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lmt out

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by lmt out

  1. The fish we have been catching have been in a pretty defined area. So I decided to try jig and crawler. Had a pretty good day. 15 keepers and 4 shorts. Kept a limit today for the fryer. Largest was 21 1/2. In 17Ft of water.
  2. Haha Mike you r to funny. I was not kicked out for lack of hair it was my big mouth. And I shaved my hair and married a hot chic to fit in amongst you humans. You should see how many razors I go thru in a month. Hey what's am anomaly???? Lmao should I be offended. (just kidding in know what it means my family calls me that all the time.) Ed
  3. I will tell what I know just ask. lol I may be retiring in a couple years and the Wife and I are considering opening a bed and breakfast and a part time Walleye guide service around Stockton.
  4. I will probably be in that area if you see a black tracker targa with an dumb looking guy in it that's me come say hi. Ed
  5. Do you have a depth finder that has mph on it that is how I tell how fast I am going. It is absolutely crucial to be going very close to the 1mph area. Another thing I pay very close attention to detail.. What I mean by that is how I hook my night crawler on the hook it doesn't matter if its the front middle of back part of the crawler but I uses a two hook system on my harnesses and hook the first hook trough the end of the crawler then grab the crawler and stretch him a little and take the second hook and insert it where ever it meets his body. Then I pinch the crawler of about a 1/4 behind the back hook. The idea is I want the crawler as straight as possible when moving. I have seen people wad the crawler up on the hooks like you are cat fishing. Be flexible and everyday is different very rarely do we catch walleye in the same spot. Maybe the same general location but they move one day catch them in this spot the next day they r 200 yards down the bank. I believe wind affects them quite a bit. Last week all of our fish were 8 to 12 ft in very windy conditions. Yesterday 18 to 20 ft. It was just a gentle breeze. Is the way I fish the only way to catch them absolutely not. There are a lot of great fishermen on here that catch them many different ways. Many guys troll cranks and do very well. I am just not smart enough to learn it. And those crank baits r expensive.
  6. May I ask what the easy thing is? It is getting very expensive buying new spinners. Our best point we have been fishing is very rocky and we hang up quite often.
  7. I will be fishing Tuesday. Hoping for a little wind. It was just to hot this old guy can't take the heat very well. But we seem to catch a few in the summer. They seem to be more concentrated if you find them you can work on them pretty good.
  8. We fished today. Same deal as usual. Could only stand 4 hrs in the heat. We had 9 keepers and 11 shorts. 17Ft. All were released.
  9. I use trolling motor and try to stay at 1.1.
  10. Actually had maybe 6 or 7 catfish and a couple drum. quite a few blue gill but wasn't horrible. Crazy enough not one bass was very surprised.
  11. It seemed shallow to me also but they were there. I had a friend that was down Thursday who had 17 with 10 keepers and they caught them 10 to 12. And was not even close to the areas we caught ours in. I wondered if the heavy wind had something to do with it but not sure.
  12. Wife and I fished 6 hrs today. Had 32 keepers and 29 shorts. Bb 8 t0 12 ft kept one for fish tacos.
  13. Very nice job Mike!
  14. Wife took me fishing today. We didn't hit the water till 10:30. Took a while to find them But ended with 8 keepers and 5 shorts. All were released. Off the water at 1:30. Lot of boat traffic so we didn't think we did to bad.
  15. Great job. Good mess of fish.
  16. I try to stay about 1.1. Today it was a little difficult with the wind. I use 2 oz bottom bouncers.
  17. Best from about 7:30 to 1:30 had 14 keeper walleye and 12 short walleye. 16 foot of water on bottom bouncers. Biggest fish was 18 inches but most of the Keepers were 17 period all are still swimming
  18. What was your fishing method? Of you don't mind me asking.
  19. Summertime very sorry for your loss. Our thoughts r with you.
  20. Not nearly as good today. Wife and I had for Keepers and five shorts
  21. 13 keepers and 3 shorts biggest 21 inches 15 ft of water. Kept 3 for the frying pan
  22. That's a really good day. I have noticed the average fish is better this year. A lot of 16 1/2 to 17 1/2 inch fish. It's hard to believe how much harder a 17" fish fight compared to a 15".
  23. Hero? You need to set your site's a little higher. Lol. That's a great day of crappie catching. Congrats.
  24. It was in the live well for the ride home. I took a pic of it in the boat but when I looked at it later I was holding it weird. It was a much prettier fish than what it looks like in the picture I took it home
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