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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Hojo

  1. No, Lake Hudson around Salina OK. Thanks for the info on Spavinaw Quill and lollygagger
  2. Anybody have any info to share on these 2 lake in regards to bass fishing?
  3. Can anybody go to this or does one have to be an exhibitor, vendor, etc?
  4. Hojo


    Anybody have some good bass info on this lake?
  5. I have a 2012 Ranger Z518. How do I get the water to come out of my bilge holes to fill my weigh-in bag instead of getting underneath the boat every time?
  6. I hooked something there a few years ago on a small crank bait. Stripped drag like a tarpon. I chased it down river a hundred yards or so until it finally broke me off. Too much for my little spinning tackle to handle. Never saw the fish but it gave me a helluva ride. No clue what it was.
  7. Hojo

    Any Reports

    Anybody been out bass fishing on Grand lately?
  8. Canoe. Rock house to 62.
  9. We shove off tomorrow. I will report back on Sunday night/Monday.
  10. Thank you fellas.
  11. Has anybody seen the trim sticker band some are putting on newer Merc's? Any idea where one could purchase such a thing?
  12. I'm hitting up the Kings for a couple days this weekend. Anybody make it out last week before the snow?
  13. Anybody been out the last couple of days? What's the water temp around Eagle Rock?
  14. Patience. Take lots of patience. That lake (like all of them) can really humble a man. It will be busy, look for something different than everybody else.
  15. What kind of map or program is that, FF?
  16. Does anybody know of a good, clean place to stay around the Eagle Rock area? Im fishing a small club tournament up there in a couple weeks.
  17. Any issues with knots connecting the Nanofil and flouro?
  18. Not meaning to hijack your thread FH but this seems like the best spot for this question. I've converted a couple spinning set ups over to braid w/ a flouro leader and loving it. If others on here have done this, anybody had situations that they didn't like that set up? I've been using it for shaky head and drop shot but I'm curious how it does with small cranks?
  19. Hojo

    Swepco 02/14

    Make that 2 tournaments this weekend. Anybody know anything about another winter series out there?
  20. I know of at least one tournament set for Swepco next weekend.
  21. I have fished a couple of them and there was no fog to speak of. Overcrowding.....that's a different story. The field is open again, I parked there last week. I'm guessing close to 50 boats there last Sunday.
  22. 5 fish. It was a brutal day on the water for me. One of those that make you question any fishing ability you have ever had.
  23. Is there any info online about this tournament?
  24. 1000 trees is a lot of trees.
  25. Any news here?
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