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About parsonsles87

  • Birthday 12/05/1987

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    mainly the temperate basses

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Bigmouth Quillback

Bigmouth Quillback (6/89)



  1. what color was doing the best? i fished the upper lake and did well on the mudlines jigging but not one keeper eye out of a dozen and buncha whites about six inches long? i couldnt get a bite on anything but chartruese. i tryed jerkbaits for a bit but im new to hard baits so after trying a couple different baits with no bites i went back to old faithful bucktail
  2. nothin like talkin to yourself. thanx for all your input fellas
  3. oh and another question i had. am i gonna get the rite action out of the rapalas? maybe thats a dumb question but i am new to the hard bait thing. my whole life ive used live bait ir something on a jig head. i think its time to broaden my horizons.☺
  4. thanks for the advice. do they sell those strips at walmart? im going down to udahl and tecumpseh sunday mornin and im gunna try and make a full day of trying to catch a striper. i have a ten ft john boat and a trolling motor and im guna give it my best shot.
  5. in the process of figuring out how to post a pic i deleted my profile pic. can u plz undo that lilley?
  6. well i had some old floating rapalas. they were all the classic black top silver bottom. and i really wana start trying the whole jerkbait thing. ive mainly been a bank fisherman and catch almost all my fish on a jig of some kind.any way i got my wifes nail polish and did some painting. do you guys think the colors will work? and how can i make these floaters suspend?
  7. well i had some old floating rapalas. they were all the classic black top silver bottom. and i really wana start trying the whole jerkbait thing. ive mainly been a bank fisherman and catch almost all my fish on a jig of some kind.any way i got my wifes nail polish and did some painting. do you guys think the colors will work? and how can i make these floaters suspend?
  8. sorry im not posting on the subject really but i was reading some of the posts about where you guys live and was wondering. do any of you remember a guy at ha ha tonka early last summer on the dock that gave you a few swim baits? i was kinda curious how they worked or if you tried them if in fact any of you are the person i gave the swimbaits to. lol
  9. no ive never been one to chase many strippers lol. heck when my buddies un school were skippin class to drink or smoke and chase girls i skipped class and went to the woods or creek. to be honest i dont know why she hates it so much. i have stayed gone all night and not called but i always come home and when i do im always dirty and smell like fish.
  10. which is lookin better and better the closer it gets to spring lol. just kidding honey dnt kill me.
  11. story of my life. seems like im a week early or a week late every year. it dont help that my wife hates my fishing. i pull an all nighter bout two or three times a year and i always get threatened with divorce.
  12. its going to be interesting to see what all the fish do this spring with them having full access to the river. id almost bet that we will all be suprised how far up some fish will go. on another note is there anyone here that could post or pm me when the stripers do show up at tecumpseh and dawt? my wife isnt a huge fan of my fishing so time is limited for me. i have made trips in previous years but its usually an hour drive in vain. managed to hook probably a 30 lb plus fish last year i know it was that big cuz it hit my fluke about ten ft off the bank and i saw ir clear as day but it spit the hook after about five seconds and thats the closest ive ever come to catching a striper over five lbs
  13. There are some pretty good sized pools in the Arkansas river and they have no problem reproducing in all stretches of that river. I think the main thing is no obstructions for a certain distance
  14. I think with them being able to freely move up the river that it's just a matter of time before schools of small ones start staying in the river. It has been a couple years since I floated this river so I don't know how big the quiet pools are anymore but I think it's logical to assume that they could reproduce with the rite conditions
  15. Thanks for the replies guys. I would like to see a few years of natural reproduction in the river. I think it would be great to see several schools of one to five pound stripers in the river year round. I like to catch trout they are good fighters but I don't like to eat them and I release all my smallies so when I float and camp I'm left with goggle eye and hotdogs lol. And it takes a lot of goggle eye to feed a camp.
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