Had 6 keepers and 12 shorts. Bottom bouncers spinners in 18 to 21 ft. All on one point. With has tough as they have been lately I didn't want to leave fish to go find fish. Pretty good day
It is funny this year we have caught a lot more keepers but not nearly as many fish total. We have caught bigger fish this year. Last year, especially this time of year we were catching loads and loads of shorts but cant seem to find them this year.
I am no expert but went on Tuesday with the wife. Caught 5 walleye with 2 Keepers in about 3 1/2 hrs. They r a lot tougher this year than in past summers. We fished a little deeper in the 20 to 25 ft depth. It got to freaking hot so we left before noon.
Catch a few but not many. My biggest Stockton bass came on a crappie jig flipping brush in April. 5 lbs. Bass, Drum, Carp. Aren't they the same fish. Lol. Just kidding don't string me up.
Had 4 keepers and 11 shorts. About 19 ft of water. Jigging raps and bottom bouncing spinners. Not like last year at this time. Fish seem very scattered.
We stayed in the govenors suite at Woodland Resort I would highly recommend it they were very helpful and a great place to stay. The room was great. However it was on the expensive side. The restaurant and bar next door was a lot of fun and had great food. They had a live band Saturday night and it was a great party.
Just back from devils lake. Had a fun trip. First the weather. First two days rainy and windy just fished close to the resort catch a few small walleye. Friday was a beautiful day a little on the cool side. Wife and I caught around 50 walleye didn't think that was to bad for really our first day to be able to roam caught on jig and crawler and bb spinners but the best part we decided to slip bobber leaches on the electric poles on the main lake. First flip sits for about 30 seconds and bobber gone 22 1/2 inch walleye then a 20 1/2 walleye. Fish for a little while longer with nothing move to next pole first flip wife catches a 22 3/4 walleye. It was a very good day. Saturday heavy rain and wind only 5 walleye. Sunday very windy but we braved it and found some fish very tough to fish and very tough to control boat in 25 mph wind but wife and I caught 42 walleye biggest 24 inches. Monday our last day went out in beautiful weather wind perfect but picked up some around noon. Wife and I had 69 walleye most between 15 and 19 inches. Sister and her ex husband added 32 more with a 22 3/4 inch walleye. We ended with 211 Walleye and 22 pike for the wife and I. Sister and the ex added 114 walleye and 23 pike. We really got 2 1/2 days of serious fishing. Also Sister and her Ex boat broke down the week before we went and that hampered them quite a bit having to use the rental boat 2 days then threw in with us the other days. I was surprised we bottom bounced the last day with 4 in the boat with out many problems of getting lines tangled only happened a couple times and we sure did laugh and have fun and caught a bunch of walleye. That lake definitely could put a wall hanger in the boat at any time I believe and it sucked that I was just starting to get some things figured out then oops last day had to come home. All in all a great trip. And a great time with family. So how has the walleye fishing been on Stockton. I will be out there next week.... I have some fish pics but my phone is messed up so I will be going to hopefully get that fixed tomorrow and will put some on then.
When I bottom bounce I typically pulling spinners 1.0 to 1.3. Is what I run. And shoot for 1.1. As much as possible. And I do it a lot different than most. I drop the bb to the bottom and let out enough line where I am positive that I am dragging the bouncer along the bottom. I don't want the wire just ticking the bottom. I want it on the bottom and I am pretty sure the lead is pulling a cross the bottom. I know this is not the proper technique but it seems to work for me. I am sure I get hung up a lot more. I am constantly hooking small rocks and bringing them up. And my buddy and I have both caught horse shoes. It is my lucky horse shoe and is always in my boat. I am just glad I got his shoe and not the whole horse.
Great Video Dan. I am going to get into using spoons a little more looks like a fun way to fish. Headed to devils lake this week hope we get on some fish.
Hope everyone had a great independence day. Wife and I got to fish on the 4th. With little success. We 3 keepers and 10 short walleye. Also 2 keeper bass a ton of blue gill and little catfish. Got to finally meet Walleye Mike and is lovely wife. It was great to chat for a while.
Also a little report for the first half of our year. 21 trips 177 keepers and 118 shorts. That is a total for our boat. Usually just me or me and one of the girls. All three of us have only fished once.
Went the last two days did and I tues and wifey and I today. Over the two days we had 15 keepers and 20 shorts. Best part the wife caught her biggest fish of the year 19 1/2. Sister caught her biggest fish of the year 19 1/2. And I caught my best ever at stocton. Which is also my 3rd best walleye ever. 26 1/2. Pics r. If the Mrs and her fish and me with mine.