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Nwtf gobbler

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Nwtf gobbler

  1. Josh did i need to bring anything sunday?
  2. Hey guys I have been talking to Justin and Josh a little, and my boat will definitely be there. Justin and I are fishing either way so we may as well have the get together. But if for some reason it did get canceled i would like to know because I would probably launch somewhere else then. See ya guys sunday. Jason
  3. I was wondering the same thing. I might be going friday night, and usually do good on soft plastics with a black light.
  4. Let me know if you want me to come help with the wiring. I did my own boat and most of my brother in laws bass boat so I may be able to help some.
  5. Thanks for the help. Hopefully you can make it next weekend.
  6. Thanks a lot. I kinda get idea on it. I may have To pick some up at bass pro and learn how to use it. Jason
  7. Thanks guys. You talk about lead core line, what is it and where can i get it? Sorry, but i'm Just a simple bass and crappie fisherman and don't know all these special techniques yet.
  8. By far the best advice I can give for bass is texas rigged plastic worms in junebug color along steep rocky or gravel banks. For me it as close to s guarantee as You can get without jinxing myself and saying i guarantee it to work. You will catch lots and lots of bass, and several good ones too.
  9. Alright guys, i need some help here. I haven't done much trolling in the past since it usually runs my trolling motor battery down pretty quick. My question is, would it work to use the outboard motor to troll with? I have a 40hp on a 16ft v bottom.
  10. I wonder if anybody has tried the Alabama Rig for walleye yet. It's gotta do something cause I sure as heck can't catch a daggum bass on it. I thought about pulling it out on the 1st just to see what happens.
  11. Are you fishing with us too?
  12. I think we all have it right. The jet skiers, etc. all have a right to the lake too, but it is their stupidity that causes The problems. I would prefer they all to to the Rock anyway and leave Stockton to the fishermen. By the way, i got a feeling our little "get together" on the 1st is going to be pretty interesting with all the crazies at Cedar Ridge.
  13. We did some. The bite was terrible for us. I caught one little 4" crappie. That was it
  14. How many boats do you have lined up so far for the get together?
  15. Dutch, both. Waiting on my buddy to pick me up now, and then we'll be fishing after dark too
  16. Thanks Spook. I better not catch any #*&@ bluegill. Haha unless I am gonna catfish, them things just piss me off.
  17. I just picked up some of those Crappie Bites at walmart. Has anybody used them? And do they work? Figured for $1.96 why not try em out. Jason
  18. I have never done much trolling but I am gonna give it a try tonight at cedar ridge. Hope to have a good report for you guys tomorrow.
  19. If you find something to pull it with I will try to come help you.
  20. I did some looking online this morning and it seemed that the average price for a full transom rebuild was right around $1000. Hopefully somebody around here is cheaper.
  21. Holy crap. That really sucks. Good think it held on long enough to get your boy back to the ramp. Looks like I may be getting my little 40hp out on the 1st.
  22. It is the one right before you get to the campground. They say that the other one is only for campers. Remember, this is a pay ramp, unless you have one of the passes.
  23. Justin, I haven't used football jigs a lot, but i have used them and caught fish with them. I know you Can use them on a 6'6" rod because I did. I have a few different ones, and i will change the skirts on them to a more preferred color When necessary. That way I don't have to buy a whole lot of different ones.
  24. When texas rigging, i usually match up my weight to the water depth I am casting to. If I am casting onto the banks or in otherwise shallow water I will use a 5/16oz. If i am fishing deep then i may go up to 1/2oz. I rarely change my weight based on the size of the plastic. As far as hooks, i think it is all a matter if personal preference. I use probably the cheapest hooks you can buy, the Eagle Claw tru-turns. I don't lose many fish on them either. Usually size 2/0 or 3/0. Jason
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