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Zach Bearden

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Zach Bearden

  1. I realize that this has been dead for a while but what kinda topwaters do you guys fish up here?
  2. Got mine.. I love the amys ant. Whats the body made of?
  3. was the reason for this post to be random or to be secretive? Either way Ill give ya an A+ !!!
  4. Well my delema was solved when I got home from school! I won an echo rod (9ft 5wt) Distance competition and was so happy when I saw a big ol cardboard tube laying on my porch. So I strung it up and its a nice stiff action. I got about 80 ft without really working for it. So when I run down to the pond and strng it up I think its gonna be great!
  5. I would definatly like a Sage launch but dont know a whole lot about them. Whats the launches action?
  6. Me thinks that Terry has WAAAAY too much time on his hands O_o
  7. Ha Loo how long they been in the garage? How old are they? Are they sit on top, do your legs dangle at all? and can you stand up in them?
  8. We could always find somebody to make a couple of wraps over the "Fly Girl" part eh? ^^
  9. Lol just my good ol' SA 20$ rod from Walmart... They dont make them anymore (well I dont think so) and probably wouldnt have a warranty at that price.
  10. I was down at the lake the other day and had fallen on a rather large rock trying to get to my fly which I had hung up on a bush. I got up and had my fly then started to grab my rod when SNNAAAAPPPP! the tip broke off... This was my first rod and broke off about a foot down. Now to the reason that I started this topic. I need a new either 4 or 5 wt. I would like a 9 - 10ft rod, for high sticking and distance for streamers. Also wanting a medium action but want to cast it before I buy one. I need to stay under about. $175 Thanks!
  11. Lol well I havent done that wil a rod+reel... but I did with a bunch of flies! hahaha Cody caught quite a few trout that day too!
  12. I agree with Terry, I used a reel just like that but it was the 20$ model, on a 20$ rod that I still use today as my main rod. I was actually in Muskogee (ok) and was looking at it with a guy. He was thinking about buying it (60$ pack and clearenced down to 15$) He asked me if I really wanted it (I only had 10 and mom wouldnt get me the last 5 lol) And I said "You bet!" He asked me if I would promise to keep out of trouble if he paid the last 5 and tax. And again I couldnt resist, I told him that I would, until I hit the river. Thats when all them fish got into trouble! haha but I still use that thing and its brought in everything from a 2" bow to a 17lb bow. But the reel has been upgraded because I did the same thing as Terry and dropped it in the lot and the drag system broke. I got a Cabelas Prestige (gift from my fly fishing mentor) and it hasnt let me down. I would highly recomend that reel to a person and its only 30$. So my verdict is that a high dollar reel might have a warranty and be 600$ but like he said how many 20-50$ reels could you get not to mention the spools with 600$? haha
  13. I have a Martin that is in great shape. I only took it out a couple of times but shot it quite a bit. It does not have a case or anything like that. These are the specs on it Weight: 30-45# Letoff: String: 53" Cable: 37" Draw: MP??? I have the drawstring at full length (with new cams) and the pull at 45# (maybe 40) The retail price for this bow was 250$ (and I worked all summer for it, but the guy that said he was going to take me hunting took me about two times. ) Im asking 200$ OBO Please PM me if you would be interested... (Im selling this thing for a new rod.) Thinking about saving up and buying a nice rod and reel setup for some stripers. Thanks Guys!
  14. YAY!!!!!!!!
  15. I was going striper fishing and saw some just laying there... I cast big bugs to em and got one to take a sculpin but then he pulled out... Any Ideas what to throw at them? Thanks!
  16. Cant wait to see these
  17. I personally just tye them with a grizzly hackle and chartruse floss body (I like it because I think its an attractor color) and the peacock herl over the back. I actually have taken a split shot about a foot in front of it and make a large mend upstream then swing it infront of a place where I think that a trout may hold and it normally produces quite a few trout... I also like to do that when a mayfly hatch is going on and the trout havent keyed in on the adults or the cripples just yet.
  18. I Finnaly got mine out today... Sorry about the delay as well but im glad im not the only one. LOL
  19. Thanks Leonard and Michael, when you talk of articulated patterns could you tell me some recepies and how to make them into an articulated flies... Thanks again!!
  20. Mom and I are coming up for those dates and Ive been put on duty to tye and stock the boxes... Leonard I know that you fish night alot so could you help me out on the night selection? I also would like to know a little bit more about the area ( I used to live up there but we never fished at the dam. We always fished powerbait and such in downtown and fished under the bridge) Im not completely sure on the names of the holes and where the old KOA and stuff are. I think we will mainly be doing night fishing and would like to know Tippet, leader, Would a sink tip be good ("type 3" 10 ft) with a 4ft tapered leader or does the leader really matter? Any help at all on any of these questions would be most appreciated, Thanks Guys! (and Gals!)
  21. lol how you make a wet float? O_o
  22. A soft hackle under an indicator? Like dead drifting or swinging it? If you were swinging it wouldnt an indicator create a wake and put the fish down?
  23. Anyone fished on the Upper Illinois in a while for smallies? We fished a while back and caught some nice ones on a little fly and all it is is a beadhead on a size 12 with a rootbeer tail and a hares ear dubbing for the body... Very simple fly but I dont have anymore after the little guys destroyed about 6 of em. Ill post a pic of one that Im working on. Looks just like a crawdad in the water... (-the pinchers.. lol)
  24. They did the same thing on Norfork and the state made em put up an artificial bank I beleive because all the silt and stuff it was putting into the river..
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