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drp shot dandy

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Everything posted by drp shot dandy

  1. Like someone said above I remember going to bed wishing that when I woke up to dad would be poking his head in my door "you coming with me? well why are you still laying there?" Then on the way home he would poke me in the side when I would fall asleep so i would keep him awake which I never really caught on to till much later. I thought he just really liked to bother me. Those are some of my favorite memories heading to those father son tournaments. I can only remember winning once but we went to every one that we could and I can remember one year going to the national finals which I thought was the biggest thing that would probably ever happen in my life, from which was born the story of a guy botching the net job on an 10 year olds only nice fish of the two days and another team coming behind them catching what was the big bass of the tournament that still had the kids cotton candy french fry and hook in its mouth. He still gets an ear full for that one. Once traveling baseball started all the fishing ended and in high school for some reason we didn't get along as well but once baseball was gone and we were back on the water it seemed that things smooth out. Its amazing how we seem to work things out better with a rod in our hands. Lesson learned don't spare the rod. Cant forget Great uncle Dale "heavy on the Great" he would say. I only got to spend two weeks fishing with him because most of our time was spent in the woods but those two weeks were what flipped the switch for me from fishing and fishing with a passion. This man was a perfectionist by nature and a very sore looser which fueled me to out fish him due to the ornery genes that we shared. Looking back its amazing he never threw me the lake. He wanted to catch more fish but his inability to see me use an improper (or in his minde improper) technique over powered. I can hear it like he was here "bleep what the bleep are you doing i told you to lift that rod tip not to reel." followed by a chuckle until I set the hook then it was game on. I bet went to the bait shop every other day for those two weeks to buy line after countless backlashes beyond recovery.
  2. I have been meaning to see if I can find some urban pollution numbers to do with yard and garden fertilization. I have worked in landscaping and in agriculture and I have to say that when it comes to responsible use of fertilizer the homeowners and lawn care companies do their share of damage over applying fertilizer on yards and landscaping that are planted in a shallow amount of topsoil layered over very poor soil in the case of the Ozarks, solid rock which has no nutrient retention value, after the fertilizer comes the over watering which transports the nutrients. As someone who has set in classrooms full of Ag students and listened to their take on the environment the problem not only of over fertilization but most environmental issues is generational. As more and more people who are involved agricultural production become educated and move away from the "well that's how dad did it" mindset combine with the fact that fertilizer cost money and that cost is going up the problem of over application should fade more so because producers are starting to realize that over fertilization is as good as throwing away money than any other, but there will always be a few that refuse to realize the impact they have on everyones world and their own bottom line. The issue that the amount of nutrients in the water this year is skyrocketing is largely because of the drought. No one I have ever met can tell me if its going to rain in a month let alone two months or more, which means when row crop farmer fertilizes in most cases late April he has no clue if its going to rain in May, June and July when his crop would use the nutrients. In the case that no rain falls and your crop dies and the nutrients are not used but left in a fallow field and then like this spring very large amounts of rainfall before the next crop can even be planted the nutrients in the soil will leach down through the soil which will filter to a point in a good situation in a bad situation if the fertilizer is applied after the last rainfall and remains on top of the soil which becomes baked hard and loses its ability to take on water very well followed by rain which will become largely runoff and taking with it anything small and water soluble, like most fertilizers. Is the actual size of the kill due to the amount of fertilizer used? yes. Is the fact that if every producer did exactly what they should this would still happen? yes. Unless you follow the idea that no fertilizer should be used and in case we should all get used to spending 30% or more of our income on food instead of the average 9.4% here in the USA. As stated above someone somewhere will pay the cost of producing food be it at the store, people in the gulf, or people starving when they can't buy and don't have the resources to grow their own or when we refuse to give it to them.
  3. No doubt there is a good number from the 13 bridge to the dam we also have caught a good number and size from baxter to shell knob
  4. I tried it both Saturday and Sunday right with everyone else but with no real luck past one keeper crappie each day and some small bass. Tried a black and silver swimming minnow, blue and green, and blue with green flake, bringing it back slow right on the bottom or close to it from 6-12 feet. From what i'm reading it's a color issue. Any thoughts?
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