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Everything posted by RogerH

  1. I've canoed and rafted Upper and Lower Richland many times and pretty sure that one can paddle it with appropriate gear and skills without a level considered "flood stage." Gauge is at Witt Springs but the runs are upstream. A level of 4.0' is considered ideal for kayakers and open-boaters. Higher levels let some of the boaters to run oar/paddle rafts down the upper section. Can be run as low as 3.0' on the gauge or as high as 5.0. Or higher!! Best fishing begins below the take-out for the lower section which is considered Flatrock. Pretty sure most of this will be wade fishing. There is a road that parallels the creek but there is low-water crossing below Flatrock that may or may not be passable due to levels. Theoretically, you can drive the length of the stream if you have the appropriate vehicle.
  2. Yeah, there are some cottonmouths down on Lower Richland. Same can be said for any Ozark creek in Arkansas during the summer.
  3. Best fishing is from Flat Rock down to its confluence with the Buffalo River at Woolum. Good option in summer is to go to Woolum, park the vehicle, and hike up the creek. Cross the Buffalo and follow the "roads" across the fields until you can get access the creek through the treeline that grows next to the stream. Was in there a couple of years ago and came across a herd of about 75-100 elk in the field that eventually grouped and stampeded back away from me toward the fields that were upstream. Even on the lower end, terrain can be tough due to trees and brush. One can work their way back up the creek quite a bit but be prepared for some effort. It is worth it.
  4. Go to Yakima or Thule websites. Follow the instructions. And you might find a system for about 300-350 dollars depending. Best carrying system for your investment. Foam blocks are not reliable since you still have to tie off the boat to something. Most factory racks are not designed for racking a boat or driving long distances at the speed limit.
  5. I have my best luck shopping at the local outdoor sporting stores (guns, archery, fishing, etc.) that I pass on the way to various destinations. Nothing like buying locally to keep our neighbors in business. Or not. Your call.
  6. Don't mess around when you get the canoe. 15-16' Royalex (something styled on the Buffalo model knock-off of the Bluehole OCA model) with its flat bottom. You can solo fish standing up, you can move the boat upstream against most currents and even make attainments, you can camp out of it, you can fish tandem out of it and a whole lot more. Find used models at most Ozark outfitters or buy a new one from the Gordon's in Jasper, AR. I managed to get it down from Kelly's to Yellville at really low water on an overniter. And I took it from George's down to Kelly's the next day unloaded with minimal dragging or getting out. Yeah, it will blow around in the wind, but that's just part of life!!!
  7. Knowing that smallmouth take so long to mature to a reasonable size and the fact that I rarely catch a legal keeper, I practice catch and release. I've foul-hooked and released some below limit size that I knew would not make it. Food for the chain is all I can claim.
  8. Looking back at my summer of discovery for smallmouth pursuits, this summer/fall I drove to Crooked Creek four times where I put in three two-day trips and one three-day play. Hit Big Creek at Carver and portions of the Buffalo for two days. Got a day on the North Fork of the Sylamore. One day on the Strawberry. A day on Lower Richland Creek with an over-nighter on the Buffalo River from Woolum down to Baker's Ford done in two days. Tagged a couple of casts on drives at the Big Creek that flows into the lower Buffalo as well as the Kings River on a trip to Rogers. I live near Heber Springs, Ar so the majority of these drives are within three hours. Guess I'm just lucky!
  9. "What a stud. That guy is kayaking UP that waterfall." David U Now that's a good one!! Yeah, his "approach" left something to be desired in the way of "end" results!! I think a beatdown ensued!!!
  10. The "mountains" in North Alabama are the southernmost tip of the Appalachian Mountains. I have talked with some Bama fishermen (on the Buffalo National River) about the excellent smallmouth fishing in the state. As for your pic, that looks like some of the milder whitewater that one can find in Alabama!!! This is Little River Falls on Highway 35!! http://www.alabamawhitewater.com/
  11. Schweeeet!
  12. Flyrod guy, that is Upset Rapid on the Colorado River in the canyon. Funny thing about that rapid is at our level that day (Summer 2010), a boat could punch the wavehole. My angle almost cost me big time. Like I said, waves and holes are funny creatures!
  13. So many Henny Youngmans we have in the forum!!! Lots of good ideas given. My suggestion with no funnies is examine your budget for this and how often you will use the equipment and let this be your guide to your purchase. You want comfort w/o extra cost. Start with this for your sleeping arrangements: My link II think this replaces the product that I bought. Quality product and relatively low price. They will work on most gravel bars oon the streams you will be on, I think. Works on big Western rivers! Next, in or under your sleeping protection (tent or fly), place the two together spreading a blanket or comforter over it and tucking in excess. Then using a set of full-size sheets (I think), make the bed. Add a light comforter and couple of pillows and you got your bed. Can change the sheets (think fleece or flannel during the cool/cold months) and add down comforter to help with lower temps if you get into them.
  14. Al, keeper hydraulics are strange creatures. Some will flip and spit out the craft and occupants while others will hold the same for what seems an eternity. It's all dependent on the water volume and the way the drop is constructed by Mother Nature (and her sister, River Goddess)! Make sure you learn from the experience. My takeaway from this is to always wear that PFD on Western rivers since they tend to be high volume and cold! Now here's one for the wall!
  15. Re: Otters and their presence in our streams and ecosystems where they were indigneous What are you going to do about these badboys? C'mon, folks, this is their world as well as ours. Just saying!
  16. Just one question here if I may as a first-time poster? I take it that all of you paddle on the same side, right? Left? No? Yes? Or you do what they call the Minnesota switch, right? Some of you might be interested in signing up for the recreational school of paddling that is conducted on the Spring River in May of each year by the Arkansas Canoe Club. Canoes and kayaks of all types are welcome as the idea is to help the paddler learn to be a more effective paddler in their boat of choice. If you happen to see a guy paddling a short purple WW boat or a long red one at low water headed upstream on the Buffalo, Strawberry, Crooked, etc., it will be me. And being a once-certified ACA instructor, I would be more than happen to give any free advice that you might want if you ask! Just remember, it's worth what you paid for it! As for landing the craft on a gravel bar, best bet is to land it at the bottom of the bar by turning the bow upstream at a slight angle to the landing zone and paddle upstream maintaining the angle and bring the boat in gently where you are parallel to the bank. My $.02 Have a good fishing day!
  17. Been dabbling at fishing for smallies for years. Went on a real wade trip on a Buffalo tributary with my guide (paddling bud) and had the day of my life! Fished the Buffalo, Crooked, Strawberry, Kings, and a couple of others through my years. Will be usually lurking for info on lures and locations (general). Did I say that I am strictly catch-and-release? If not, that's my game. Conservation and preservation of natural resources is political.
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