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Old plug

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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. I sure am tired of the rain and the cold. I still think there is a good chance if they hold on till next week. I am pretty sure the temp needs to get to be about 60 degrees at the level of the spawning areas. There is a good chance that is going o happen next week real fast.
  2. Fishenwrench I mean no offense but I am funny about relating who I am are close to where I am on the Internet. The reason for this is in the days before Internet protection thru law I forcement I was a volunteer for what was known as the Cyber Angels. I trolled the Internet for about 3 yrs for them. Have seen the very worst that can happen happen thru the Internet. In spite of this I think I know you and have even fished with you. If so answer this question although I still do not want to use names. Have you ever had your house destroyed by a tornado.
  3. I would not give up just yet. I got 3 when we came home. My neighbor got a few also. Our temperature here is 58. But that is surface. I do not know what it might be at the spawning level. I had 3 flats of flowers to plant and did not get out this evening till almost 6:30. I caught 2 bass one 14 inches and the other was a keeper just over 15 inches. I got a outside of a bend close by back in a creek channel that is so full of boat docks you almost cannot get a boat between them. Bass fishermen will not fish there. But if you can get in between those docks and fight the cables and everything else it is a very good place to catch a lot of nice bass. I have heard of crappie shorting the spawn if things are out of whack to long. Maybe that is what is happening. I sure hope not. I'm 3 miles up the Gravois.
  4. I am up in the Gravois and they are here for certain.i have seen few come up and swipe the rod runner. I have been dropping brush around a few docks here for 20 yrs. I m getting to old for that anymore it is a lot of work.
  5. It depends on where you are on the lake. I have been catching mostly males but they are pretty large blacks. I cleaned fish last week that were donated from the Crappiethon tournament. Most came. From above the 40 mile marker and they were realy jammed full of ripe eggs. I caught 6 last evening and I expect we're going to have some hot crappie fishing this next week. My crappie are all in pretty bright spawning colors. I suppose crappie get horny too. Just a bit more warm water it all it is going to take.
  6. There is a old saying. First god created the bass then he created the creeks for them to live in. That is never any more true than at this time of year on this lake. So all I can say is fish the channel banks.
  7. I noticed a drop off also in the fishing. But the color was brighter than the day before. I imagine a couple warm days and everything will break loose. I will take my granddaughter up to Kingdom city to be picked up by her father in the morning then do some shopping in Jeff city. Hope to be back in time to get into the evening rush that I suspect might happen if we get a warm day. next week is bass fishing for me on the channel banks.
  8. It is about the same at my house. I have this belief that the length of days has about as much effect on the bite as water temperature does. The water is to cold for successful spawn at this moment but it is not suppose to be according to the length of day that I believe is their time clock. It is like they are chomping at the bit. It will not take but but a bit of warmth to set them off big time. That is coming real quick.
  9. I have not been down there in in I guess at least 30 yrs. My cousins daughter and her husband owned Choania Landing at one time. I do not know what there name was but my cousins daughters first name was Karen. I spent a lot of time on Clearwater as well. For the last 20 years I have been firmly planted here on LOZ.
  10. If your coming then come and fish what you want. The conditions could not be much worse but I caught 5 crappie this morning off my dock in a short while. I caught a 18 inch LMB off there last evening not long before dark. I got the crappie on a road runner. And the bass on a u tail worm fished on a home made jig head. I was looking down today and seen two fellas in a boat being blown all over the place but they we're catching crappie. It must be pretty miserable with in the 40 degree wether and strong northerly wind and rain. I have gotten to old for that stuff. If my young granddaughter was not here I would have a sack full of crappie today. Water and wether conditions are not the total picture. Very few people seem to consider the length of daylight. I think that is what has sparks this present bite.
  11. For those of you headed this way this weekend. The temperature was about 55 in the lower Gravois so I guess it is about the same over most of the lower lake. There was a heavy rain thru the night. This morning it was kind of on the warm side and it is still going on. There was some rise in the water level as well. The kind of conditions where normally you would not be able to keep me off the lake. But I have to go to St Louis and pick up my grand daughter for a week visit out here and will not to be back for 2-3 days. I will say this the changing conditions will be the thing. It is suppose drop to the mid 30's tonight and I think tomorrow night as well. There is suppose to be a cold windy period coming with it. That will push thectemperature back down some. I am sure you will also be faced withs to muddy water in many places on the lake. Another thing is how soon they will have a big draw down. Your going to have a lot of things involved in your fishing.
  12. I don't know but you should contact Ed Bryant at Ozark's Outdoors the next time you come through Laurie. Ed is a collector.
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