Everyone here knows how expensive fishing can be if you insist on using the high dollar gear "all the time". I always want to keep tackle in the boat in our slip even though I know it could be stolen. If a huge school starts busting the top when I'm on the dock messin with the boat, I don't want to have to run up the hill for a rod...I know there's always 1 or 2 to ready and rigged in the boat. Champ's right, eventually they'll get you. Keep a couple of cheap BP reels on the boat...Take your nice stuff to the cabin. The pro theives will leave the cheap stuff alone...The opportunistic thieves or ornery kids may may steal it but it's a gamble I'm willing to take. Funny thing is, I bet I've caught twice as many fish on the BP cheapies as I have on the high dollar Shimanos and AGs.
I'd love to catch someone in the act of peeling our cover back, but confronting a theif with a gun wouldn't do anything but make bigger trouble for everyone. We come to the lake to have fun...Think about how long it would take for a law officer to reach you on a dock while you're holding a thief at gunpoint. Then the time it would take for filing your report... (That's if you're lucky enough NOT to have to shoot...If you or he actually discharges a firearm in that confrontation, both of your lives will be forever changed and not for the better.) The bottom line is...My time at the lake is way to valuable to me to waste it dealing with idiots who will never understand to appreciate what we do. Be safe out there and learn to blow it off.