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John Andrews

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by John Andrews

  1. The old sit in kayak is a thing of the past. Tomorrow will be my first am fishign out of the new Wilderness systems Tarpon 100 Looking forward to the new ride
  2. It's about pressure. I have read that in a good year only 60% of bass live beyond their first year. If they are lucky enough to survive that first year, enter the anglers into the mix. The fish population can only support the increased pressure for so long. I can say that in the last three years I have seen a dramatic decline in the size and quantity of fish on this lake. I hope that the people who enjoy this little lake will step up and release their fish. MY TWO CENTS WORTH.
  3. If you are ever out there and see my kayak ( look for the "sharks teeth" on the front ) I'd be happy to show you around. I have several spots where I find some real good top water action. I have noticed over the last three years the fishing is slowing down there. With Wally Word selling 200 dollar kayaks, the amount of people fishing there now has exploded. A lot of these folks are keeping their catch. This small lake soon wont be able to support the pressure. I catch and release EVERY fish. I often wonder if just for 2 years everyone did the same, how much better the fishing would be. Heck it's beyond me why anyone would eat something caught in the quality of water. Hope to see ya out there LATER
  4. It's only going to get worse. People as a rule only are concerned with themselves. What I call the "All about me era" lauching boats, getting gas, 10 item or less check out lines with full carts, carry-on luggage the size of a great dane, etc. As. a rule I avoid people as much a possible. I get my gas at 4:30 am while heading for work or the lake. Not many people up that early. I shop for groceries very early am before the masses wake. Yeah I must deal with people, we all have to. The best thing to do is plan around the crowds as best you can.............I often use the boat ramp to launch the kayak. I put it on the rolling cart. LOAD it and wheel it to the ramp. Quickly take the cart back and gone. If a boater is there I simply use the bank to launch. As far as boaters go the launch is the least of the problems. I've seen these mental marvels. motor up over a crappie bed ( the ones in front of public fishing docks ) and fish right where people are casting. The amount of give a darn people have for their fellow man these days is a shame. Ok I ranted enough,,,,,,,,,,,,,sorry
  5. I fish soft frogs 99% of the time I fish. I found the cheap acadamy h20 frogs have a better hook up ratio than the others. Second choice is the booyah padcrasher. I see or hear the splash and say "here we go" and set the hook. I dont seem to miss many hook sets. There again I only use frogs, so I guess I am bound to get good at it.. Yes a HARD hook set is also a huge part of getting them landed. My last tip is, I know when they are grtting ready to jump. When I sense this I let the line go slack. for a second or two. They think they are free and head deep. Once they do put pressure back on them. Repeat till you tire them out. Biggest mistake I see from people is because of BASS fishing tv shows. WHATS THE HURRY people, enjoy the fight, you're not on the tour, it's not a timed event. There, for what it's worth. is my tips on froggin. It works for me, very well infact. GOOD LUCK AND HAPPY BASS WHACKIN
  6. I have had a rough three weeks with poor results. I forced my self to SLOW down my retrive to very firm but short twitchs with several seconds of pausing between. Last Sunday I found what they wanted. Weird as it is it's like they are lazy this year. No massive strikes, like last year. They would bust out of the water hitting it so hard. I dont understand it but, there you have it. I top water fish only. Yeah I miss a lot of fish that are deep, but I am ok with that. I'd rather catch 5 on top water than 20 anyway else. Anyone who is a catch and release guy like myself, i'd be happy to help them get the hang of it. GOOD LUCK ALL
  7. picture sent thank you
  8. Ok pic didnt load https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=10203999793892552&set=a.1695873514055.2093096.1154345447&type=1&theater
  9. I went out this morning at 4am In a few minutes I was in my favorite spot and waiting for enough day light to see where to cast. On the second cast I got a vist from this piggy. LONG LIVE TOPWATER FISHING.
  10. i use the H20 frogs and they are a great lure. My only complaint with them this year is the bodies are not as soft as they used to be. The hook up are not as high as my old h20's from last season. But darn this weather. I also have a new launch point closer to my favorite spot. ( thanks to a very nice property owner) With his kind offer my paddle time has been cut in half.
  11. bought that poppin frog. Great lure, still have to give the pad crasher a better score. What I do like about the poppin frog is a at last a good weedless popper
  12. At last someone understands it It's the LAW SIMPLE There are a LOT of laws I dont agree with but I live by them because its the LAW. But opinions, values, points of view, etc. differ by miles not inches. Some choose to take the " well I am close enough" angle. Others the "if BPS and others can than I can" angle. If its wrong it's WRONG for everyone BPS, search and rescue, you, me, and everyone else. Twisting it around to make it feel right dont make it so. To aarchdale, thank you for the kind words and I enjoyed our short visit. Hope to talk again soon.
