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Learnin' Keith

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Everything posted by Learnin' Keith

  1. Well I went out to Fellowes on Sat morning but it wasn't that great of a day. Fished for 4 hours with not even a bite! On the way back to the dock my motor ( just a trolling motor on my Jon boat) got caught in someone's old loose line and it sheard the drive pin! So we were more or less left to paddle all the way back to the dock. It was rough! Then the dock was really really busy with one really impatient old fart. If he don't like me in his way he could take his $15,000 bass boat to bigger lake! I paid to use the dock just like he did so ....... Ok I'm done. I apologize for taking a little longer on the ramp. Please if im ever in your way be patient and I'll move as fast as possible. Be rude..... And I might just be in your way a little longer! Had my 10 yr ol little sister (who was very patient and kept a good attitude), caught no fish, and had to paddle back to the dock. Bad day! It will be better next time, has to be!!
  2. Heades to Fellows on Saturday anybody catching anything out there? I would love to find some crappie and some bass but I will be happy just sitting on the water! I'll let you know what I find after the trip.
  3. Sound like you had a great trip! Very glad to hear someone is catching something out there!! I missed the last couple of weekends but I can't wait to get back out there. What time they closing the gates at night now?
  4. Glad to hear you had a decent day! I too got to get out there today and do my part. I dropped my little Jon boat in at Springfield cove around 9:30 this morning went up into the cove and caught 5 crappie in the first 45 minutes! 1-8"; 1-9"; 2-10"s; and 1-12"! All were in 4 fow over rock. Three keepers might not be great but it's better than being at work!!! After 10:30 I couldn't even get a bite in the shallows so I trolled out to a couple points but no luck there. Called it quits around 2 so it sounds like I missed the evening rush! Oops! Next time!!
  5. Went down through long creek on Sunday morning. Fish finder said they were there but 25 ft down. I couldn't get em to bite! Used chartreuse jigs, live minnows, pink, white, yellow jigs and pale swimming minnows but nothing was happening. Oh well! Any day fishing is better than a day doing anything else!!
  6. Walker, nice to have another "Jon-boater" on the forum! I run a 14' with a 40 thrust trolling motor and batteries. (2 batteries ran parallel can double your available running time!!) I do not have a trailer so I drop in out of the back of my truck. I went to Sons last week and it was very boat busy but there are two "ramps". One concrete for trailers and one raw gravel easy to drop out of a truck with no one else fighting for the spot cause it's not great for trailers. If you have a trailer this place is busy. But enough about the boat ramp. Fishing was good, we caught 5 keepers within 10 min of launching. All on minnows. Go left and head for the creek waters shallow and brushy or go right and head for deeper lake waters. We caught crappie for 3 hrs everywhere we trolled. Wherever you go - Good luck and be safe!
  7. Thanks for the info and tips!! I can't wait to try it!! Got some buddies headed to Stockton this weekend maybe they'll get a chance to try it out first! Sounds like you had a blast! Congrats!
  8. Been hearing a lot that they have moved back out to deeper water. Sooner or later they gotta come up and do their thing right!?!? Nice cat! And pic!!!
  9. Thanks Bill! I have a little Jon boat so I gotta stick close to camp and close to the banks if the wind is up. I appreciate the tips and I'll post back on how it all turn out!
  10. Gonna be searching for whites and crappie this coming weekend. Gotta stick pretty close to the long creek area but I would be extremely grateful for any tips in baits and colors and hot spots! I will certainly let you all know how everything turns out. Thanks in advance!!
  11. Well, I went to Aldrich on Friday night with a couple friends fished from the bank. Fishing was slow. We caught a couple crappie and a white bass. Saturday I took the John Boat out at Sons Creek area and had a pretty good day! 12 crappie in all with 10 keepers! It was only my second day ever to go crappie fishing so I'm not disappointed! Thanks for all the helpful tips maybe I'll get to go back again next week and try another spot.
  12. Thanks for all the schooling!! I hereby agree to not fry any whopper bass!! Catch and release only! I would totally love to catch a few though. I will look for those slot limit lakes too. I have a lot to be taught and this forum is handing out a good learnin'!!!
  13. Thanks for the suggestions. I am going fishin off the bank at Aldrich Friday night and will check it out, but I hear the water is clearer up by Hight Point and that was my only reason for headin that direction. I was going to try to drop the boat in on Sat at Cedar Ridge but it looks like a camp ground and I didnt know if they charged just to use the ramp.
  14. Hey guys, I'm headed to the lake this weekend and I'm thinking I'm gonna fish Cedar Ridge to High Point for whites and crappie. I've got a small John Boat with no trailer so I take a little longer to get in the water - can someone tell me a good free ramp where I won't be in everyone's way? I don't want to hold everyone else up cause I'm a little slow!! Thanks for the info and the patience! PS I'll post here on Sunday and let everyone know how I did!
  15. Richy, thanks for the tips!! Getting started this weekend out at stockton. Hope to limit out on crappie and catch a couple whopper bass to fry up too. Watch for an update on the stockton lake page Saturday or Sunday!
  16. Thanks for the map link! That is great - now I can know where all you good ole boys are talking about! Thanks! I'm headed up to Aldrich on Friday then probably to High Point on Sat. I'll keep everyone posted!
  17. Thanks for the posts! I am (was) planning on fishing for crappie on Sat but now I'm thinking I need to head for clearer water by high point or cedar ridge? What do you think? Also, I can't find either of these places on google maps how can I find them?
  18. Hi everybody! I am just learning the ins and outs of fishing and outdoors. I didn't really get the chance growing up so I'm making up for lost time. I'm 27 and I have a 14' flat bottom John and a 40 thrust troller (for now!). Fish mostly around Springfield but stretching out to Stockton and table rock this year I hope. Any suggestions (lures, secret places), and all help is welcome!! Thanks for having such a great website!!!
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