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Everything posted by TArcher

  1. Well the 5wt stuff is spoken for. I have the TFO 7wt Pro series rod and the Ross Flyrise 3 reel lined with 7wt Cortland Classic. I'm willing to entertain any reasonable offer
  2. I'm so sorry. I can't believe I didnt post that! The TFO is a 7wt and the Ross is a 5wt
  3. I bought all this equipment new last year and only used it a few times. I love fly fishing but I unfortunately cant ever find time to go anymore. I hate to see this good equipment go to waste. Ross Evolution LT2 flyreel copper color and strung with 5wt Master Series Trout $225 Ross Flyrise 3 flyreel black and strung with 7wt Cortland Classic Classic- $100 Ross Essence FS 4 piece, 9 ft flyrod with Ross hard case protector- $90 TFO Professional Series 4 piece, 9ft flyrod with TFO hard case protector- $120 All the equipment is in great shape like I said. Everything listed above cost me around $800 new. If someone is interested in buying everything together I would make them a package price of $485. If interested you can text anytime or if calling try and call afted 7 pm. I can also text or email pics also if you would like. Thanks. (620) 222-2137
  4. Where is the pic i took of Brandon with the big bow? I think the pic turned out good. I can say that the fish looked bigger in person than the links you posted. Probably from you being a big guy like you said
  5. Would you mind posting a pic of tbose? I'm just curious what they look like. Thanks
  6. Brandon will have to post a pic or Centerpunch 2. I think i was a pretty good camera man.
  7. Well i was a little off shore but i thought i overheard them say 12 1/2 lbs. But i'm not completly sure. They weighed it out of the net. I know the fish didnt put up much of a fight and after they turned it loose they watched it and i dont think it was swimming so he tried to wade in to help revive it. Then i heard him say ''its swimming''.
  8. I was the guy that helped Brandon take a pic this morning of his rainbow. I was in shock cuz that fish was a pig, lol. Congrats guys on some nice fish. By the way it wasnt 20 minutes later an older gentlmen caught the same rainbow Brandon pulled out of the same spot. I told the guy to be careful because that fish was caught a few minutes ago. They drug it out for pics, weighed it. I dont think it was doing to great after it was released. That fish needs to go hide somewhere else.
  9. I know what you mean. I don't see it often enough but every fall when I go out bowhunting whitetail in the morning I get to experience a miracle that many never see. When I walk the the deer stand the only sound is the crunching of leaves and grass under my feet and a coyote howling in the distance. Once I get settled in my stand I wait for light. During this wait I hear all the critters of the night below me on the ground. I look up at the stars and see numerous shooting stars every fall. If the moon is right and while looking at the stars I can see ducks silouettes against the dark sky while they fly looking for the pond of the day. What happens next is truly amazing. When the sun finally peaks over the horizon. Its like a switch gets flipped on. The birds start chirpping, turkeys fly down from their roost and start gobbling and I get to see the same squirrels day after day do their same daily routine which sometimes involves coming and visiting me in the stand every morning, lol. Its an amazing sight and experience I think more people should experience. Alot of people think all hunting is shooting animals. I can go hunting and not see a deer from the stand but still experience and see alot most people don't. It is so much more than hunting for me, its getting to experience Gods work.
  10. Im working on a hook up pattern. Still trying to get it dialed in where it rides right. Until then i'm gonna be hook down. I'm sure it will happen eventually but i havent lost a little sculpin like this yet.
  11. If your targeting bass and wanting a good buzz bait pick up a 3/8 oz. War Eagle buzz bait with black skirt and gold blade. They have a distinct sound. Bass hear around home tear these things up! But yes use dark colors at night, blacks, purples, etc.
  12. I see the past couple of days the flows have been down alot. Are things starting to settle down and allow for some wading on the White.
  13. I know long fights is hard on the fish right now so I understand to land them quickly and release quickly also. Do you have any tips when catching & releasing this time of year when the DO levels are lower? I want to try my hardest to not kill any fish.
  14. Well I have a hectic rotating schedule of day & nights and every 3-4 weeks I get a time that if I take 16 hours of vacation time I end up having 6 days off in a row Thursday-Tuesday. So for me its basically a 6 day weekend, lol.
