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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. Just curious, would everyone want to tie two different patterns?
  2. Oh I guess so. Put me down boss.
  3. Oh I guess so. Put me down boss.
  4. Just saw this, i'll play and can make the deadline if you'll have me. Let me know. Undecided on pattern yet.
  5. It doesn't get much better than this!!!
  6. I'm big on my peak, it's a rock solid vice.
  7. I bought 5 on wednesday... and have one of the 8's headed my way on Christmas morning. I casted the five last night and it's a spiffy little rod for the price.
  8. Plateau Fly shop in springfield. It's on campbell road. Checkout the taneycomo section and you can read all about the shop.
  9. No, I like Hunts High water sculpin, there is a sbs in the past here in the tying forum. Look at BWise's videos.. some of those flies could be construed as sculpins. Are you wanting big sculpins or small ones... kinda makes a difference on the pattern. I caught a couple of fish on a meal ticket this summer that was reddish/brown and olive and it could have maybe looked like a sculpin.
  10. google it. There are a whole lot of them out there, plus some good videos.
  11. YEAH, that's where I went! For real though, Cigarrettes are not a necessity, they are a commodity and in my decision the tax hike should have passed. Having my undergrad in Exercise Science, I know how much better quality of life a person can live if they live an active, smoke free lifestyle.. Literally NOTHING good comes out of smoking nothing at all. Also, regarding the soda ban? I know the Childrens Mercy up in KCMO just banned soda in the hospital.. interesting stuff and I hope it spreads, I drink some soda, I know I shouldn't but I wouldn't mind it being banned all over the campus down here.
  12. I also forgot to mention. When I was in there the owner said they were thinking about renting out rods for people who wanted to try fly fishing, and should they want to buy it they will credit the rent price to the purchase of the rod if they choose to. I think this is absolutely awesome, and may help get more people into the sport. Can't say enough good things about them, i need to find something to tie so can go back in there.. I need some hooks now that I think of it.
  13. Now that's a pig!
  14. I went in this afternoon to get some stuff to tie a couple of wiggle minnows. Awesome store, Awesome owners, I stayed in and just chatted for a bit and couldn't be happier with how the store is looking, the selection, or the customer service. And they have CCG which I have seriously considered getting, and may just have to take the plunge now. They told me that they could put orders in for stuff if they didn't have what you were after too!
  15. Try a longer sink tip than four feet. More of the line getting down might pull it down better than the four feet you were throwing.
  16. This. I like this very much. While I liked the relaxed atmosphere of BCO there was literally nothing to choose from.
  17. I just can't get over how absolutely clear that water is, Fantastic!
  18. Kinda what I was thinking, then again there may have just been some fibers floating around in the air? Just finished watching it on facebook and that is wicked cool man, wicked cool. You think the CCG is a worthy investment? I have been decideing whether to try some out or not... I also heard they were working on a formula for rod builders to eliminate rod wraps which i think would be pretty cool.. but that could just be hearsay.
  19. I've thrown dylan and jason's, may go hit up taney tonight though and give them another shot.
  20. I haven't heard or read anything that would indicate that that was a new rule.
  21. I fished a few of the flies on thursday night. Unfortunately swpa decided to run water all night on thursday when they said they were going to shut it down. Dylans is awesome looking in the water, until I bounced it off of a rock and bent the propeller. Thankfully I was able to straighten it. Jason's fly drew a pretty good strike but I missed the hookset, right towards the end of the swing. I didn't fish anyone elses flies, but they are there just waiting for a chance to hit the water.
  22. I think that I'll be fishing on thursday night, I definitely am going to catch some fish on these flies. It's nice being in a swap where everyone doesn't put out the exact same fly. Everyones was not radically, but pretty different and has it's own application.
  23. They shut off real bad for me this summer too, I had a few eats but was tying to actually hook them, to no avail. Come august, there weren't even that many gulping air where I fish for them.
  24. My pleasure hosting everyone. It made for a real cool kitchen table with all of these sitting on it!
  25. Good to know people are starting to get them! Can someone post pictures of the flies by chance so non-swap members can see the skinny on this thing?
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