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Everything posted by jOrOb

  1. Just got back from the Fork last week and brought back a couple of midge patterns I want to tie. Not too much, just a little extra. I keep a running list on my blackberry and I think I currently need some foam hoppers and bream streamers. For MaxDrown, Start with wooleys. I learned on the wooley, and so most everyone else here did as well. I recently took on a new tyer, and I did not start him with a wooley because we were prepping for a trip and needed to produce some flies. So we started with san juans and herl scuds. both are easy, but he didn't really learn the skills he needs from those flies. We are going to go back and start with the wooley now. Dano's advice is of course bang on. he taught me to tie too. jOrOb
  2. First, I would like to say that Laker67 does not like the system. That is obvious. Therefore, his responses are not grouchy, but spirited. Second, I tend to agree that using this system with such a long dropper hook would lend itself to foul hooking. Not knowing enough about tippet size and actual technique, I cannot say, but I see that potential. Having said that, a hook in the OUTSIDE of the jaw would do less damage than one on the INSIDE. However, a hook in the gill plate is a death sentence. Is it worth the risk?? I would guess circle hooks are the key, since gill plate hookups would be very difficult with a circle hook. Third, I have to defend dropper fishing. One of my favorite rigs is a foam terrestrial (usually a yellow hopper of my own design) with a midge dropper about 12-18 inches below. Basically makes an indicator with a hook in it. Most of the fish hit the midge, but occasionally you get a hit on the terrestrial. I almost never foul a fish, and when I do it is because I reacted poorly. But the hopper is so big that the takes are violent, so most of the hookups are clean hit or miss. Also, the dropper is downstream, and hopper takes tend to be from an angle with a downstream turn after the take, clearing the midge pretty well. I am sorry for the long winded post, but I had to defend the dropper. As for the original concept, I think it would be worth buying the established program if you really want to try it. That way you will be sure the rig is right. Perhaps a group could purchase one and use it as a demo to develop the technique??
  3. Wrench is 100%. Those cats are up spawning and won't be available much longer. Boy are they ever fun though! I caught my first one on a fly rod last year while catching small bream for juglines. Good day Brother!!
  4. First decent brown I ever caught was on a softhackle. Hot day below rebar and the shufflers had beat the water to a froth. Found him sitting below the bend waiting for something to drift out of the fast water. That fish was hanging out at the edge of deep water, but not in it. Wasn't a truly large fish, but I remember how everyone was watching me battle it because noone else was catching anything big. There are some pretty good articles here about big fish hanging out in shallow water during hot weather. Soft hackles are a pretty good way to lure them out of their holds. What size soft hackle are you using? jOrOb
  5. I bought a 7ft 4 wt Hobbs Creek outfit from BPS. It was perfect for my 7 yr old at the time. He has since grown out of it, and now little sister, and eventually little brother, will take it up in turn. It has been a very serviceable rig which I have been pleased with. Also, it was pretty reasonably priced at the time, which meant that if he sat on it or did something else equally child like, it would not be a huge loss. Plus, to tell you the truth, the little rig is pretty fun to fish with. I use it for bream, and have used it for trout during low water conditions. I could not be more pleased with it.
  6. Consider switching to GSP (Gel spun polyethelyne). It is really strong, and pretty easy to tie with. Also, you might buy a new spool. I have noticed that when UTC threads get older they become very prone to breakage. jOrOb
  7. I was wondering if you had tried using a synthetic for the back? I like to use mylar strips (read icicles from the christmas tree) for scudback. I have also used the holographic greens and blues to some success. I was also wondering if you had ever used peacock for the body? You know the old saying, "Bluegill love peacock hearl." I was thinking about the butt section, or perhaps thorax. It is an awesome fly, and I plan to tie some up next time I am at the bench. I loves me a Bluegill fly. jOrOb
  8. I have a buddy that lost a very large fish because one of those slip on connectors failed and gave up his leader. I witnessed it, so I believe it to be true. I have also heard numerous stories of others having those things fail, costing them fish. I feel much better with a knot. Also, I am a cheapskate, and knots are free.
