,but is quite versatile. Hadn't used the Quantum rod for at least 5 years,and when I put a new Ardent reel on it,and threw a McStick.....I realized how fine it really is.
  21. The Eakin's jig rod.... http://falconrods.com/index.php/rods-reels/rods/lowrider/lowrider-casting/lowrider-12.html ....seems pretty versatile,too. I love mine,and plan on getting another. I'm sure that Cara is an excellent rod,tho.
  22. I used to use the 7' med Lowrider. I get more distance with the 7-6
  23. I use a Falcon Low rider LFC 4 176. 'Medium Gulf Caster' Med action 7'6". Great for warts and 'medium' baits. It can handle the DD's,but I don't throw them too often.
  24. Where were they fishing?
  25. I appreciate it,but seeing I couldn't resist,it cost me 50 bucks........Thanks.
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