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Banded Pygmy Sunfish

Banded Pygmy Sunfish (4/89)



  1. M_Taylor. You lost me at trout then you lost me again at fly. I agree you over complicate things.
  2. Sounds like everyone is in the same boat as me. Found a similar bait for similar fishing that was trendy. Nobody talks about grubs now so its easy to leave them behind. I don't get to fish as much as I would like, or as often as I used to and I find myself reading more about fishing and buying more baits because I've heard they're better than what has worked for me in the past. Instead of actually fishing with what works. Thanks for the insight on the topic. It has restored my affection for the grub and will try to throw it more when I get the chance. I almost convinced myself it didnt work anymore. I also had a similar incident with the black head being better than unpainted. M_Taylor whooped up on me catching white bass after white bass on a kietech with a black 1/8 head. I was a 3/16 unpainted head and got no love. Then a few days later he outfished me again running a bank for a mix of smallies and LM if I remember correctly. I had a white head that day 3/16 I think. Mind you he is a very good defensive trolling motor captain but they were biting and I was matching his retrieve. Same color I believe but he was throwing a fat I was was throwing the normal swing impact. Mathew I will soak some grubs in a keitech pack for some squid smell and wear them out from the back of the boat. Which isnt far from the norm lately.
  3. I grew up fishing grubs. Creeks for smallies, ponds for LM and was fortunate enough to spend many weekends on Grand growing up and a grub was always a simple go to when grandpa needed me to get a few bites. As I get more "experienced" I have steadily removed the grub from my rotation, but found myself throwing keitechs to get bites in tough times. I just wondered if anyone else found themselves in the same situation or had a reason one or the other is better. Any input is appreciated.
  4. Can't go wrong with the Ruger Mark 2 for a 22 pistol
  5. States that have a more successful walleye spawn?
  6. Like most people who have posted on this thread, I pretty much only successfully catch walleye on purpose in the spring. And like others have posted they're typically males in the 16-20 inch range a little over half being keepers. I'm just wondering how we're hurting the population any more than someone who can catch a few limits every week for the rest of the year. For most it's easy to tell a male for a female during the spawn but more difficult in the summer months so selecting what fish to keep becomes more of a challenge. Just curious and hoping someone with more walleye knowledge can fill me in if I'm not seeing something.
  7. Wrench was nice enough to give me opinions and possibilities of what my problem could be over the phone Friday and he ending up being correct. Took the boat out today and everything worked as it should. I agree with everyone that he is very knowledgeable and willing to help. How many business men will take time out of their day to tell you how they make their living? Thanks again Wrench.
  8. I will check the water tube as I may have missed it. But I think there is another problem somewhere because the old empellor didn't look to have any real problem. I did it by myself and I'm sure there is trick but I had a little bit of trouble holding the lower unit and getting everything lined up. I also didn't look at the top grommet but the bottom ones were still pliable and didn't show signs of wear or look dry rotted. I know the impeller was keyed back to the shaft properly though. Thank you for the help
  9. I have an 85 40hp evinrude outboard that doesn't have water coming out the "pee" hole. I changed the impeller and that didn't fix the problem. Any advice where to look next would be much appreciated. Thank you
  10. I have an 85 evinrude 40hp outboard that doesn't have water coming out the "pee" hole. I have changed the impeller and that didnt fix the problem. Any advice of where to look next would be much appreciated.
  11. Creede


    I put in at HC marina yesterday evening the water wasn't chocolate milk but very dirty with some scattered debris. Ran to horseshoe bend and the water was much cleaner with a green stain. Didn't fish long and only one short walleye on a flicker shad.
  12. Creede

    Motor Help

    Havnt synced it yet. Reason I'm going back to the carbs is the motor won't run with the muffs on anymore either. When we cleaned the carbs it ran great with the muffs but now it won't unless it's choked. I Havnt checked compression but it doesn't act like it's lacking any.
  13. Creede

    Motor Help

    Changed the exhaust seal and ran it in water. Same thing, fires up, will run choked but won't idle correctly and sounds like it's starving for fuel possibly? It may have pulled some trash from the fuel lines? I'm going to pull the carbs and check them over better. Exhaust seal was shot and needed changing anyway. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thank you
  14. Creede

    Hogs Blow It..

    F&Fs last line sums up the Razorbacks. Blows my mind every time
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