  9. One thing you might try is a much smaller shot. BB is pretty big. When I am using shot that big, or using a lot of weight/shot combo, I use a fairly large indicator. I also switch to a heavier flyline. I use a 5wt rod with a 6 wt flyline to cast those "deepwater" rigs. I usually relegate that rig to fishing pretty deep as well, and so the surface splash is pretty insignificant. Actually I only tie a couple of flies with weight. I usually tie my big scuds (like size 10-12) with weight, and I sometimes tie a G Bug with weight ( again size matters). I also like to use Tungston bead heads on my midges. Everything else gets weighted on the line with a average size shot of 4-6.
  10. I like the nail knot...but I suck at it. So, to make it easier, I tie a butt section of Mono (20 to 30 LBS), or you can use shooting line. Shooting like is pretty cool because it is red, and can be used as a strike indicator in some circumstances. Once I get a good nail knot, I put a perfection loop in about 6" from the leader. I heard that called a leader butt, but I don't know if that is correct. It does work good though, because you simply attach your leaders with a figure 8 connection. The whole thing slides through the guides WAAAY better than a loop in your flyline, and I don't have to tie a new nail knot until the line fails, or until I make a mundo knot (which I do pretty well). the real question is ... which end of the flyline do you put it on??? jOrOb
  11. I am late getting in, and couldn't give you any better advice than you already have gotten, so I will only offer my two cents worth on waders. I have not really enjoyed my BPS breathables. Also, they are beyond warranty and in need of replacement, and are only about 5 years old. I have a fishing buddy who opted for the Cabelas ones at about the same time, and he still loves his. So, I think yes the Cabelas brand is worth the money, as is the Simms that Ducky mentioned for a little more. You could however go to BPS and try theirs on for a size reference. Should get you close anyway. As for the fishing, just feel it man. Try both with and without the swivel, try lots of stuff. Have a ball with it, and don't be afraid to ask for help. As a whole, Taney anglers are very friendly, and would gladly answer your questions. Tight lines jOrOb
  12. Go tye a fly! Really, go to the local fly shop and tie on all of them. Try them all, then pick the one you like the best and be done. This topic has been visited repeatedly for as long as tyers have been using vises, and one thing you can be sure of is that there are a lot of opinions, and they all differ. Another thing that is pretty sure is that you probably will not regret any of the listed vises, along with a number of others which didn't make your short list. With that in mind, pick the one that suits you the best. That means test driving them. Don't be afraid to try some of the other models as well though, while you are at it. I am using an inexpensive vise from Terra, and it serves me perfectly fine. jOrOb
  13. I went to bed chuckling about this topic because I have also struggled with it. It seems we are different, but we are not so different all of us. I have had good success with the Scientific anglers system x fly boxes. I purchased the first ones intending to get one of those suitcases and carry extra inserts for different circumstances...not gonna happen. It seems the only thing that I am sure about is that the one fly that I will not have in my vest is the one they are taking ( or usually another one... since I just lost the only one I had). Gotta go, just remembered I have a whole box of Disco buggers to put in my vest! jOrOb
  14. The boy and I finally fished Taney yesterday. First trip to Taney in nearly a year. I didn't even buy my Missouri license this year, intended to learn more about the White. I just ended up not fishing as much. That didn't work well at all. But back to the fishing... We started about noon, and started catching fish right off. We started just below #1 and pretty much stayed in that area all afternoon. Olive jungle jive disco buggers were the ticket for me, although the boy was using a traditional wooley and catching just as many fish. It was sunny and windy, so the fish were holding near deep water and ambushing large targets in shallow water. It was pretty consistent, a take every cast just about. No size, but good numbers. Big fish was probably 18-19 and just under 2 LBS. (Got a new gripper from Santy clause so I had to weigh it). That lasted about 3 hours until the wind finally calmed. After that the bite was slow. Caught a few more on midges and soft hackles late with the afternoon midge hatch, but the trout just were not that interested. Only caught one fish on a scud which is a new Taney low for me. All in all a pretty good day! Did have to fight the crowds some, but it wasn't too bad. Everyone was courteous and we fished together pretty well. Would have liked to fish rebar, but it was just stacked with fisherfolk. Did see a lot of kids down there, which was pretty OK by me. They were smiling and having fun on a cold winter day. I guess maybe I will pony up for the Missouri non resident again this year. jOrOb
  15. The bench looks great Terry. Good call on the pedestal, cedar is just too soft. I have always had good luck getting cedar from local sawmills. There is usually some small mill with some dry stuff.
