I have a co-worker who lives near the confluence of the Finley and James and he has had 3 spottings on his property. 2 he believes were the same cat and the third seemed like a juvenile to him.
I think it was a year or 2 ago in Cal. that a mountain lion killed a mountain biker who was fixing his bike and then attacked another woman a couple days later, who was able to get away w/ the help of a companion. That's when they found the body of the first biker just a few yards off the trail.
It wasn't too long ago that bald eagle sightings were rare around here. No they're pretty common. I would think attacks would be rare, but to go off in the woods, especially in our more remote areas, without having some kind of awareness of the possibilities and what to do if you saw one, could be dangerous. It's like the cotton mouth discussion at Crane Creek. Some have had encounters, some haven't, but to be unprepared if you go fishing there is risky. I know I almost stepped on a cottom mouth there once and have since read up on what not to do. Anyway, I'm rambling....