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Everything posted by Slowtroller

  1. Same here, very light. No thump. I kept up a slow reeling just to notice the tip of the rod dip. I could see where the bite would go unnoticed. I managed a few but 22' deep on structure.
  2. On a slow day try crickets on a shady bluff. Some hard tugging bluegill is always fun for kids. You can fish the deep side of the boat with a jig and night crawler and may land a nice walleye.
  3. I also think it was triggered by all the rain. The fish reacted as if it was a 30' thermolcline or a winter bite. 30 ft. deep plus murky water made for a tough bite. I saw some late evening activity so I see an improved bite coming with the warm up this week. Sad to here there is a missing person in the lake. Hopefully its just bad information.
  4. I also fished main lake points. The fish were glued to the deep banks. I noticed them coming up late evening. If you tuned the sensitivity on your fish finder you can see a diiference in water density from 10' down to 30'. That column of water seems colder than above and below or it may be debris also. Not a thermolcline developing but certainly stratification of some kind. An odd bite for sure without much surface activity.
  5. Slowtroller


    I got buzzed several times fishing deep on the points in the main lake also.
  6. I got 62-64 surface temp at the surface Stae Park area.
  7. I cruised the lake today. The main lake is still mostly clear, slight green tint. I went to points that held fish a week ago. Did not find them, my guess is they stayed put regarless of the rising lake and I should have fished 10 ft. deeper, spawning fish hold tight. Did find some crappie in 26' of water.
  8. Can you post a PDF? I do not have Microsoft Office.
  9. I went looking for crappie. Caught some shorts. After pulling up a crappie with a catfish holding on to it I switched to cats. Had a good time fighting cats on crappie gear. Had two snap offs and caught 4 ranging from 2 to 6 lbs. Good time. If all else fails drop a worm to the bottom in 24 fow.
  10. I enjoyed the seminar. Useful fishing information with a little stand-up comedy thrown in. look forward to a walleye seminar.
  11. I fished this past weekend. 10 keeper crappie Saturday and a limit Sunday. One went 14" but most 10"-11". It seems those pesky 9 inch fish this spring are keepers now. I saw fall behavior on Sunday. Schooling crappie. 100+ moving slowly through a cove on the main lake. You could see the top of the school but they didn't bite, had to go down to 10'-15' to get bites. used jigs and nibbles. Odd behavior for August. Good luck.
  12. what type of area.....
  13. what type of were you fishing, in the timber, over brush or just in the middle of a cove. Thanks
  14. Nice. got family comin in this weekend. Were you working shallow flats or casting rock banks up shallow. Would like to get into a few this weekend. Thanks.
  15. Water level is till a few feet high but I expect it to rise another foot or so.
  16. I was there today. Surprisingly the water is still pretty clear. A little debris in the water but color is good. You can see down 8 feet or so. Trolled for crappie and caught a few, lots of shorts. Also made a new fishin friend. He had 4 nice crappie and a keeper walleye.
  17. I would think the catfish will be active with run off and being close to the spawn. Bass may turn on too. Crappie always a mystery but night fishing might be productive.
  18. Was near State Park last evening. Water clear to stained, algea bloom underway. I got 58-63 surface temp. Can see bass on beds on north banks.
  19. No bait fish. The crappie i caught had empty bellies. Has the weather kept the bait fish deep? That's where my thinking is right now. if so that's where the crappie might be and where they might spawn. I am going deep this weekend.
  20. I found some in main lake coves on the bottom in 30' of water. Sat and Sun and got some bonus walleyes. Staging locations. I got about 25.
  21. No. The Main lake is only 49-50 degrees... crappie need low 60's your best bet is to run up a creek arm.... Maze may be the best bet... water color is right in maze.... look for warmer water.
  22. Hats off to ya. Nice thing to do.
  23. water temp still 48-50 main lake, warmer in creeks and rivers. Lake is almost 2 feet above power pool. Better ask the bass guys about the bite.
  24. Pretty sure the State Park Marina has fuel without ethanol. Call and ask Harry.
  25. with current
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