  16. What section of the Buffalo Were you on? I am in the upper Buffalo District, and I rarely see anyone flyfishing except me.
  17. There aren't any Cougars in AR. What are you guys talking about? Cougars can't survive in AR. There is an invisible forcefield along the Mason Dixon Line that prevents Cougars from breeding or thriving. At least that is what the AR Game and Fish Commission seems to think.
  18. I watched this video with great interest. I even watched it twice. I could easily jump on this bandwagon because I despise Michael Moore's opinions and viewpoints. That is when I realized... One A*&hole or another! This Lefler guy isn't any better, just the opposite end of the spectrum. I don't know Michael Moore, and I don't know this Lefler, but I really don't care to. Both seem to be preying on the suffering of this country. It is obvious to me that neither of these guys are fly fishermen (shufflers mabye?). jOrOb
  19. Well, I better disagree with you there wrench. Saying using a gadget to land fish is cheating is akin to saying using a reel to catch fish is cheating. Boca Grip devices allow you to lip a fish without making hand to fish contact, which does not remove slime coat. Better for fish! Also, the Boca (or other similar devices) has built in measuring and weight, allowing an angler to land, weigh, measure, and release a fish very quickly. John, you caught a very large trout at RR last spring and you had it out of the water what 30 sec? We all got a good look, and you got a weight and measure. Just out of curiosity, anyone used one of the ones similar to the Boca made by different manufacturers? Boca Grips are outrageous, but Rapala and others make units for less than half the price. Many with similar features. But do they work as well??
  20. He does peg them sometimes. He also does put them on jig heads, but usually only on lakes, not moving water. On moving water, it is always free texas rigged. The streamer that I use for my avatar will catch bass. I don't tie them very big (that one is an E bead on a #10 aberdeen hook), so I have never taken any large fish on it, but I catch a TON of bream and perch. I even caught a gar once. Kevin, I still use the split shot rig myself. I even put zoom crittercraws and an occasional gitzit on it.
  21. My nephew is an avid small creek smallie fisherman, and he only carries one bait. 4" zoom worm on #1 aberdeen hook with 1/8 oz bullet weight. I taught him this rig, but I used a split shot. He bested my setup. Kids today jOrOb
  22. Terry, It was a 2 1/2 ton bob truck, and I had to give that up because of gas prices.
  23. We fished yesterday. If there is a drawdown, it isn't evident on the upper end. One unit was running pretty good and the tailwater was at 704, so it was a higher water situation. We did boat down toward Fall Creek, and the water is lower there, so I assume that it is pretty low downstream. As for the fish, we caught fish all day, but no great numbers and no size.
  24. Steamer trunk. A great big one. Actually, I use a hanging file box to store my stuff in. I just put things in ziploc bags, then drop the bags into file folders. I actually have two now.
  25. It always amazes me that people always fall on one side of the arguement or the other. It is always either "I hate snakes" or "I love snakes", "Kill em all" or "never kill a snake". Snakes are very much a part of our environment, and are important to the natural balance of things. But all things in nature get killed. It is survival of the fittest, and I am bigger than the snakes. Even that 9 footer that weighed 97Lbs (that guy was holding it waist high, that is only about 3 feet for me, so I would say more like 5 to 6 ft) I don't kill snakes routinely, even poisonous ones. I do not however hesitate to kill one that has decided to take up residence near where my children play. This is my home, not theirs. If this snake were poisonous, I would probably have opted to kill it since it obviously was taking up residence very near people. Repeated contact with people will eventually lead to a bite incident. As for snakes being evil, Satan chose the form of a snake. Of course, satan probably took the form of a purple dinosaur too. What do you think Terry?
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