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Everything posted by tippet7

  1. I agree with the brown rule during the spawn.
  2. But where does it end? Thats the point I am trying to make. Because that guy over there is wearing a yellow hat, yellow scares me. Oh look, that guy is using a Orvis rod, I dont like Orvis. I dont like cigarette smoke, but I have never asked anyone to put out a cig. just because I dont like it. I move. Why should I infringe upon someone elses likes, because I dont like what they are wearing, smoking, eating, etc. It is a public area.
  3. "smoking cigars within other peoples range" Define personal space when I want to smoke a cigar? If I want to smoke a cigar when I am on the water I will. If the person 25 yards downwind from me doesnt like it. HE can move. I am all for acting like a gentleman when I am on the river. I even give complete strangers my flies, tippet, advice, etc. But dangit, if I want to smoke in wide open public spaces I will. And to be honest, the only time I wont smoke is if the person I am fishing with asks me not to. my .02 cents
  4. I am tired of work interfering with my fishing and social life.
  5. I'll be working if anyone cares
  6. Here is the link Sullivan Shows Here is a link for a map to the Welk resort
  7. Got any pictures snowflake?
  8. tippet7


    Henrys Fork?
  9. tippet7


    Eagle? Yampa? Am I at least in the right state?
  10. tippet7


    Conejos River Maybe the Gunnison?? Give us a little hint.
  11. You will like it! I learned more in 2 hrs on Tuesday night then I knew about tying! And as Jeremy can attest my tying abilities are iffy at best. I plan on being there as many Tuesday nights as possible. Of course I also plan on tying more during the week then I do now, which is almost none. Great class!
  12. Tickets will go on sale Friday - Feb. 10. > > Gold Level Seating - $69.50 > Silver Level Seating - $59.50 > Bronze Level Seating - $39. 50 > > No Local Discounts will be offered. > > Saturday, March 18 and Sunday, March 19 at 8 p.m. Call me the breeze Gimme 3 steps That smell Simple man And what should be everyones favortie Skynyrd song Gone Fishin'
  13. i've seen that pic before somewhere. I pasted that one and a couple of others from that weekend on a different thread, and I the Springfield paper has it in their photo gallery. But they screwed up the discription of it a little bit.
  14. Take a look at this bow my brother caught back in OCT. The belly of this thing look a lot like a brown trout. I had never seen one look like this before. And the fish was stupid. 2 hours later, my brother caught the same fish, on the same fly (hares ear) in almost the same spot.
  15. I liked the FEDEX caveman one the best. 2nd was the bud light touch football game. 3rd was the Ameriquest "mile high club" I thought that was great.
  16. When all else fails...use a griffiths gnat.
  17. I too have caught some of those that I have had to look twice at, thinking they were cuts.
  18. AMEN to that. BPS is not going to have a problem selling CRAP to ignorant tourists or telling someone that is new to fly fishing that they have to simms guide series waders, and matching simms wading boots, an orvis large arbor(with extra spool of course) $98 net, 24 sets of leaders, 3 different types of weights and strike indicators, a simms vest, dry fly floatant, gink, forceps, 12 different fly boxes, 3 hats, 2 styles of sunglasses, gloves, tippets...have i misses anything? anyone got a price for all that crap? then the guy decides he doesnt really like fly fishing and is now stuck with $$$ gear that he will sell at a garage sale.
  19. This works well for me in all situations. I just blame the noise on the bridge/road construction on HWY 65
  20. You mean its not all about fly fishing? What else do people use to catch fish??
  21. The whistle blew around 1130 or something around that time. But we never saw any increase in water flow or a rise in depth. We walked past 3 gentlemen that had been calling the # to the dam for about 10 mins after the whistle, with a Zero generator recording. Any idea why that would happen?
  22. I dont think it will bring bigger boats. The lake just isnt big enough for bigger boats. I would have to assume the landing will increase boat traffic, just because of what and where it is. I am not sure about huring the fishing, but I know that when some of jon boats or pontoons are anchored there is going to be quite a bit of jostling for position going on. Imagine the popular hole near the bridge downtown. Usually there are a few boats drifting through there during the day. Now, imagine a 90 degree July afternoon, the idiots at BPS are letting test drives on bass boats, people are hurrying to get to the landing for lunch or just to look around. Where the hell is all the boat traffic going to go? We are going to need stop lights on the lake!! Like I said in another post on this subject. Hopefully the increased traffic on Taneycomo will make the water patrol actually patrol the lake more then once or twice a year. Thats my .02 cents.
  23. see ya'll there - I'll be wearing a solid yellow sequined jumpsuit with a 10 gallon foam cowboy hat. I am looking foward to seeing that. I can make it out for an hour or so, then I have to get back to work. Where is the meeting point going to be?
  24. RRV- did you make it out last night? I got in about 930 or so and went down by the rebar right away. I was using a white wooly thingy that I made yesterday. Caught a couple of smaller bows about 11 inches right off the bat. I met up with Leonard and we went a little below the rebar hole. He was hooking up with some nice bows, and he caught a real nice 18 inch female bow. Tried to get a picture but my camera batteries died on me. After they blew the horn, we moved up and went to outlet #1. We caught a few more up there including a 17 inch bow I caught on a black bugger. I was letting the bugger drift down and the very very slowly (painstakingly slow) stipping it back in. I got some pretty good hits working it that way. We left around 1230 or so. Pretty slow night actually for us. I ended up with 6 landed and Leonard landed about 10.
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