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About fishmor

  • Birthday 05/01/1938

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  • Location
    Marshfield, MO
  • Interests
    Fishun & Shootun

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Chestnut Lamprey

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  1. Thank you very much, I can use all the help I can get.
  2. Thanks. I've fished 03 a lot. I wasn't familiar enough with the KK humps to fish them but just bought a new Helix 9 SI so plan on learning them. When the lake gets high enough for the current to cut accross the gap at KK the fish really stack up in there. I even found a bunch of crappie right on the bottom. Had to put the biggest splitshot I had right against the head of the jig to get it down but they hit it every time . Found the hybrids there too. That may have been the day I caught a 13 pounder and lost the biggest one I ever had on. I'm anxious to get at it. I'm rigging up a 24 ft Redneck tritoon. It works great and is well engineered.
  3. Would like to see some reports
  4. Anything happening on either lake?
  5. Anybody on here fish out of a pontoon?
  6. My only problem before was not having a large enough drain.
  7. I am going to come up with a water pickup for running down the lake so the water flow isn't interrupted.
  8. Hope I can get this accross. Bilge pump on hose goes to valve to direct water to a plastic spray bar I made (I don't think it is necessary) or run it through the black hose laying loose in the tank. Notice that there is a large drain that drains from the bottom of the tank. Just throw the pump over the side to run a constant flow of fresh Lake water into the tank. Throw the drain over the side. That's all it takes. To empty the tank throw the black hose over the side and put the pump in the tank and turn the valve to discharge through the black hose. Simple. You could get by with putting the pump on a hose and just putting the other end in the tank. Then reverse it to empty the tank. The secret to this is to have a constant supply of the Lake water that they are living in. There is no difference to the shad except they are in your tank instead of the lake. You need a large drain so that you can run 500 to 800 gallons per hour. If you run that much water over them it makes no difference what shape the tank is. They will be swimming around in the middle. I very seldom lost a shad this way. When I was running down the lake I would throw the pump in the tank and it would pump through the spray bar. That wouldn't work for very long as the whole point is to keep a large supply of FRESH water going into the tank. That's all there is to it. You put nothing in the tank but fresh water, lots of it. Oh yes use a light colored tank or you won't be able to see the shad.
  9. I was hoping I could get some action going on here. Good place to learn.
  10. My fishing buddy was raised on loz so that should help
  11. Sounds reasonable to me. I've always used 17 on casting
  12. What size and type of hook is best and what line weight
  13. I used to do that
  14. My fishing buddy died a few years ago and I quit fishing but am wanting to get started back. We fished for hybrids, most of it trolling. I've got a new younger fishing buddy now and want to hit it hard this year. I've finally got it through my thick head to use live shad. I don't have any trouble keeping them alive. It's been so long that I don't know where to look for the hybrids. Any advice I can get from you fellers will be much appreciated. I fish off a pontoon so have lots of room and comfort. I'm too old to fish till dark then load up and drive 85 miles home. Plan on fishing two or three days at a time and sleep on the boat which I used to do a lot. I fish the dam to pomme and am familiar with that area. Thanks for any help you can provide.
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