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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by tippet7

  1. I have fished with Leonard a few times at night. one night i was there about 30 mins ahead of him, in 10 mins he was already ahead of me in catches!
  2. I dont think I can get them to do that, but it wouldnt hurt to try huh? If anyone has driven by the theater in the past couple of days they will have noticed a lot of changes! the signs should be completed by tomorrow (very cool signage if i say so myself!) they should start paving the parking area next week(weather permitting) all of our office furniture is being delivered today, office equipment should be in next week. only 15 days from today. sweating it out!! :ph34r:
  3. WOW! actually that is a fishing story of sorts. Pop that baby on EBay and sit back and enjoy the fun. I would bet you could get some serious cash on EBay
  4. Still needing some help. This time its a plea for the "Patch Collection" an incredible collection of 1957 cars and trucks. some of these cars have less then 20 original miles!! email me if interested also need photographers
  5. Holy Cow! I would have thought that HD would have got a ton of applications. I guess we shouldnt feel so bad. Looks like I may be pulling double duty! :ph34r:
  6. As some of you know I am the H/R director for Dick Clark's American Bandstand Theater/Restaurant and the Patch Collection Dick Clark Theater The G/M of the restaurant has asked me to find some more employees. We are needing servers, cooks, concessions, busboys, etc etc. I am here at work on a beautiful Saturday in the Ozarks instead of fishing!! Help a brother out. Serious though if anyone would like to discuss anyof the jobs at the complex, please call me at 417 334 2364 ext 135. Thanks all John
  7. Thanks Wayne!! That url just got added to my favorites.
  8. Anyone know how the water level is in Beaver Creek near Brown Branch??
  9. i am not sure brian. i assume its foam. a buddy was tearing em up out in the mountains of california with it, and i saw the fishing fourm with some HUGE pigs that took this fly. so i got to thinking...... i am having him send me a couple of them next week.
  10. looks a bit like a hares ear. i cant find a receipe and i would like to try this fly on taney.
  11. Will there be a class tonight? I dont know yet if I will be able to attend, but I can at least bust my hump and get my work done to try and make it out. The theater will open on April 20th, the grill will open the same day. Its coming along nicely. here is the link in case anyone isinterested. The 57 collection will be something else!!Dick Clark American Bnadstand theater/Grill
  12. That now makes it two to one in favor of the sailor over the marines! A couple more sailors and you guys may stand a chance.
  13. OH no....not another squid! Welcome Steve Semper Fi-John
  14. Phil, have you noticed several IPs from Sweeden? My brother is a manager for a private security firm, the owners are in Sweeden but they have branches all over the world.
  15. Anyone who has been to the San Juan will appreciate this one. A couple of years ago me, my brother and my friend Jack went to the San Juan in February. The San Juan was one of my dads favorite places to fish and we were going to spread some of his ashes in the river and do a weekend of fishing. We did the ashes thing, then got busy fishing. Wasnt too long before my brother says "I got a leak in my waders" but he toughed it out and fished the rest of the day. Repaired them as best we could that night (it wasnt easy because the 3 of us were drunker then you can imagine!) so the next day we decide to go further downstream away from the crowds and its a LONG walk from parking the car to where you can fish. My brother is in the front of the line, squishing though the marshy area, going under the thickets, etc, etc. All of sudden Rob disappears. POOF! Just gone. Jack and I look at each other "Where did Rob go?" He pops back up soaking wet, waders full of the ice cold water of the San Juan. Seems there was just a tiny drop off that he didnt see. Now the car is a good mile or so away, he start taking off his waders, Jack and I are on the ground about to pee ourselfs laughing so much. My brother is upset deluxe at us, for laughing and being so wet. He is sitting on the bank in his long johns, which are now full of mud, which makes us laugh even more. finally like a 6 yr old he says "*&## you guys...I am going back to the room and get warm" We let him walk about halfway before Jack said, "We should go with him" "WHY? He knows where Abes is" So we went back to Abes with my whiney little brother, got changed into some warm clothes had a shot or two (for medicinal purposes) and then went back to the river. Only this time he made us go up near the ESPN hole. I still give him a ration of @#*& about that.
  16. Well, I guess depending on what I ate for lunch would determine what you may get a whiff of. I think I remember talking about the cigar smell at the river clean up with you a couple of weeks ago.
  17. I agree with jorob. The colors dont seem quite right for a fishing forum. nor do the scrolled line seperators. And also like jorob...i come here to get good information about fishing, not to a critic. Keep up the great work Phil and we all thank you for this great fishing forum!
  18. Curt and Lee Wolfe fishing the snake river rods approved by Curt Gowdy Also found this list of some very interesting articles written by Curt. ESPN Curt Gowdy columns
  19. They didnt really sleep on the dock did they? I am a little crazy...but that is insane.
  20. I remember watching the American Sportsman with my dad. I loved to listen to his voice. He was an avid and talented fisherman. Legendary sportscaster Gowdy dies at 86 Story Tools: Associated Press Posted: 5 minutes ago Curt Gowdy, one of the signature voices of sports for a generation and the longtime broadcaster for the Boston Red Sox, died Monday at 86. He died in Palm Beach after a long battle with leukemia, Red Sox spokeswoman Pam Ganley said. Gowdy made his broadcasting debut in 1944 and went on to call 13 World Series and 16 All-Star games. In 1951 Gowdy became main play-by-play voice on the Red Sox broadcast team. He left the Red Sox in 1966 for a 10-year stint as "Game of the Week" announcer for NBC. He was also the longtime host of the "American Sportsman" series. "He's certainly the greatest play-by-play person up to this point that NBC sports has ever had," NBC Universal Sports chairman Dick Ebersol said Monday. "He literally carried the sports division at NBC for so many year on his back. ... He was a remarkable talent and he was an even more remarkable human being."
  21. The tough part about this would be the enforcement of the regulation. I know there are officers that are in the area, I know I am not on the river every day of the year, but I have NEVER seen one wildlife officer on Taneycomo in the 5 years I have lived here. Back in the summer, there was an article written about Taneycomo in a fly fishing magazine (cannot remember which one, but I think the article was called something like "Solving the mystery of the White River system") in one of the photos, there are several people fly fishing, looks like around outlet #2, you can see very clearly that there is one guy doing the shuffle. His head is down, rod is directly behind him. My point is, its very obvious that it is being done, but the regulation will have to be enforced with a hefty fine to get the publics attention. And as Dano stated, the regulation would have to be gin clear in the wording.
  22. Illegal
  23. As long as your playing Eric Clapton or some Van Halen...I could probably go for some rockin on the river
  24. Where will you be fishing Don? I am hoping that my Commanding General will sign off on a liberty pass for a few hours of R&R.
  25. tippet7

    Pico De Gallo

    To make it even better...slightly roast the jalepenos first. skin them, then slice them. Makes it just a touch hotter (if you like that sort of thing)
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