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Crappie Catcher

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Everything posted by Crappie Catcher

  1. I was just bank fishing
  2. Went to railroad bridge today caught 24 males and 6 females in about 2 1/2 hours
  3. #7 purple tiger and slick mouse
  4. I would think mine was an 86
  5. Josh butler fair grove marine
  6. Yeah springfield conservation told me same thing but I think I'll listen to game warden lol
  7. I had the same question so I asked the game warden and he said if he checked me he would write me a ticket. He said take the first limit back to truck/ camp and go catch another limit after midnight he would not have a problem with that.
  8. I usually fish in big open coves close to a channel I have green light and floating light on each end of boat. Usually use minnows with crappie nibbles jigs usually catch bigger fish. In summer usually very subtle bite a lot of times you can just feel them put it in their mouths.
  9. Caught 13 keepers lastnight 1 male and 12 females full of eggs.
  10. I saw four bucks last spring at Stockton swimming across the lake. I'd guess it to be four hundred yards and they made it across there in no time. Pretty cool
  11. I use two of each just find some fish before dark and set up I have a few spots that usually always produce so I don't usually get there till dark. Seems like all my good spots are open coves I've never had any luck in timber but I know lots of people have. I usually do good at it but seems like this year is pretty tough .
  12. Thanks for the info
  13. Was going to head up to bolivar landing Sunday night and try some night fishing but didn't know where I could get some minnows. Is there any where that sells them in bolivar?
  14. Lackeys is open till 10 pm
  15. We night fish at cedar ridge a lot and I can remember one night last year that I took my wife and a buddy, we were using minnows and I caught my limit and they hadn't caught four between the both of them because I was using nibbles . Made all the difference that night they started using them and they got their limits too. Ill be down there Friday night I'm ready for a mess of crappie
  16. Yup fun was had by all
  17. Took the wife and kids out lastnight to cedar ridge. Caught probably 100 shorts 9 keeper crappie 2 white bass and a keeper walleye..
  18. I got lucky my wife begs me to go fishing
  19. For u
  20. The fourth really works better for me if that's cool
  21. The 4th would but the 3rd would be ok too
  22. Heck I could go the last week in July. I need to put some in the freezer but it's been pretty slow. Let me know later if u want to .
  23. Sounds about like I fish at night Jim m seems like I have the best luck in big open coves in 35 to 50 foot of water I use minnows with crappie nibbles. Seems like those nibbles can mean all the difference most night.
  24. I sure haven't had much luck with crappie at night here lately.
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