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Everything posted by tippet7

  1. My brother in Las Vegas may be interested. I sent him an email
  2. Orvis customer service SUCKS! My dad got a pair of silver labels as a birthday gift about 2 months before he died. After 3 times in the water they were leaking, he explained to C/S that they were a gift. Didnt want money for them, just wanted them fixed or a new pair. Orvis said no, without a receipt they would do nothing. After he died, I got the waders and asked Orvis to replace them, told them dad had passed away etc etc. They told me that because I was not the original owner, I should either repair them myself or get new ones, but they would not take care of the leaking waders that had only been in the water 3 times. I will never purchase anything from orvis again.
  3. +1 Dont get the bootfoot. Click on the links below LL Bean waders Cabelas Sportsman Guide
  4. Gunnison River try this website Dragon Fly fishing report
  5. Boaters test drive
  6. is it on acreage or just lots? beautiful place!
  7. ok thanks
  8. I meant the underwater cam at your dock.
  9. Phil, is the trout cam still working? i havent looked at it in a very long time, but my brother who lives in las vegas, said he has tried to view it for the past couple of weeks and cannot find it? thanks
  10. thanks!
  11. I checked the MDC website and couldnt find the dove season forecast for this season. Anyone going on tuesday? I will go, but it will be the evening hunt, going to wait until my boy is out of school. then we will drive up to the fields for the evening shoot. Anyone know if the fields over by Bull Shoals consevation area are any good this year?
  12. Thanks all. I spoke to him last night and his school starts up next wednesday. he is pretty excited about it, out running every day and starting to work out a little in the gym. He is on an AF base and said the chow is incredible, his room came equipped with a flat screen tv and alarm clock radio. UNREAL! I envy him after sweating it out in an open barracks for I dont know how long.
  13. beautiful fish
  14. Left for squid boot camp on June 17th, graduated a full fledged squid on Aug 14th. Boy is going to be a SeeBee!! YeeHaa for him. As a Marine, and my whole family is Marine (including my ex wife) my son made us all very proud, even if it is only the Navy! You know I am just joking around with my Navy brothers, if not for you we would have to use army medics! The other picture is him with my daughter, who is also looking into going into the Navy as nurse.
  15. Why cant you list the flies here? Are they "secret receipes"?
  16. After finding some more photos from MDC, i think this is a common snapping turtle.
  17. on the pan-mysis shrimp, red thread midge SMALL(20-24) if you get lucky and hit a hatch, small BWOs, green drakes, griffiths gnats and adams. make sure they are SMALL and your tippet is small as well. 7 or 8x with long leaders. fish in the pan are as big as engine blocks on a buick, but very spooky. almost forgot-on the pan fish the area known as the toilet bowl. it is the outflow from the dam, big churny water, but there are PIGS in there. i had very very very good luck using an RS2 on a small split shot, with a strike indicator about 7 or 8 feet above the fly. be ready for MASSIVE hits in there and be ready to lose some flies but be rewarded with big fish. good luck- i really miss fishing the pan!
  18. I found this turtle enjoying a starbucks upstream from the old KOA area on Monday. I looked at the MDC website to try and verify that it is in fact an alligator snapping turtle, but the pictures on the site arent very clear. Anyone??
  19. Trout dont live in ugly places! Beautiful cut
  20. who is benson?
  21. awesome fish. even more awesome that it was released!
  22. Sunday morning was PACKED to the gills. I decided to skip the rebar hole since there was no room for water to flow with all the people down that way. I went to #1 and there was a lot of people there too. Water level was low. I decided to fish the downside of where the outflow was. Had on a peach egg with a dark olive scud below that. First cast was at 901am, first fish was at 903am, a very nice 21.5 inch bow (good way to start) then proceeded to catch several more bows in the 15-18 inch range. All the larger fish toook the egg, while the smaller ones ate the scud. Hooked a nice vary fat male on the egg, as I released him his tail snagged my scud and broke it off. tied on a gray scud and nothing more on it. The area I was fishing may have been or 8 feet across. there was one other gentleman across from me, then some dude walks in a couple of feet to my right and starts throwing in the little pool. then he decides that he needs to stand at the top of the chute and fish directly downstream so that the other 2 people there have to wait on his fly to move out before we can cast. he finally moved out after 15 mins or so. What makes people that stupid? Sometimes i just to hit some people in the head with a big rock. anyway a little after 10, the fish shut off almost completly. i moved out further into the lake as i saw the trout midging, but they were not interested in my rs2, bwo, wd40 or zebra midge. nor were they interested in my crackleback, adams, griffith or mosquito. one night this week i think i am going to hit the lake towards evening and try some hoppers
  23. I fished Sunday morning and noticed several black helicopters with dudes in black suits and dark sunglasses hanging around.
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