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Everything posted by tippet7

  1. So if i do my addition correctly, with the 20hp and trolling motor the price would be $2625? thanks
  2. I was up there too. I caught a couple using a white wooly nothing too big at all. I did have a HUGE hit below #2 I was using a very large leach looking thing a friend of mine from Alaska gave me. I was stripping it in and about 8 feet in front of me I got hit, I was expecting it that close and brought the rod up real fast and hard, the fish took off and broke me off. The guy I was fishing with caught all his on an olive wooly. largest was 18 inches
  3. Very nice fish! I am surprised though that no one has sentenced the gentleman to a death sentence for using a boga grip
  4. Amen gonefishin!
  5. Just reported-a small plane is reportly down behind the IMAX theater in Branson. State patrol has chopters up looking for wreckage. C of O reports all their planes are accounted for.
  6. I have a small waterproof digital that i take to the lake with me. i do fish at night a bit and the flash on my camera isnt strong enough to get a good shot. i usually point my headlamp at the subject, that helps some, but i would like the photos to come out better. any suggestions? this a photo i took back in jan fishing with Leonard.
  7. I went out last night as well, got there around 630 or so and the 2 gens were running hard! i fished below outlet #2 under the tree and hooked up pretty quickly with a nice 'bow using a san juan worm. my buddy hooked up about 10 mins later with a 'bow that went about 18inches, he was using a big scud. after that we got SKUNKED. there were some very nice browns that moved up near outlet #2 around 830-9 pm. we had our headlamps shinning on them, they were feeding a lot, many times they were even coming to the surface. i tried humpys, big attractors, sculpins, leeches and a muddler minnow, nothing worked. but it still beats sitting around the house watching re runs!!
  8. great pictures Phil!! looks like a great trip so far. be safe!
  9. Brian, I got it from our new photography stuido manager here at Dick Clarks. he is a pro and he had a few cameras when he got here. i got to talking to him about SLRs and he offered me the D100, i told mama about it and the next day we were taking pics with it. i love it, but i dont think i will get to play with it too much. he also has a cannon(i think its a cannon) for sale as well. here at the theater we are using D2s and D50s with the wireless and all sorts of other very cool gagets.
  10. We just bought a Nikon D100 with a 28-80 mm lens for $500 with 3 batteries. we ordered a 80-200 mm zoom, filters and a bag. i love this camera, cant wait to get it to the lake and take a couple of photos of some jumping trout!
  11. There's another guide on Taney (to remain nameless) that will never slow down as he speeds by you and in general acts like he owns the upper lake and that us recreational fly fishers are just a nuisance. I know exactly who your talking about, he darn near drowned me about 2 weeks ago. fishing below the MDC boat ramp with 2 gens running, he came flying up river about 15-20 feet in front of me, never slowed down. i was already about waist deep in the water. he had 3 others in the boat with him. he made his drift and came back up river again, did the same thing. there was a guy in a smaller boat behind him and he actually slowed down and did not cause a wake.
  12. What is a "pepper spoon"?
  13. Where the heck was that thing a couple of weeks ago when I had the 2 youngsters fishing off the dock!?? Very very nice fish
  14. Thanks Phil, I will do that.
  15. From my understanding...one went for 1 million reasons not to buy.
  16. Nice fish! Phil, I was wondering something. My 7 yr old step son wants me to take him fishing this evening. Do we need to be a paying guest to fish off your dock?
  17. "No better way to end this trip than walking back to the truck with a beer in one hand and a cigar in the other." That last line will really start some people into a tizzy! Heaven forbid you wish to enjoy a cigar in the wide open spaces of nature. Sounds like you had a nice afternoon!
  18. Please tell him thank you for his serving this country!
  19. Neither. I did several years and got out. Regretted almost every minute of leaving the Corps. HMX-1? What an honor for your son. You should be very proud of him. Give him a Semper Fi from all of us. By the way are you on Texoma? I was stationed in Norman for 3 years on recruiting duty from 1988-1991. I fished Texoma a few times. Never had much luck, although I know there are some very nice fish there.
  20. How do you know it wasnt released unharmed? how do you know they didnt take it out of the water, put the scale on it, snap the photo and release it? Whole process could have taken less then 30 seconds. Maybe we can ask them for the video? Nice fish, and I am glad it was released unharmed
  21. I am posting this for a gentleman on another forum. If anyone knows anything about this, please contact me. Thanks ________________________________________________________________________________ ________ Lost fly rod -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have to admit to committing the ultimate bonehead mistake. I took off from the trophy area with one of my fly rods on top of the SUV. When I realized what I had done, I went right back but could not find it. I checked the fly shops and the fishery with no luck. Does anyone know about an LL Bean Streamlight 9' 7 weight being found? I would appreciate it
  22. WOW..who would have EVER guessed that a squid would be good for something? Thanks for that info , I will pass it along to them. One of them had to special order a vest, if that tells ya anything.
  23. I have a couple of friends that just moved up here from S Texas and they are BIG guys (and that may be an understatement!) Anyone have some hints where they may be able to find some bootfoot waders to fit them. They are truely "big and tall" I took them out for a few hours a couple of weeks ago and they havent stopped bugging me about it since. The one guy has been going several times a week. Even bought a yearly license (out of state because he hasnt got his MO id yet) they are hooked big time.
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