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Everything posted by twhit

  1. Agreed. Its a great thing to help out another fisherman on the stream. To me, though, there is a difference between helping a fellow fisherman who is on stream with you, being respectful, courteous, etc. and posting detailed instructions on a message board. From what I can tell but having never met Leonard, it seems that he would be more than happy to help a fellow that is on the stream with him who could use a few helpful tips. I can recall numerous times Leonard offering to help on the message boards and recall many who haved thanked Leonard for his help. That said, Leonard probably does stoke the fire a little by posting his reports and providing less than full disclosure about his methods although most of the time when asked Leonard seems willing to provide more details, recipes, etc. He has done that for me in the past in response to a question I asked about exactly how to tie something that he mentioned in his post. Lets try to give a fellow angler a little respect, I think he has earned it, and if you are interested in specifically what he is doing ask first before assuming he won't share. Give the guy the benefit of the doubt. I think we are all big kids and can probably all get along in the same sandbox.
  2. Shoot MrsDucky, met you at the pool Saturday and didn't even know it! My family and I were just arriving as you and your son were leaving. Would have enjoyed fishing with ya a bit had I known it was the (in)famous Ducky family. Hey, btw, Newman actually brought it home it one piece on Saturday, how bout that. First time to enjoy a little dock fishing with my 3 year old boy. He has ants in the pants and hard for him to sit and watch for a pole to twitch. Still, pretty proud to say that my little guy has started fishin with Pops. (Can't wait until he can flyfish with me!!!) Have to say that we caught two in the hours time that we actually got in on the water. He reeled in one and was so excited I thought he was going to jump in to get the fish! I do have to say that Lilley's is the best. Great folks all the way around. Ben was very helpful on the dock and the young lady working in the office saved us with a suggestion on a rainy Friday night when we needed an activity to get out of the cabin--Playtime Pizza! Best of luck to ya and maybe we can meet up again on the mighty Taneycomo!
  3. A lot like the Salt n' Pepper fly just uses a different color flash. Great stuff. Also, I would like to try a Flash Fly at night on Taneycomo. Could be real good stuff.
  4. To clarify, when we have waded with 2 units around Point Royale, we have used the Point Royale access and fished in behind the island on the Point Royale side. Also, can fish downstream of the Point Royale access with units on. Wading is still somewhat limited and I absolutely agree with all comments about being aware of water levels. (I generally try to stay on my access side of the channel anytime water is running so as to always have an escape route!) Dave, can you provide some information re. the KC club that you are a member of? I have been looking to find more local KC FF opportunities even if it is just planning trips and tying flies...
  5. Point Royale is one of the few places where you can fish with 2 units running and actually do a little wading. Usually lots of stockers in behind the island. With 2 units it is possible to wade up and around the island to across from the old KOA grounds--I am not sure there is anyplace where I would be comfortable wading across with 2 units. Great place to go to catch lots of (small) fish. I have never had trouble with gaining access to Point Royale. Once in awhile I get a little grief from the guard but generally they will allow you through if you are persistent and kind! Also, for what it is worth, they routinely allow golfers in to play on their course and shop at their pro shop...
  6. MrD, there are cutbows at Taney. Not sure who stocks or stocked them but they are definitely a different fish from the rainbows and browns. Fight is different and take is different. Which fly was most successful the BU or the midge? Sometimes a great strategy at Taney is to not wade, to stay in shallow water, so as to not attract all the targets to your feet and keep them out in the seams to be caught. (Nothing more frustrating than lots of casting, not takes, except for nipping the scuds off your boots.) Good report.
  7. How do the drift boat guides (Stan, Carolyn, and Co) get back upstream against 4 units? I was under the impression that they could row a drift boat against the current--just how much current I guess is the question.
  8. he he he Good stuff, all. I appreciate the humor. Those sneaky camo fisherman... Truth be told, I am just jealous. TW
  9. Nice lookin fish. Is that a release with the long net? Tip my hat to the lucky guy if so! Just like to see good fish put back to fight another battle.
  10. Wow. 1. Bill, I didn't read your post as the slightest bit offensive and not sure that the response by BrianK was meant sarcastically, maybe it was. I appreciated your comments. When I have a slow day on the stream and see others being successful, I wonder what they are doing differently so I find your willingness to comment very helpful. 2. Sight fishing is part of the sport. Sure, from a boat is a little different, but not any different than following the fish finder on Table Rock. Its all about if you want to fish for numbers of dinks or work hard to find the bigger, older, wiser fish. To each his own. Nothing wrong with either--that is why they put stockers in the lake--to let people enjoy the sport and catch some fishies. 3. Shuffling is a whole other story that I don't have the energy for right now. Not a big fan, I will say that. Ah, the politics of fishing...
  11. You will only be a few hours from South Park area of Colorado--of South Park cartoon fame. The South Platte runs through this area--particularly the area between Elevenmile and Spinney Reservoirs, i.e., the "Dream Stream". This is near Lake George, CO. Check out the following website for detailed hatch information: http://www.bluequillangler.com/stream.html There is a great rainbow run with the Spring spawn. Heed any special regs in place during the spawn and be cautious not to disturb. This is blue ribbon water and is exclusively catch and release--strictly enforced. Won't catch the numbers that you may be used to on Taney but nothing better than the clean mountain air and mostly wild trout slurping flies off the top. I will say that my experience has been fish what your used to. It is a tailwater fishery and small scuds, midges, and san juan worms are good fill ins if there is not a hatch coming off. BWOs are great during a hatch although can really challenge your presentation skills--particularly with a high sky and crystal clear water...
  12. Michael, Leonard, Thanks for the advice. I will be getting some PS soon. Be fun to have a new material to work with. t whit
  13. I am interested in tying some pine squirrel sculpins after reading Leonard's reports! What are the best colors of pine squirrel to use? Assume olive and brown/natural? Who sells pine squirrel? I have often tied bunny sculpins? How much different is pine squirrel than rabbit strips? Being strapped to my desk in KC, I am getting the itch in a big way reading the reports lately and looking outside to some beautiful weather! I will be down late April if not sooner. The neighborhood blue gill pond will have to suffice for the time being!
  14. When a midge hatch is coming off like Phil describes, what is the fly of choice? I tie a lot of beaded zebra midges (rusty, P&P, etc.) but these are obviously wet. If a hatch is coming off, what do I need to be tying? I assume a dry or surface film type fly of sometype? Appreciate any help! Also, just bought a SA Mastery Series Nymph line. Anyone have any experience with these? Seems would be a great line for Taneycomo with high floating and colored tip to detect takes. Also, I think the same line could be a decent dry fly line fished with a longer leader since it is made to promote easier mending.
  15. I will add that a HP limit on upper Taneycomo is quite an interesting idea...
  16. I actually fish cracklebacks dry frequently. Like to let them dead drift down (dry), swing, and then strip back in a few strips. I have much more luck on the drift. That is the beauty of the crackleback--very versatile fly. Caught a rainbow, a brown, and a cut bow all on the same crackleback (holo green) last Spring doing this in about an hours time down by Rocking Chair.
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