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About Fishslayer88

  • Birthday 03/10/1988

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  • Location
    Galena MO.
  • Interests
    I love music, fishing, hunting, canoeing and meeting new people.

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Golden Redhorse

Golden Redhorse (20/89)



  1. Fished midnight to 4 just below Blunks and caught 8 fish 2 shorts 2 sows 4 keeper males one of the males was a tagged fish.
  2. You may be able to find a spot down blunk road but it starts getting a lot of traffic this time of year with people putting boats in. There is also a campground at the old shoals motel called camp harlow. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://campharlowllc.webs.com/&ved=0ahUKEwjnxNeejKXLAhUFaT4KHVh1B3UQFggcMAA&usg=AFQjCNGrct_HXZIVsp7JH0UlGJkcIihc1Q&sig2=jLXLrkMAqQcTJs3n0BRyNA
  3. Google crappie candy.
  4. Fish chunk rock in the shade with a night crawler on a #4 hook. I usually catch my 30 for trotline bait in an hour or so some of them are pretty good size gills.
  5. Yeah they are both pretty decent. If you haven't been to Shelvin Rock it is a good place to check out if you dont mind wade fishing.
  6. There's plenty of bank accesses. How far up are you?
  7. Should be good to go just be mindful of new obstacles.
  8. There are usually some in the river but not like when they are spawning. I caught one on a ned at AA Wheeler branch a few days ago.
  9. That is a good section to float you're gonna cover 22 miles of water so there will be plenty of fish and the river is in good shape this year you shouldn't need to drag much if any.
  10. Shh! Aint not walleye in the James.
  11. Ditto. Gar are actually pretty good eating but a pain to clean. I usually just put them back. Im betting the guy that caught it and the spoonbill is gonna euro mount them.
  12. The carcass laying by that spoonbill head is a gar with no head. I snagged at the dam a bit on the parking side bumped one fish but idk what it was. There was two piles of remains down there though.
  13. There were some caught at hootentown before the last rise. Im gonna try to find a few more before the season is over.
  14. Has anyone been up around the dam yet?
  15. There are a few whites left up there but the fishing is really slow. We caught more on our catfish poles then we did while trying for them.
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