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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by rumrunner

  1. I had no idea you two knew each other. Small world!
  2. Yeah ya got to have a good friend to make that work!
  3. Since fishwrench showed his I want to show mine. Only thing left to do is get the oars. I want to be able to use it like a drift boat on Taneycomo. Although you have alot more control with the old style foot control trolling moter, I really like the spot lock. And cruise control. I do better using fly line in a boat without decks. It's easier for me to keep it out of trouble.
  4. I hear you. I found the mercury fans of those years believed they were alot faster. Or sounded cooler. Trying to figure out model numbers and part numbers on older stuff is a crapshoot at best. I didn't realize they kept making 2.0L 's for so long. All the common parts with the 2.5L fooled me. I guess the main difference is the bore. Thanks as always!
  5. I did some digging and found the answer. It was way more complicated than I realized!
  6. Do you know if Mercury kept making 2.0L or 2.4L moters past the eighties? Someone is telling me a 1997 150hp block I have is a 2.0L. I thought Merc switched to the 2.4 in the early eighties, then switched to 2.5 about 1989. He is saying Merc kept making different size V6 blocks. Thanks!
  7. I use both an app and the usgs. Just depends on what I'm looking for. The riverflows app comes up showing the cfs on my favorites for a quick look. If there is more to it I haven't figured it out. If I'm following a certain gage that's all I need.
  8. Thanks for all of the great info everybody!
  9. Oops meant riverflows
  10. Thank both! I think river app is what I had. It didn't crash but the phone did on concrete.
  11. Anybody have recommendations for river guage apps? Android if it matters. I lost mine. Thanks!
  12. Sorry. I left right after I posted that and didn't think to check my phone after I got down there.
  13. Anybody want to ride to Bennett tommorrow? Looking to get in a quick fix. Planning on being back by dinner time. Leaving from Lee's Summit.
  14. Thank you all!
  15. The phone number for real time conditions just rings and rings. 4173365083. Is there another number?
  16. Ended up taking my 7 year old grand daughter to Bennett. She cleaned up with her fly rod. Awesome day. Waiting on pics. Thanks for all the replies.
  17. what amazes me is I was down there in my bass boat when they were running all 4 units. The kayakers were everywhere. This was about 5 weeks ago. To me it wouldn't be fun to just zip on down the lake. I'm not sure if they are even aware of generation. You really couldn't run because of other boats drift fishing and the kayakers out in the middle. One girl deliberately got in the way of boat traffic and then flipped boat drivers off. It was nuts. I kinda wanna try it at 35 tomorrow just for the experience.
  18. Thanks for the replies. I didn't realize I had posted twice.
  19. Thanks for the replies. I may just take the boat or yak and be ready for anything. I've been a few times but it's either been shut off or at least a couple of units.
  20. I tried to search to no avail. The chart shows 35 megawatts all day Sat and Sun. Is that to much to wade? The way I understand it that is less than half of one unit.
  21. That comment wasn't directed at just crossflows. My experience with old outboards in general. I'm going thru the fuel system on my '93 50hp now. But the starting and ignition have been perfect. More than I could expect for its age.
  22. I believe that was a crossflow but can't say for sure. You have a very valid point. Reliability really should be above all else for a fishing moter. I've had several of these old omc's that did great for a long time. But when things started going it was one thing after another. The crossflows versus Looper really comes into play on the bassboats. Do the crossflows make their power at lower rpm? Do the loopers make more power but at higher rpm and does that help top end? Does it matter to anyone but hot Rodders and tournament fisherman?
  23. Lol not a diesel!
  24. I believe loopers are much better engines than crossflows.
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