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Everything posted by Slowtroller

  1. Excellent day. Which arm of the lake?
  2. I also got 47 -49 degrees on the main lake....closer to 50 on south facing coves with chunk rock. I think we are still a couple weeks out.
  3. I thought I would give it a try Friday. Fished a little on the main lake with no luck. The electronics didn't show fish to speak of so I packed it in. Stopped by the upper end near Aldrich for some quick bank fishing. Fished about an hour and picked up 8 whites and 1 Crappie. Not a bad hours fishing.
  4. Noe that's some funny stuff.... the perils of a die hard fisherman. LOL
  5. I fish one light. The fish tend to be on the edge of the glow. if you have multiple lights you may be fishing in the light to much. I fish split shot and about 16" to the hook. hook through the eyes. I know that I catch more fish if I hold the rod and slowly move it around up and down, use a 9' pole, it helps reach the perimeter of the light. Maybe its because they hit light and I fell the hit better but it will out fish a still pole.
  6. gotta love that. great story.
  7. blue79 Where do you rent a slip you can pay month to month?? I have to pay one lump sum and that sucks.
  8. Sorry, forgot the item description
  9. Feel free chhorsejigs. a freebie for the fisherman out there.
  10. How about this for a boat sticker.
  12. i Tried it a couple of nights in Maze, caught more cat then crappie. I showed a thermocline at the mouth of maze at 24'. I thought maybe that moved them deeper but not much luck myself.
  13. After the super moon night fishing was good, up until about a week or two ago... then not much for me either. Seems like they are really scattered or suspended out in the lake. Maybe chasing shad.
  14. Hey, Planned a fishing trip with my Uncle for this week starting Wednesday Night. Does any one know where the crappie have gone? Seems the lake has flattened out. Most fish on the electronics are 20 -24 feet deep. Seeing a lot on points and cove openings but no success with a bite. Is the night bite still the way to go right now for crappie? Or ... do we switch up and just fish for cats right now. I know the bass can be had hear and there but looking for a tastier fare. Walleye tips would also be appreciated.
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