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Everything posted by LittleRedFisherman

  1. Ham, that is something I've been thinking about as well. I don't care either way, I did talk to someone at Rileys awhile ago, and they have places my boat could be left there if it's not used. Depending on what we figure out before time, I don't have a problem bringing it, and leaving there if that's the way it turns out If someone had boat issues, might be good to have an ace in the hole. .For safety and better fishing reasons, it might ge good to ride with someone that is knows the river well.. I'd like to be there early Friday, but it will probably be closer to noon, so some of you guys will be fishing already probably. We can exchange some phone numbers before time if someone needs to get in contact while out on the water.
  2. Hoglaw, have you ever fished what they call down there... Jacks Shoal? It's between Lobo and Dripping. Went up there on time in low water and was impressed!
  3. I'm gonna try to pull off getting there pretty early Friday it's looking like! Your speaking my language here!! Be sure to throw in the baitcasters!! Looking forward to the jigging that I like so well, but have been wanting to get in on a jerkbait bite for a long time!! I'm also bringing the flyrod, can never be underprepared..
  4. I'm down for Friday and Sat nights looks like. hope to get there by Friday Afternoon. Quillback, earlier in this thread, I think "Snagged in the outlet" was down to come, need to check on that. Looks like I'm coming solo, my local fishing buddy has other obligations. I'll have my Riverboat to fish two or even three more guys if needed! Any other OA folks wanna get in on the fun, nows the time to speak up.. Fishing and fellowship, brisket by Muddy on Friday night, Fish fry Sat. night!!
  5. Hey, you gotta take care of the cook! Sounds good, i'm looking forward to trying some new water on the White, I've only touched the surface of that river.
  6. Terrierman, hate to hear this, hope that shoulder heals up, really looking forward to meeting you! If it isn't better soon you may wanna get it looked at. My dad did the same thing one morning while feeding the cats on some black ice. His was dislocated, but you'd probably know if it is, his was unmistakable. Get well Soon...Bret
  7. Ham, since you brought up about sections to fish. From where we are staying, where are you planning to fish? I"ve never been here before so it will all be new to me, which I like!! I see where buffalo shoals are right there. Should we fish close or make some boat runs? Guess that will be determined when we get there and see the conditions, but just curious if you had a recommendation? Quill, that's a nice fish, hope you can top that next weekend!!
  8. I hear you, most of the time when i'm trout fishing i'm the same way, I used to go a lot on the Little Red and at Calico Rock, Calico is a numbers area as well. I'm good with that, at this point i'm ready for some fast action hopefully on a winter day!! Forgot to mention Ham, I wasn't really happy with my spinning rod arsenal for those little jigs, there more geared with a heavier action for smallmouth, so I broke down and got a crossfire, it is definitely more geared to cast those jigs! I've got some CX premium coming in to, but my order got delayed in Dallas due to the weather, should get here in time tho!!
  9. Hope we can get that clicker in the 3 digits!! Also just noticed on the Calico Rock gauge that the river is fluctuating around 4 to 6 feet from generation, it was 2 feet Dec. 4. So looks like higher flows due to the Cold, i'll be arranging my Jerkbaits today as well!!
  10. Yeah, i'd love to see that. I caught my PB near Gastons last year, a 10 brown 29 inch Brown! I was cheating because was with a guide I guess, but still a thrill. Just wanted to focus that day on trying to catch 5 or 10 big browns as opposed to 100 fish, and had a buddy that has a place in MT Home that wanted to go to! There's some dandy's in there, hope somebody can hang one. I got a text from the guy that took me last winter a couple months ago, he said he saw my brown swimming near the same shoal, it had a marking on it that was easy to see, glad to know it's still out there, and probably over 30 inches by now!!
  11. It's 17 outside, been cooped up other than taking the kids outside to play some today. So got to looking at some videos a while ago on some rivers. Ran onto this one from AETN's Exploring Arkansas. Chuck does several shows a year on different streams in the state, never heard much of War Eagle, but may have to try this one someday, looks beautiful!! Got any that's on your To Float list?
  12. Oh I hear ya, I've done and seen some wild things in the pursuit of a fish. Running with barges on the Mississippi In a 46 inch bottom boat is probably the craziest! lol I've really just touched the surface on that river, there many places I've yet to try, I usually fish in the Lobo Landing area, because it closest to my IN Laws, (Searcy). I did put in at JFK last winter and floated down past Lindseys, pretty good water! Caught my first Brook where the two channels come back together before Lindseys. I named my username after that river, and now don't fish it much lately, in the past years ive got into smallmouth, and fish rivers closer to home, but always try to hit the Little Red when we are down that way!!
  13. Nice!! Possibly the best, but least mentioned trout river on this site! It's been to long since I've been down there, hope to fish it some with my Father in law while down there for Christmas!! I"m with ya on the bug ID, from what I hear hard to go wrong with a sow bug on that river! Great Job!
  14. Those are some good colors Quillback! One of the best things about those jigs that's overlooked sometimes is how good the hook is on them!
  15. The old fellow on the Spring River, I think I remember talking to a fellow one time at Dam 3 access at the hatchery, he was a regular there, fun to talk to, wonder if that was him, it's been years now?
  16. Yep, and best idle in the business! I had a 64 model 18hp Johnson that I used that was my grandfathers, that thing was indestuctable. Hope you get it lined out for the trip!! Our local weather man just posted that they've raised the temps some this week, not as cold as they once thought, still cold, but above freezing most days for the high now after tomorrow.
  17. Nice, and E-Tec or before? Don't really matter either one about as good as they get IMO.
  18. Wow, stunning shots!! Makes me wish I was there!! I take it it's foggy on Taney looks like, bet that would be some awesome pics to from the freezing fog!!
  19. Angling has different stages like hunting goes has I guess. First you wanna shoot or catch all you can, later on you go after big one and trophys, then there always the "just glad to be here" and I'm up for a challenge. That's something I'm more into now, the challenge and trying something new!! Hope to learn from you guys as well!! Checked my 10 day again this morning, the Region 8 app from Jonesboro, actually is showing some sun on Friday still, and still getting round 40!! Cold as all get out up till Friday tho, and even Friday morning may be in the teens, so may have some extra flows on the White from the cold this upcoming week possibly?
  20. Cody, you found you a 9.9 yet?
  21. Let me guess....Jerkbaits?
  22. Hardcore, I love it, be there if I could to! Take the gopro with ya if you go Phil, would love see some footage, bet it's pretty!! Pushing snow on boatdock roof not so good tho, that's a lot of snow you've got, would trade you some of our sleet right now.
  23. I used to envy people like that, now my wife says i'm one of them. Things like the upcoming OA trip I probably wouldn't have done 10 plus years ago. It's a lot more fun being a people person for sure!!
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