  13. No glitter envy here at all. I got a lot of money tied up in my motorcycle. Having a high dollar bass boat just never was on my want list. Hell I'd even be for allowing large engines MOUNTED ONLY on the lake. PEOPLE that are RUNNING these big motors on the lake is the ONLY problem I have, NOT the size of the CRAFT or the number of people using the lake. I catch and release only. Beyond me who would want to eat a friggin thing caught there anyway.
  14. They were running it. I talked with a police officer on friday. According to him. Any boat equipped with a motor larger than 6 horse power is not legal, running or not. I assume this is fact and not just his opinion. So I will report those I see and let them sort it out. mentioned above was the issue of people drinking on the lake. I am not a drinker so I never worried much about if it was legal or not. I honestly believe in following posted rules, laws, etc. Like them or not. If infact drinking is breaking the law they also should be reported. Now dont get me wrong here. In my younger days, I broke laws. When caught, I paid the piper so to speak. If I get caught speeding on the way to the lake in the morning, I will have to pay the price. I am no saint, and by no means am I perfect. If anyone see's me breaking the law and they report me doing it. I have no hard feelings towards them. I was the "lawbreaker" they were someone standing up for what they believe is right. FISH ON EVERYONE
  15. Koppers work well. The booyah pad crasher hands down beats them all. (for me that is) Thats why they make more than one frog I guess
  16. It's simple in my book. 6 horsepower means 6 HORSEPOWER period. If no one else care than thats fine. I on the other hand do care. And I will report every one I see. I obey the law and expect others to do the same. I will never put a boat there with more than 6 horsepower. Why, BECAUSE IT'S THE LAW!!!!!!!!! Not 7,8,9,10 200 or 225. Dont like my stance on this. fine. Don't want to get involved, fine. Rather bury your head in the sand and pretend it is not happening, fine by me. I on the other hand will not. I really dont care how many people I hack off along the way. To each their own I guess. This post was never intended to start a verbal "poo flinging monkey hissy fit" Fact is It was ME simply stating what I will do from that moment forward. ME alone, like it or not, either way, it dont matter. It's a choice I made, and one I stand behind.
  17. If by permission than all is well. I bet none of these people had permission.
  18. Thats right Sunday am I saw someone on springfield lake with a 225 horsepower motor. I am guessing the aluminum boat was 18-20 long. Saturday the wife and I saw another guy in a alumicraft with a 200 horse engine. Correct me if I am wrong but according to what I found " Only craft EQUIPPED with a 6hp or less engine are allowed" From Fri to Sun. I saw a total of 4 law breakers. Well folks I have HAD IT. I will now carry a video camera and will be taking down liscense plate numbers, craft ID numbers and calling the SPD. I am on a mission. I am sick of it. By what ever legal means I have , I will do my best to put an end to it. I enjoy this little lake too much to just do nothing. Thanks for allowing me to vent.
  19. The top water season is here! I went out thursday night and this morning. I landed a lot of 'em. The new lunker hunt frogs produce great strikes and better than average hook ups. My only complaint is they fill with water about every 3 casts. You will spend a lot of time squeezing the water out of them. I went back to the Booyah pad crasher and only have to squeeze water out of them about every 15th casts. The bass are also liking the zara spook jr. (chrome one) Going out again to try some poppers this evening. Hope you all have a great weekend
  20. AND THEY WERE FOR A FACT I went out at 6pm and in two hours I landed 7. Missed more strikes than I care to admit. The new topwater lure I designed was a hit. I need to do some adjustments and I might have a winner. going out again in the am If the weather permits. My old honey hole did not let me down.
  21. HOLY CRAP I just shot soda out my nose that was freaking funny
  22. I live in Battlefield Mo. and would be willing to help if needed
  23. D looks better The oaf thing dont work for me
  24. I dabble in the fly fishing game. I did really well at Creighton. I made a popper fly the the bass really took to. Very small bass but a blast to catch on a fly rig
  25. I aint been out since the topwater bite died off. Topwater fishing is what I enjoy. The other methods I just dont seem to enjoy as much. I like to think I am getting pretty darn good at the topwater game. So until my "season" takes off I ride the scooter and play bass guitar. If i remember right, last April I was doing pretty good. Once the water temps got into the mid 50's I hope everyone here ( even the grumpy post bashers ) have a outstanding 2014
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