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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. I'll back that statement up. I have been working the Niangua over HARD since late September....and you are right, the Browns are few AND puny. It was reported that they released 5000 12-13in. Browns, spread out at 5 locations....I'm beginning to have some serious doubts about the accuracy of that. Like you I have some "reliable" holding areas located, but the few fish that are there are not worth the trouble it takes to get to them, that's for sure. Even the stocker Bows are small and skinny. Lately on the N. I get more sport from the Chubs than the trout.
  2. Brain, I have given up on taking stream temperature readings after having all the "golden rules of river smallie fishing" broken...over and over again, and I think Wayne and several others will back me up on that. They will move, but there is always a way to get'em to bite. And they still fight like hell in cold water...just don't jump quite as much. Hey, I think we are like neighbors....SunnyBeach hu?
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