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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. Gavin


    Talked to a Agent Nichols on the Upper Current last Thursday afternoon and he said there is a very high concentration of otters on the river and that trappers had been working the area. Couldnt tell by me though, camped out on the river for 4 days, saw some orange tags on the banks (possible trap locations?), but didnt notice anyone checking traps. Cheers.
  2. The Granger sounds like its parts from two different rods, but it might be worth something depending on its length, model, and condition. Your best bet is to post some pictures and ask the folks over at the Classic Fly Rod Forum. Read the "Before you ask for an appraisal" post in the appraisal and identification section first. Cheers. http://pub180.ezboard.com/bclarksclassicflyrodforum
  3. 1.1 is about as low as it gets, I've floated it 1.1 a few times but be prepared to drag a lot. If you dont want to drag, start at Welch & go downstream. Cheers.
  4. Norman Oklahoma? There was a dude in my squadron from there, his name was Joe Marshall and he got in around 83 or 84.. Spent the first two years going to school, then spent the rest of my tour at El Toro, were I did a Westpac on the USS Ranger with VMA-121 (A-6 Medium Bomber Squadron), and a tour in the first Gulf war with VMFA-314 (FA-18 Squadron). I've never been too the Military.com forums, but I'll have to check them out. Thanks.
  5. Oooray Devil Dog! Guess by your tag line you spent some time in the Corps. Did a stretch from 86-92 myself. Dont know if its any help, but a friend Greg from Illinois was trying to sell one for a buddy of his awhile back. I dont know if its still for sale. His friend built it and it has a trailer. I dont remember what he was asking for it, but it was less than $1000 and that included the trailer. The boat is located in Lincoln, Illinois (2hrs from St. Louis). If you are interested you can contact Greg for pics and info at sparkleminnow@insightbb.com Cheers.
  6. There are lots of good options on the Buffalo, Boxley to Ponca can provide a lot of thrills if there is enough water, Ponca to Kyles can be a makes a good day float or a short overnighter, Ponca to Pruitt makes a long overnighter, or an easy 3 day. I've never been below Pruitt, but I'm sure there is a lot of nice water in the 70 or so miles between Pruitt & Rush. Cheers.
  7. Catman, no doubt that some poaching occurs on the Current, but most of those bait jars probably came out of the park. I participated in a stream team cleanup betweem the Montauk and Baptist Camp a few years ago, and most of the trash we found was between the Park Campground & Tan Vat, we hardly found any trash between Tan Vat & Baptist. Cheers.
  8. There are many productive waters. The Meramec & Gasconade drainages are my favs, but I'm not gonna tell you were my favorite stretches are. Smallies are slow growing (12" fish is usually 5 years old) and they arent stocked like trout. If you find a good stretch of water, especially a wadeable creek, please keep it to yourself. Smallie regs are pretty liberal (6 fish over 12" in most places) and you dont want your favorite stretch ruined by meat hogs. Cheers.
  9. The Current comes up pretty quick then drops off fast. Its been bony low for the last 3-4 months (1-1.2 at Akers). That little bump on the graph could only improve the fishing. I find that the wade fishing is comfortable for me above Ashley Creek if the guage at Akers is below 3.0, but wading below Ashley can be a little chalenging. Highest I ever had good fishing was around 4.25 at Akers. A canoe was essential to get from spot to spot and the fly bite was tough, however, the fish were taking crankbaits consistently. Cheers.
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