  15. Oh geez, I hope its not terribly busy. I'm going the 12th-17th also.
  16. Go get em' Leonard! Glad they made it
  17. Thanks. I used this pattern night fishing Taneycomo a few weeks ago and caught quite a few rainbows with it. I need to get more tied up before my 6 day trip down over there next weekend
  18. I also bought one of these rods. I bought the Ross FS series 5wt. The guy at the fly shop told me that they were suprisingly a good rod and compare to rods costing much more. I decided to give it a try. Although my casting experience is limited I find this rod casts very well when compared to others. I had a custom RDP rod built in a 5wt also (which is a beautiful rod) and the Ross is definately a lighter blank and the Ross can give me more distance with the same line. Ross advertises on the website that their rods carry a lifetime warranty but some have told me that the rods are made by Ross Worldwide and only give the rod a 1 year warranty and Ross USA (reels) gives a lifetime warranty. I don't know what to believe. But yes I agree with you that they are a good little rod. I have often thought about getting a Ross FS 7wt to compare to my 7wt TFO Pro series just for comparison. Ross does a strength test on youtube of their fly rods and its pretty impressive to see how much pressure is needed to break on of their blanks.
  19. Well thanks to my brother-in-laws trip to Branson this weekend he was able to pick up the material I needed to finish tying on 6 heads on the articulated sculpin pattern I tied. Of couse the batch colors couldn't have been the same so 1/2 of them have a slightly different color head on them but I think no matter what the color the head this will be a pattern that moves water and will be hard for fish to resist. HERE THEY ARE!!! The articulated "GUTTERSNIPE SCULPIN" Recipe: Thread: UTC 210 ultra thread (olive) Back hook: Dai-Riki 700 #4 steamer hook (1x strong 4x long) Under body: UV Polar chenille-Gold Overbody 1: Tiger barred Magnum rabbit strips (Olive/Black over Light olive) Overbody 2: Spirit River Mottlebou Brown Articulation Point: 25 lb. Mason Hard mono & Bronze colored glass bead (I slightly etched the mono at tying point and Zap-a-Gap'd it for better holding power) Front hook: Dai-Riki 700 #4 (same as back hook) Underbody: UV Polar chenille-Gold Overbody 1: Tiger Barred Magnum rabbit strips (Olive/Black over Light olive) Pec Fins: Tiger barred Magnum rabbit strips (Olive/Black over Light olive) Collar: Olive Arctic Fox body Eyes: Medium yellow lead eyes Head: Senyos Laser dubbing in Sculpin Olive and Minnow belly Detailed tying instructions can be found at the link on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNFzcw0vxSI and part 2 at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtE-WVfqL6U Every articulation point is wrapped tight and heavily with thread and Zap-a-gap'd and every tie off point is double whip finished and Zap-a-gap'd to insure a strong hold and a strong fly/streamer. I'm sending these out in the morning Leonard. You should see them on Wednesday. I hope everyone like the pattern I chose to tie.
  20. Sounds like you both had a great time. Waterfowl hunting is so much fun. GREAT pics also! Her smile says it all.
  21. LOL! But call it "Winner winner chicken dinner!!!" I can't imagine hooking that beast on Taney. I landed a 35 lb flathead before and it was a work out with 14 lb test. A few months ago I thought I saw a catfish at the stump by rebar. I just shrugged it off and thought I was just seeing things, lol
  22. MY GOODNESS! Those are some nice fish! Congrats on the awesome catch. You would think fish of that size would have wanted more a meal than a size 16 scud, lol. But I guess a bunch of scuds would make a meal. Just curious where you caught the fish. The background looks like it might be in front of the cable.....but not sure. My brother-in-law hooked one night fishing a while back down from cable a little and we never got the fish in. Once it was hooked it just kept taking line and finally came off.
  23. At times I wish I had a Prius, lol. I would definately get down there more to fish if I had a Prius to drive. Instead I come about once a month and send money out the tailpipe of my Tahoe for a 4 hour drive one way. I plan on being down there on Oct. 13th-18th to put in some serious fishing time
  24. Well I'm a little ticked off! I just found out that the material I ordered Monday morning just got shipped today after they said they would get it out ASAP. Uggggghhhhh!!! So I have 5 streamers that I am in need of material for. I figured I would have my material by today and get the flies sent out Saturday morning. The earliest I could have my material is Monday morning now......................hmmmmm? Even if I got my flies sent out Monday morning I'm not sure they would arrive by Oct. 5th. I bet they would for sure be there by Oct. 6th.
  25. That's a bad deal! Just curious how long do the DO levels stay down usually?
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