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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Dkman

  1. Dkman

    White Bass

    Thank you very much! Will be heading up tomorrow. Will hopefully post some success.
  2. Dkman

    White Bass

    Heading up this weekend for first time since winter. Are the whites still up in the creeks or have they moved down? I know too cold for now for crappie to be shallow. Appreciate any input. Do not need to know any specific honey holes just trying to narrow my search. Thanks in advance.
  3. Have not been up since duck season ended but may be heading up to try some whites at Turnback as well. I guess all ramps are now open now?
  4. Went ducking hunting/crappie fishing this weekend. One thing about the low water, I was able to pinpoint some brush piles for this spring. Duck hunting was slow but caught a few keeper crappie south of CC bridge. Black & Chart Sliders
  5. Thanks for the info guys. I am heading up to the CC area to try some crappie.
  6. I am heading up there as well to try my luck on some cold weather crappie. Anyone know if the ramps are froze tight?
  7. Nice job, especially in this weather. what did you catch them on?
  8. Thanks for the update. Getting ready to head up and this will help. I am new to walleye fishing and have been watching this forum to gain some tips. Did fairly well this year at Stockton on crappie but no walleyes yet.
  9. New to the forum and wanted to thank everyone for the tips on CC. My son and I went to CC and did fairly well. Most crappie were caught about 4 to 6' deep on black and chart jigs. All females still had eggs. Was a little slow and had to work for them. Found them in pockets. Caught a bonus 4lb bass. Thanks again
  10. Sorry guys, I neglected to mention, when I said into fish I meant crappie or white bass. My son loves to fish both.
  11. I am new to this forum and have enjoyed the updates everyone posts. I appreciate it. My son is coming home for spring break this week and we are heading to Stockton Thursday. I am not trying to find out anyones honey holes, but, would appreciate any help narrowing down my search so I can get my son on some fish. I have duck hunted Stockton a lot but only have fishing experience putting in at Greenfield and going up Turnback for whites. Do not have a huge boat but was thinking either Greenfield access or Sons. Thanks for the tips.
  12. Thanks for the tip. I am new to this forum and will be heading to Stockton when my son is home for spring break next week. Hope to get him in some crappie and white bass. Do not know the lake too well, usually duck hunt it.
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