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Everything posted by skeeterfisher

  1. Need advice, need to purchase 2 batteries to drive trolling motor....inexpensive not cheap.
  2. Need some advice...2 batteries for an 18 ft Skeeter, not sure of trolling motor size, group 27, don't wish to break the bank
  3. I know this has been covered before so forgive me in advance. Can someone please tell me the link for the fish attractors/brush piles at Stockton, the links posted previously are not working for me. Could I also ask some guidelines on how to get from the link to getting the data on my Lowrance. I am not real tech savvy....but I do have teenagers so hopefully they can assist me. Thanks
  4. I would be out in the shop at 2am trying to figure it out...
  5. Thanks for that....need to start making some of my own stuff
  6. I dont know how many people use these jigs. I love them and have caught a bunch of fish with them. I use the quarter oz. blue or black with a craw trailer. You may know them by Kruger Flair hair jig. I have purchased them previously from Baitmyline. I had some trouble ordering from them recently. If you have ordered them before or choose to I would suggest bradwiegman.com. Thanks, Todd
  7. Nope, like to see him reef fishing on the Caribbean in a 16 footer.....bout puked me!
  8. Put in at eight am at old State Park. Caught a couple on top water, switched to crankbait 1.5, caught fish consistent till noon, Largemouth...lots of shorts, 2 keepers, smallies, lost one caught one...probly 13 inch, big Drum...everyone seems to catch one of these...one 11 inch crappie on the 1.5. Fished around Mutton, quit around 1230. Fun.
  9. Thanks Mitch, that is exactly what I needed to know.
  10. I decided to set up a rod with braided line for my topwater baits. Do I tie the lure (buzzbait) to braid or do I use a leader...if so how long and what type of line? If you use a leader do you attach with a swivel or tie line to line?
  11. Makes sense, I tied to a tree on an outside row of trees in 30 ft of water, had a million baitfish but only caught a couple crappie, thks.
  12. Waterpossum, when you fish the mouth of a cove like you did with lights, do you look for structure to put your lights over or just set them out?
  13. How did you fish the power worm?? i am goin out next week and was thinking about either drop shot, c-rig,or shakey head, what do you think?
  14. I think we are comin back the fourth, if third works let me know, we could hook up at state park, lemme know
  15. Hey crappie catcher I will be at lake from July 30 thru August 3/4, let me know what night would work best with your schedule. Look forward too it.
  16. Thanks Jim and CC, preiate it
  17. Questions...So with the little bit of research I have done it sounds like flourescent green is best. For someone new, would you get in a cove close to deep water and structure, drop the light and wait? What timeframe is good, what would you fish with....if you dont care what you catch? Also do you just drop thru the light to bottom and bring up through...the lure or whatever. Or better yet if anyone is around the last week in July I will take you and you can demo...HA HA. Thanks...and good luck getn ur boat back!!
  18. Great ideas, would b fun no matter what you all decide!
  19. Sorry guys, I meant Price Branch, I was mainly fishin for Bass but will try the Crappie, just looked Bassy with rock banks, secondary points, and timber. Any more info?
  20. Can anyone tell me if they ever have any luck in Price? It looks so good but I hardly ever see anyone mention it. I fished it in late Feb. early March with no luck, air temp was in forties though, havent been back in there this spring.
  21. Sounds like another great idea, tks to everyone for advice
  22. Thanks Dave, will check out. Ranger owner....what do you do to prevent?
  23. Tks for input, fishinwrench. Should have mentioned that motor is not even a year old, however, boat although not used when i purchased was an 08, sitting on a lot for 3 years...who knows. Motor is circulating water so pump probly ok..Tks for any additional input.
  24. First winter with Bass boat/outboard. Water pressure guage worked last fall, now it doesnt. Did it freeze and bust? Advice please.
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