Anyone who has been to the San Juan will appreciate this one.
A couple of years ago me, my brother and my friend Jack went to the San Juan in February. The San Juan was one of my dads favorite places to fish and we were going to spread some of his ashes in the river and do a weekend of fishing. We did the ashes thing, then got busy fishing. Wasnt too long before my brother says "I got a leak in my waders" but he toughed it out and fished the rest of the day. Repaired them as best we could that night (it wasnt easy because the 3 of us were drunker then you can imagine!) so the next day we decide to go further downstream away from the crowds and its a LONG walk from parking the car to where you can fish. My brother is in the front of the line, squishing though the marshy area, going under the thickets, etc, etc.
All of sudden Rob disappears. POOF! Just gone. Jack and I look at each other "Where did Rob go?" He pops back up soaking wet, waders full of the ice cold water of the San Juan. Seems there was just a tiny drop off that he didnt see. Now the car is a good mile or so away, he start taking off his waders, Jack and I are on the ground about to pee ourselfs laughing so much. My brother is upset deluxe at us, for laughing and being so wet. He is sitting on the bank in his long johns, which are now full of mud, which makes us laugh even more. finally like a 6 yr old he says "*&## you guys...I am going back to the room and get warm"
We let him walk about halfway before Jack said, "We should go with him" "WHY? He knows where Abes is" So we went back to Abes with my whiney little brother, got changed into some warm clothes had a shot or two (for medicinal purposes) and then went back to the river. Only this time he made us go up near the ESPN hole.
I still give him a ration of @#*& about that.