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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by waterpossum

  1. Congratulations. You add so much to this forum with your videos and reports. Hope to meet you sometime in the future.
  2. The river spawn on Stockton may be non existent this year unless we get some much needed rain.
  3. There are a lot of interesting articles available about the early days of Walleye fishing ( i.e. Jack Salmon) in the Ozarks. The true river strain fish grow to much larger size, but are not as numerous. Most Missouri impoundments over a period of years have been stocked with the lake species of the north , which really limits the potential fish size. The only places I know to target a trophy size fish are below the Powersite dam at Forsythe or some tributaries of Truman Lake from February to around the first of April.
  4. Recently I have been blackening all my crappie. I dip the fillets in melted butter, sprinkle Zatarians blacken seasoning. preheat a cast iron skillet and cook each side about 45 seconds.
  5. Thanks for the report. Some days they just won't cooperate.
  6. The sign is already up at Ruark notifying of the highway H bridge closure Oct 24. My understanding is the start date is later than was first announced. I believe it will be one lane for a couple of weeks, then will be completely closed until after Memorial weekend.
  7. This weekend is the Big Bass Bash at Lake of Ozarks. $100,000 for the big bass of the weekend
  8. No doubt Hammertime they were Otters. We discussed it with a farmer at the convenience store up at the corner thinking we were really on to something. He said his neighbor had trapped one out of Maze creek and the pelt was magnificent. Later that evening we went to eat at Ken's Café over at Arcola (very good) and saw an old friend that has land bordering Greaser Creek and told him of our sighting. He laughed and said they are more common than people think. He has seen them in Greaser.
  9. It was open about a week ago and the lake has not dropped but about 3-4" since then.
  10. Had 18 crappie Thursday after the rain, fishing jigs and minnows in 16-20 ft. of water. Bass fished Friday with two keepers and approx. 15 shorts fishing 7" power worms in 8-12 ft. Fished a small charity bass tournament Saturday. It was pretty miserable with high skies and gusting wind. Left early before weigh in. We threw back two small keepers. I didn't hear the tournament results. Water temp was just 79 degrees Saturday. I did see two otters running the bank just north of the Old State Park ramp. It was my first sighting. After talking with several locals, they say they are getting more numerous around the lake.
  11. I mentioned this in a previous post. There are some good videos of extending launch ramps. They preform a slab on the launch ramp, then with the use of heavy equipment shove it down the existing ramp into the water. It makes perfect sense to do this at the Cedar Ridge ramp. If that ramp is not accessible and they choose not to do any thing about it, the least they could do is open the ramp in the park to the public.
  12. 863.48 USGS Station # 06918990
  13. I watched a video recently about extending a launch ramp. It was pretty simple involving preforming a slab and using heavy equipment to literally slide it off of the existing ramp. When the lake is 3-4' low as it is now the public Cedar Ridge ramp will always be closed.
  14. Do you fish Truman for walleye? I was up at Warsaw a couple of years ago fishing out of Osage Bluff and managed a few.
  15. If you can find a place to park and negotiate the walk, I would recommend some where under one of the main lake bridges this time of year, especially if day fishing . You can stay in the shade during the day with a little wind. Night fishing unless there is good wind can be a nightmare of bugs.
  16. I enjoyed fishing with you Saturday night. I have had several enquires about your schedule on Stockton. Are you a bass club with regular meetings? When and where will you fish next?
  17. Tipping them with 6 night crawlers.
  18. 5fshlmt fishing a 3fshlmt tournament in a 6fshlmt state. Well done. Nice catch.
  19. Yes. My semi monthly donation. Lots of fun though. Good bunch of guys. A lot of good fisherman. Well run tournament. The only worry, usually not mine, which has been well handled so far is fish mortality. Did you see pictures of the recent Grand Lake fiasco?
  20. Arrived at Ruark at 7 pm yesterday eve and did a little bass fishing till 11. Found a wakeboard floating in the middle of Birch Branch. Actually I think its called a knee board. The fishing was ok, nothing great, but the small 14" bass kept me interested. Funny, but that's the least amount of boat traffic I have encountered this summer. Everyone I'm sure were going to the local fireworks displays. The board is in my possession if some body would like to identify it and claim it. I can only guess it must have blown out of a boat because of the location where I found it.
  21. No, but the whites have been busting shad smack dab in the middle of the lake in water 40-80 ft deep.
  22. Stockton State Park Marina
  23. I hope Cole can become normal again. He is newly married isn't he for about one year? Had to print that barb. LOL. Of course none of my partners would verify about me being normal. Got too many rods, too many reels, too many lures, too many gadgets, and too many theories. Only thing I don't need is a weigh in bag.
  24. Since I never catch one big enough to raise that consideration, I could only search and find the four listed in Missouri one of which is there in Springfield. I do know that Texas has the Share a Lunker program and annually a lot of replica mounts are produced. It might be worth your time to check out some reviews associated with that site. And a belated congratulations. In the melee of boat LOADING IN THE DARK I just caught a glimpse. Hope to see you tomorrow. We talked just before take off out on the water. Did Cole have you sign a no competitive clause?
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