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frying eyes

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Everything posted by frying eyes

  1. I had about the same luck. Saturday 7 crappie 1 eye, Sunday evening 4 crappie with a lot of bass in between both days.
  2. 9lbs about this same time last year my dad and I was fishing on a Wednesday. The sun was bright no clouds and no wind. We both caught our limit in about 2hrs, they was right on the bank! That's why I like the change of walleye, you never know where they will be.
  3. 68 to 70 on main lake. With water so clear I think they spawn fairly deep.
  4. All the females had eggs, and all but two were females. I was trolling the small flicker shads, color didn't matter.
  5. Got limit of crappie today. They real started biting about 6pm,had limit by 8pm. Didn't caught any on the banks, trolling in 20ft. Fishing main lake around state park. Don't know where the walleye are!
  6. I've started using the flicker shad, caught walleye on them last weekend. they're inexpensive and have really sharp hooks. I troll with my trolling motor1.5-2.0mph.in 20ft of water you can keep them close to the bottom. I'll be back tomorrow trolling. Good luck!
  7. I've caught a few of those humpbacks to last couple years, yes they still taste good. I fill a sick day coming on!
  8. Good to hear from Straw Hat! I was starting to get worried abou you. I'll pray for you'll.darn weather!
  9. Nice! looks like I'll be there Saturday.
  10. Thanks Dennis!
  11. Anybody have a water temp from today, main lake? Thanks
  12. Maze creek is down the lake from State park marine, across the lake from Masters island. You'll see standing timber once you enter from main lake. Let us know how you do.good luck!
  13. You're a good man! This world needs more fishermen.
  14. Amen Haulin Bass! Try spoonbill, right up there with crappie.
  15. A friend of my dads was lucky enough to caught a tiger muskie back in the early 90's, its hanging on his wall. He also use to dive a lot.he doesn't believe there's any left in the lake, but who knows.sure would make your day to pull one in some day!
  16. Thanks for the info, good to know we have people that smart working for MDC. Hopefully it warms up so we can fish! Spell correction OPINION
  17. With the weather this year I would go left, under the bridge, out of mutton and find warm water. the crappie spawn starts on that end of the lake then moves to the main lake as temps rise.I had a guy tell me Saturday that people are starting to catch crappie around CC. Good luck
  18. I've always heard the walleye spawn in Missouri is never that successful because the water warms quick therefore short spawn.this year since the water temp has been mid to upper 40s for a long time, will it produce a better natural spawn?like to hear everyone's option. Thanks
  19. I put in at cedar ridge yesterday at 12pm water temp 48. Went to 123 bridge water was 56. Catch a few whites and few small crappie. hopefully water gets in the 60's by next weekend!!
  20. DB I believe your right. I was on the main lake Sunday and the water temp was 48-50. Last year 1st week of April I was catch spawning crappie on the main lake.I'm heading down Saturday but I'm going way down the lake to find some warmer water.
  21. I grow up around Stockton and have fished it my whole life, about 35yrs.I've caught a lot if walleye 22-26in over the years but only a couple over 28in.I now live around kc and believe it or not my biggest was at Longview lake 31.5in,late September. Don't go there from May-september , a lot of dumb asses. MCD stocks it to.
  22. Powerdive is right now! Trolling is my favorite way to fish Stockton, spring and early summer. Yes those crappie will hit the big crankbaits. I've had a few days were I've caught limit of crappie and walleye on the same crankbait.
  23. That time of year you can catch them on just about anything. Jig and minnow always works well, and you'll get your crappie to. If the water is 60 or more trolling crank baits works well to. Troll 1.5to2mph in 10-25ft of water and you'll catch walleye. Good luck
  24. darn 10in crappie in a 22in walleye, bet that was a surprise! I'm sure all fish eat each other. Its good to see so many bass guys so serious about catch and release. I know when i catch bass they go right back, taste like s--t.
  25. Eat all the bass, they eat all the crappie and walleye!
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