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Zach Bearden

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Zach Bearden

  1. Well CnD Spey was there and he has a new switch rod out that was just CRAZY easy to get a 110 ft cast with. (we measured it) SA was there, Cliffs was, uhmmm a table company that I almost bought but mom wouldnt let me (not enough room in car ) But other than that it was jut way smaller than I thougt...
  2. Hey I think I recognize that last one! We have a good relationshop of running up and down the creek together... !
  3. Alright well the 2nd competition was 96ft (they rounded down ) and I did very well with my Accuracy and the CCI peoples really liked my casting ^^
  4. Now Terry thats just wrong... lol
  5. We went ahead with the Montana Mongoose (i know it was 199 but we got a major discount plus it has both pedastal and c-clamp) for 150 with taxes and all. I like it alot and I havent even had it for more than 5 days and have tied maybe 5 dozen flies lol... I tied maybe that many in a month when I had the old one hahha
  6. I would grab some of their wing feathers and you can make a wing for dry flies... (maybe its mallard but go ahead and grab them anyways) off the other side of em you can get biots for dries, midges and a tail of prince and such... So just grab a number of things and expect that youll find these feathers rather valuable in your tying. I live in Oklahoma and dont get up there so I dont know much about classes
  7. lol where I fish they will hit pink buggers so it wouldnt surprise me they hit it... I think weve even had them hit an electric blue nymph
  8. So do you just wrap a zonker strip around the hook and what hook is it? Whats the purple fly? That looks like it might work down on Taney at night.
  9. I figure Ill send them tomorrow (if we have the Postage )
  10. Its alright... I fished midges alot and got some good action... What I like to do when they arent really hitting really aggresivley is cast a sculpin about 10ft over them and then pulling it up to them (about 2-3 ft away) and the rip it as fast as you can. I caught my biggest brown doing that. (15in) I wont go in the morning, I have to do something that has to do with Band then Friday morning we leave for Montana. (2 days of driving!!! UGH!!!!) at least well be up there for all of conclave. OFF53 I hope you do good down there... I have a fishing hole Ill show somebody (whoever comes down first when im here lol) the place. Its kind of a slack water area and theres this very deeeeep hole and you have to fish a heavy fly and I caught my largest rainbow outa there... (22in) and its pretty cool... Who wants in on it?!!?! lol Ill show anyone who wants to...
  11. I find this wrong... Its not a fly unless its put on the hook... I realize that this is a heated discussion in Fly Fishing right about now but still... I find it wrong because 1. its not on the hook 2. its plastic... 3. there is no thead... I have used a gummy minnow but didnt like it because it may have been crafted but not with thread like a traditional fly... 4. if it were a normal fly and the fish spits it then you miss it... but with this you can still hook them... ( if you bring up tandem hooks heres my 2 cents in on it... Its IN the fly not off of it. So therefor it is part of the FLY) Sorry for the rant but I just dont like the idea of a plastic bead OFF of the hook... I have read that they will put up to 4 people in the front of a boat and just hang the bead over the side and hook the fish... If I was going to alaska (or anywhere for that matter I ABSOLUTELY WOULD NOT let my guide peg a bead on there... did I mention that its not on the hook? JD or anyone else who uses this method of fishing I dont mean to downsize you for using this... If you do I say go ahead and keep on fishing it. If its your style do it, Ive seen people (that say they were fly fishing) use powerbait on the end of their fly rod and plunk it out there... Is it flyfishing? This is just my take on the matter and dont mean to downsize ANYBODY. Thanks for reading my post...
  12. Steve will you buy me one for an early b-day gift? O.o lol jk
  13. alrighty... No problem, Ive got all of em tied up now when do you want them by?
  14. so I need to tye 14 beetles right? because I dont need 2 more beeles because I already have about a dozen of em
  15. Thanks Steve... Great sites.
  16. Has anyone ever had a F-C surf searchers bag? Mom wants one of the pack that Steve recomended but I dont wanna buy a big vest for myself I also like the Surf Searchers fly boxes because its almost like it was made just for me and the kind of flies that I use.
  17. I definatly agree that you have to know where to stop with the line to know how to shoot it corectly... my cast was definatly wind assisted.... AGAINST ME!!! lol alot of what I saw with the distance was alot of people getting it out 60 ft then trying to pick it up... big mistake.. or at least that is for me....
  18. anyone got a report for the trout? I went yesterday and fished nymphs all day long... I fished a scud and picked up one then switched to a san juan worm and caught 4 or 5... I then switched to midges and caught about 10, no surface action at all... So all in all it was good with fishing only 2 holes so now im wondering who else has been in a while...
  19. Dano, I overweighted my 8 wt with a clouser line (love it) and I throw some of those 9 inch flies for striper down here... I get fatigued after about 4 hours of it.. but im trowing 60-80 foot with it... I figure you could underweight it and be good with a big ol sculpin...
  20. Im shocked you would ask such a question!!! lol jk Now that you mentioned it I wonder if anyone did???
  21. HAHAHAA ive seen him before lol.... though it maybe the trout capital of Oklahoma we dont have a single fly shop until tahlequah... Theres alot of smaller fish in the upper reaches because them stripers are bout to eat em all! lol thts my guess anyways... I havent fish for trout in a while since my minds been stuck in the clouds with stripers and Montana lol.
  22. Dang... I would love to do that sometime. I know that they use alot of divers and such but thats about it... oh! and 10 wt rods lol! Where do you go around there in Missouri to get some lil ol pike on the fly? I havent caught one in years! I was fishing with my dad on a lake with a leech and landed a pike that we guessed 9lbs and it made some epic jumps! Havent heard on any pike fishing in lower Mo but I guess its mainly in upper Mo. We would have to make a long trip up there as I live in Oklahoma. Im gonna check out muskie and pike fishing in Montana! I just thought about that lol! Hopefully theres a lake up there with some big boys in there!
  23. Can anyone give me some information on the national conclaves casting games? Such as where you do it and whats an average cast for each and every group. Thanks
  24. Now im really scared of him!!!
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