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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Greg

  1. I finally see what all the fuss is about night fishing. I've tried it off and on for the last couple of years with mediocre success. Yesterday was different. I fished yesterday late afternoon and caught a few but certainly not a good day for catching. As it got dark I thought "what the heck" and tied on a purple mohair leech for a few last casts. For the next hour I caught fish or had strike on about every 2nd cast. It was great. A couple of the bows were pushing 20" too. I had no intention of stopping at 7 PM but I broke the fly off on a big fish and when I went for my light - the battery was dead. Oh well. Anyway now I'm anxious to try it again. Merry Christmas everyone, Greg
  2. I've tried dry flies off and on at Taney for several years but have never caught more than a few that way. Yesterday (Sat 12/23) I was there in the late afternoon and there was some type of hatch coming off. It was a very small cream colored insect. Maybe a midge? There were lots of fish taking them. I tried several different patterns but couldn't get a take on top. Greg
  3. Please don't take this the wrong way but a better way to hold a fish for a picture is to gently support it with both hands under it's belly. Holding it up by the gills can mortally injure it. Again please don't take this as harsh criticism. The fish may have been fine and I commend you for the fine catch and for releasing it. Merry Christmas, Greg
  4. I've seen it stated in other posts that no one fly rod can do it all and that all fly rods are a compromise. I agree to a point. I do contend though that you can do pretty well with one all around fly rod for trout in MO. My favorite rod is 8 1/2 foot and a 5 wt. It casts #20 dry flies on 7X tippet as well as throwing #8 weighted streamers with little effort. It does both equally well and everything in between. I don't feel I give up much if anything on either end. It even handles a strike indicator, shot, and fly rig well when fishing during generation at Taneycomo. I do have other fine rods both lighter and heavier. But I find myself using this rod at least 90 % of the time. I haven't come across a trout situation yet in MO that it did not excel at. I did try to cast a big deer hair popper to bass with it a couple of years ago. That convinced me I needed an 8 wt. But that was clearly out of a 5 wt's reach and that was for bass not trout. I'm just curious if anyone else has a # of rods but still prefers general purpose trout rod for most of their fishing? If so what length and wt do you use? Thanks, Greg
  5. I definitely agree with you that the # of fish is up and that they are feeding more actively. I fished this afternoon (Sun) for several hours and had the best outing I've had in a couple of months. I was down at the rock and was catching them pretty non stop from about 1:00 PM until they they turned on a unit. Scuds and zebras worked today in the smaller sizes. I saw another guy catching them pretty regularly on some kind of streamer as well. Lots of small stockers but quite a few bigger fish in the slot as well. Nothing over 15" - at least not any trout. Biggest fish? A sucker!!! I've never caught one on a fly but took a big one on a dead drifted zebra today. This one was probably 3 or 4 pounds. It actually put up a halfway decent fight on 7X. Nice day and beautiful weather. I was disappointed when they started generating at 4:00 PM or so. Greg
  6. I didn't know that. Greg
  7. Thanks, Greg
  8. Could someone give me the phone # to call that gives the real time # of units generating on the white and norfork? I had it programed in my old cell phone but just traded up to a better phone and lost the number...... thanks, Greg
  9. I've got a pair of Simms Lightweights that were not too pricey. My wife bought them for me but I think they were about $200. I would stay away from the BPS breathables - I went through 2 pair in 2 years. I decided it would be more economical in the long run to pay more up front. Greg
  10. My wife and I have stayed several times in the Old Southern Inn that is close to the dam. Last I knew it was $40/night but may be cheaper in the winter. It is very clean and modern as well. http://www.oldsoutherninn.com/ Greg
  11. Retail can be a brutal business from what I hear. There was an article a while back in one of the fly fishing magazines about the love/hate relationship some fly shop owners have with their customers. Numerous horror stories were told about rude customers but also about how many fly shop owners secretly dislike most of their customers and that only give good advice about fly patterns and where to go to certain of their customers. I have NEVER had a single bad experience in any of the fly shops in Missouri though. And I've been in most all of them. I've always gotten "over the top" excellent service. I guess we are just extremely fortunate in this area. Greg
  12. So is the time now noon or so? If so I'll probably be there as long as its above freezing. Sounds like fun. I'd like to meet some of you. I would be glad to bring something? Greg
  13. I got mine yesterday. Thanks. Greg
  14. I enjoy Leonard's frequent posts and report and don't see a problem with it either. Greg
  15. LMF being close to STL - you've got the Merramec river and Merramec Springs much closer to you. I've never fished either. But I've heard both are really nice in the winter season. Both Bennett and Montauk are much less crowded during the winter season. Nothing like the summer at all. Although some Saturdays at Bennett - there can be quite a few fisherman - but even then it is never shoulder to shoulder. Greg
  16. Has anyone fished Montauk this winter season? I keep meaning to go - but it's a 2 hour trip for me. Greg
  17. In that case I think I'll come to both the tying and rod-building class. Will you be around that day? I'd like to say hi. Thanks, Greg
  18. Phil - how do I register? Just send you an email? Call? thanks, Greg
  19. Phil if you've never been to Montauk you should definitely give it a whirl. It's a great place to fish. It's definitely the least pressured of the parks. Even in the summer I've found the crowds don't approach what you see at the other parks and taneycomo. I went a couple of times last winter and it was wonderful. Plus you have the bonus of the trophy area of the current down below Montauk. Greg
  20. Is Montauk open 4 days a week (Fri to Mon) this winter like roaring river is? Greg
  21. I fished Sunday afternoon from about 3 PM until 5:30 or so. They had just turned on a unit shortly before I got there (just my luck!). I got skunked for the first time in several years at Taney. Not a single fish brought to hand/net. But I did have some excitement. Hooked a big one. I was fishing a 2 fly rig with the bottom fly being tied on with 7X (I know not smart with a unit running). I couldn't put a whole lot of pressure on him because of the light tippett - but he ended up taking all of my fly line and most of the backing even with me running downstream after him. And I don't think it was foul hooked but couldn't tell for sure. He broke off when I palmed the rim to try to slow him down when I was almost out of backing. Too bad I would have liked to have at least seen it. I was fishing a brown scud and a zebra on the dropper. Not sure which he took but I suspect the zebra on the 7X. Good few hours even though I didn't actually catch anything.
  22. Phil that is an awesome looking fly. It looks like it would catch a lot of fish. I'm impressed. Greg
  23. I received mine yesterday as well. Thanks to everyone and especially MTB. My fly was the dark brown midge. Recipe: #20 dry fly hook Dark brown 8/0 thread Xsmall copper ribbing Head - small grey ostrich herl. Works good for me as a dropper off a zebra midge or scud. I've caught some pretty good sized fish on it in the last couple of years. Greg
  24. Thanks Rolan and Phil Greg
  25. That's hilarious. I needed a laugh. Thanks, Greg
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