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farmer 11

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Everything posted by farmer 11

  1. Happy O's does have a nice covered dock. Good place to stay. Call Jim at 417-276-3193 Good luck on the fishing!
  2. Fished last week in the area of the 215 bridge. The bluff to the north and around the state park ramp and campground. Caught enough that we had fish to eat a couple of times. Probably 1 keeper walleye for every 3 caught. Fished just about all the time with bottom bouncers and crawlers. There were a few bass, bluegills and 1 stripper and 1 crappie also in the mix. Water was 77 or so all week. The wind was enough to make it a little rough on the main parts of the lake. Did finally get clouds and less wind on Fri. Am planning on another trip in a couple of weeks. Maybe the water will have cooled down some by then. Was staying at Happy O's-good place to operate from. Close to the fish and nice accommodations. Jim is helpful on where to go and what to use.
  3. We were using slow death setups on Stockton last week with a bottom bouncer. Were in the State Park area and the bluff north of the 415 brigde. Did well. Were trolling about 1 mph at 25-35 feet. Used 1/2 a crawler and it worked well. The hooks we had were red and had a spinner,beeds, and a small float on them. We also used the same setup last year in early Oct. and had good luck.
  4. Hi Crappie Hunter Where did you get the map you have posted? Looks interesting. Will be down to Stockton next week and fishing in the area that you have on the map. Is it on line somewhere? Thanks
  5. Most of the time between 25-35 feet. A lot of up and down but it most of the fish caught at that depth.
  6. Fished the north edge of the state park and the bluff north of the west end of the 215 bridge. Trolled bottom bouncers with smile balde a slow death hook and a crawler. Caught plenty of fish. About 3/4 of the walleye were shorts, but still fun to catch with enough to eat. Also a couple of 11" crappie to add to the skillet. Threw back the small mouth bass-the large mouth bass-catfish-and bluegills. Took a few walleye home to eat. Water was about 70 and the weather just great until the rain moved in. Was staying at Happy O"S so didn't have far to go the fish. Nice place to stay and not have to take the boat out every nite.
  7. How do you clean and cook the drum? Never tried it and will be at Stockton next month. We always catch a few but throw them back. Thanks
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