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Everything posted by Prestone

  1. Awesome pics!
  2. A person could stand on the side walk off Ingram Mill, and cast their line out. They would be on public property and not private property.
  3. Someone has to teach the disrespectful fishermen a lesson because nobody else will. You must be one of them to get mad about this. You think I'm the only hillbilly in the area that gets pissed off whenever someone disrespects my fishing? Think again
  4. I have wondered about that place. I don't know if there are signs or not.
  5. I have bank fished Delaware Town quite a bit. Up to the right (more shallow spot) I have caught some decent sized goggle eye. But to the left in the deeper spot, I have caught some nice catfish. Usually anywhere from 4-10 pounds.
  6. I'm one of those rare people that boaters will run into that they don't want to run into. I'll chuck rocks at them and tell them where to stick it, if they want to go over my line and ruin my spot. When they get mouthy and get close enough to see that I "open carry" they don't feel so tough anymore. Not that I would use it on anyone because I wouldn't unless it was a life and death situation, but it's funny how tough they get until they notice my little friend.
  7. Someone threw some McDonalds McDoubles in there and he found 'em.
  8. Is the Finley River Park in Ozark a decent place to fish? I have been there a few times and didn't do much good. Are there certain times that are better to go, spots, etc? Also, what are the main fish species that you will catch there? I have seen some pretty good size bones on the shoreline in years past, but could not identify them.
  9. Thank you for posting these pictures! These were awesome.
  10. Very illegal indeed. The landowners don't own the river, it belongs to the government. Get those wire cutters out guys!!!
  11. Will keep that in mind. Thanks TrophyFishR!
  12. I'm definitely planning on going to the golf course for fishing now! I've played the course before and wondered if people could come and fish if they wanted to.
  13. Good enough for me! Thanks a bunch for the response.
  14. I am not familiar with the area and will be coming from Springfield in the next week or so. I will be fishing the Anderson area of Sugar Creek with some friends. I see that there are some nice smallies in there, but what other fish can we hook into on Sugar Creek?! I have searched on the internet a little bit, and not having much luck on finding out. Also, someone mentioned that they thought it might have trout. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
  15. Nice job! What did they weigh?
  16. Nope! Definitely raptor eggs.
  17. Some buddies and I have been going on down stream below the dam (from shore, not a yak or canoe). Been catching some nice bluegill at a bend in the river.
  18. I would help out too. Maybe we should put a day together and do it ourselves? Let me know, I'm down and I am pretty sure that I can get some friends to come and help too.
  19. Nice pics! I like it when people post their fishing pics on here.
  20. Thank you jb!
  21. Exactly, I was down there awhile back and some jerks were paddling right over my line and snagged it a few times with their lines. So, not only did they scare the fish off but were interfering pretty heavily with my line.
  22. What kind of fish are you more likely to catch at the park in Ozark? I've fished it a few times but never caught anything. Also, are there nice catfish in there? Thanks in advance.
  23. Where are the best places to catch crawdads in a trap around Lake Springfield?
  24. Well, a guy caught one early the other day down below the dam. I didn't get to see it, but heard the stories when I went down by there. I think the water is definitely higher this season than it was last year. Not much precipitation last winter! Thanks for the info guys!
  25. I have a friend who caught a REALLY nice one down there a few years ago. Is it typically a good place to catch spoonbill? I am a bank fisherman, and don't plan on traveling much until closer to summer. Any information would be greatly appreciated! I have never tried spoonbill fishing before, so this will be a first. Oh, and when I talked to a conservationist the other day, he said the higher the water level the better since they travel up from Table Rock. I know it's flooded below the dam right now, so I wondered how good of a chance I would have.
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