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Plan B

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Everything posted by Plan B

  1. No I have most of the regulations in head. The thing is the area's I have a problem with until I see them. I don't know if that makes sense to you but it's just the way my brain works. So I'll be buying the $3 day pass for a couple days then hitting the river with the Kayak the others. Thakns for the info.
  2. So I can't take my Kayak out there? I was told to bring it. Maybe we're going somewhere else for that. But you say no soft plastics or bait are allowed?
  3. Yeah I go to the state park all the time. I'm hitting up Springs this time.
  4. May 20-25 will be my first time hitting this spot. I won't be fly fishing but will be hitting the spot with a Kayak. Anyone know what the fishing is like around that time of year and do you have any suggested spots?
  5. Boondoggle was anounced today! October in the Florida pan handle right under Alabama. 12 hours from STL. https://www.facebook.com/kayakfishingboondoggle
  6. Maybe you don't have spots to offer but you can certainly find some new ones to fish!
  7. You shold seriously consider joining that yakangler site then. It has taught me so much and given me NUMEROUS ideas for modifying my Yak for long days and for open water. Some things I NEVER would have thought about doing. I'm in Wildwood at the Chesterfield border. About 10 minutes from Hwy 40. Plan on trying to get out next week sometime. Don't really want to go to Creve Coeur lake because I hear that the fishing isn't all that great and it's not really that deep, but that may be the spot I hit. Planning on a week long excursion in May at Meremac Springs for some trout. Send me a PM and let me know if you're available next week sometime and if you have another place to go besides CCL.
  8. Wow, nice bass. I won't be going to Innsbrook anytime soon. LoL I like to keep legal fish for food. I eat the fillets and use the rest for compost for my gardens. It all goes somewhere instead of a landfill.
  9. Yes but it's all private isn't it? I would love to get my Kayak out there but I understand that it's a resident and family of resident place only. My good friend that I fish with, sister worked out there for a couple years or so, but we weren't able to get out there still.
  10. Yep, Compound bow is the answer!
  11. I find that same thing with Bass both Large and Small mouth.
  12. Check out the link in my Signature, there are literally hundreds of Kayak fishing tourneys listed on that forum site. It is dedicated to Kayak fishing and although most of the people are in FL or KY some of the tourneys are online CPR type tourneys. Here click this http://www.yakangler.com/user-login?view=registration&referrer=512BBAABB2DEC Also, where do you put in and fish? I usually hit the Meremac in Sullivan or the Mineral Fork in DeSoto. Always lookin for someone to drop in with and new places to do so.
  13. I didn't attend the boat show but did attend the Bass Pro version during the same timeframe. I won an Ascend FS12T Kayak in a drawing they had. It's not the best one in the world but it suits my needs for now. If you're interested in learning more than you can imagine about Kayak fishing you can join this forum that I'm a part of as well. Many Pro Staff members of several different Kayak manufacturers there. http://www.yakangler.com/user-login?view=registration&referrer=512BBAABB2DEC In addition to that, June 1st and 2nd at Lake St. Louis theres a Demo Days type event. Unfortunately, the only Kayak Manufacturer that I've seen is going to attend is Hobie. They are nice Yaks but I don't have $2000 to spend on a boat right now. http://www.lakestlouissailing.com/boatshow.htm Hope that helps.
  14. Hear about that place all the time, never been. Don't have the connections!
  15. No boat needed at Busch Wildlife. 30+ lakes to fish on. I do mostly shoreline as well. Not to many places to put the Kayak in except Creve Coeur park. Never fished Forest Park or Tilles. What do you catch there? Almost anything you could want at Busch though. Crappie, Large Mouth, Trout, Catfish, Channel and flathead, and at least one lake with Muskie.
  16. jpb What part of STL are you in? I do most of my fishing at Busch Wildlife. Trying to do as much Kayak fishing as I can this year as well.
  17. Awesome info
  18. I appreciate that information thank you!
  19. Pretty sure we are looking at the eastern side of the lake and in the middle to southern point of it. I will find out what the spot is exactly where we are looking to stay. I know I want some walleye and Crappie for the most part, but I don't ever get real specific about what I fish for. I eat the legals that I catch and in some cases will raise the bar on the legal limit. I know around the state there is a 9" limit on Crappie, but the spot I go to mostly here in STL they ask you to remove up to 30 a day in ALL sizes. Well that tends to be around 4-7 inches usually. I try to only keep the 9's out of that lake as well. 15" for all bass even on the lakes that say 12" etc.
  20. There is a LOT to go through for sure. Right now just looking at the points about the places I have fished and where I want to fish. I have some MCD things to check out too so I'm glad those spots are on here.
  21. I plan on hitting this lake for a week in mid November. Can anyone tell me what the fishing is like around that time of year? In addition I am hoping to take my Kayak out there to fish from. Never been to that lake before so I'm also wondering about the current and surface conditions.
  22. Glad to find a home state forum that has some information. Just found this site today so I hope the info is good! LOL
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