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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. Just a question for everyone. I have been down a couple of nights over the last few weeks and it seems that it is again just a little bit different than before they last opened the flood gates a few weeks ago. Down from outlet three and the tree there seems to be less gravel bar during low water on the hatchery side of the lake than there used to be with it being replaced with some knee deep still water. I just know I was not able to wade as far down river as in the past without getting too deep. Has anyone else noticed any difference?
  2. You're all good. I don't have any issues waiting for a bit. I am sure that they will more than make up for a few days wait.
  3. Jason's flies came in later last night. Today Dylan, Mike, and Geoff's flies showed up. Getting real close now and I'll get them out as soon as I can.
  4. Ruthead and Jason's flies showed up today. Getting close.
  5. I haven't fished it but it doesn't seem to get quite the attention that Fellows and Pomme do for musky. Could be a good thing or a bad thing.
  6. Troutdoorsman's flies are in. I should be receiving everyone's soon from the sounds of it.
  7. Those are pretty cool. I'll actually have to take a look at that. It looks like it would hang on a lanyard as easy as spools of actual tippet.
  8. Wrench is right on. Really with your tippet spools your paying for the consistency and the handiness. I build most of my leaders and tippet and use bulk spools of mono, but Sometimes it is a bit of a pain to carry around a spool of whatever I want to use for my tippet size.
  9. Trigg's flies showed up today. Great group of flies.
  10. I think Warsaw it is. Got stung by one that was in my shoe down at the lake a while back and we have seen a bunch a small ones that are almost clear. Take a black light to a room sometime down there and they will glow. I bet you see more of them then you think..
  11. Saw a few out at Bois D'arc but didn't get any shots. Weather had us out of the field around 930. Awesome photos.
  12. It was pretty good last night as Well. Six of us were down there but the fog was tough. Couldn't hardly see three or four feet so it madequate finding good water tough. Three of the five were catching them on small jerkbaits, pine squirrel peaches were working as Well.
  13. Stud.
  14. IF possible, lets try and meet the deadline gents. One week from today and hopefully we can all be fishing these flies the following weekend.
  15. I disagree with the hammer swing comment, but agree with everything else. There is a reason that casting instructors forever have had people hold something to their body with their elbow, it works. However I'm not a proponent of that and self taught, my elbow was dancing all over the place when I learned to cast. The single thing that helped me the most was that I could let my elbow travel forward and backward, but never change elevation. Think of your elbow as if it was on a shelf. It can move forward and backward but can't drop below the shelf. Anytime you drop your elbow you slow down your fly line which is pretty much the opposite of what you want to do.
  16. I have No boat knowledge to add, but if you do want to use a fly rod in it get a stripping basket. Not the kind that sits on your waist. A kitchen trash can works just fine and works as "storage" when your not stripping line into it. Hot gluing some stiff weed eater cord into the bottom will help prevent line tangles.
  17. I'm not going to cheat everyone and will try to sort it out all that if together send nine you get nine. If you send twelve you get twelve. I only say nine Because other than yourself there are only nine other tyers. You'll be getting duplicates if so.
  18. The only issue I've had with putting ostrich in a loop is I can never get it super clean where I tie it off, but with practice I'm sure it would work. However that would be cutting a ton of fibers off to put in the loop.
  19. Oh, a fly rod can cover a lot of water, just not at the sheer speed of a guy through lipless cranks or spinner baits. They never stop running the trolling motor. Maybe it is just me though but I have tried it, and I was having to cast as far ahead of where we were going as away from the boat just sothat I wouldn't be dragging fly line half way into my retrieve.
  20. well... looks like if I ever tie these up I'll be taking a swim if I snag one.
  21. This. This is cool. How many flies can you get from a plume up front?
  22. The only close call with a CM came a few years back. Some friends and I were fishing the current and were pulling up to tie the bow of the little jon to the base of a rootwad sticking out of the water in the middle of the river so we could fish the area. I had reached in and grabbed a piece of root and looked in to see that mouth wide open just a couple inches from my hand. I think I jumped the length of the boat all the way to the back.
  23. You can, but with only ten people 9 total should do the trick.
  24. No kidding. It's a freaking fly rod Senko. Anyone could literally "make" these. Why anyone would drop $15 on a dozen of those turds needs to re-think some life priorities... However if you look at the ads pictures, some SERIOUS Gill raping going in. For reak, I love fly fishing but that just pisses me off. Was that one guy nymphing with one of these with at 8wt.?
  25. From my understand, and not being an expert in theory the rods under eight feet are allowed in some tournaments but even them some tours fly not allow fly fishing. The original idea wasn't to rule out fly fishing but to keep guys from flipping with really long fly rods with a casting or spinning reEl on them instead. Though even if it is allowed it'd be hard to really covered enough water tl be practical in a tournament. But with the nature of flies and fly fishing some of those guys could probably clean up during the spawn in shallow water.
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