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Everything posted by Goose919

  1. In and money sent via venmo
  2. In and Venmo has been sent. Thanks for putting this together.
  3. PM sent.......need Venmo name
  4. Coming down on 5/19, any suggestions on where I can rent a bass boat? I see that most places only rent pontoons. We will be staying near Indian Point.
  5. I'd like to continue my yearly donation
  6. Thank you for putting together. I do enjoy even though I'm god awful at it. I'll be back next year to donate.
  7. I missed the first tournament of the year and figured I would just pass on the whole year. However, I plan on participating again next year, so please include me in on the payout. Goose
  8. Thoughts and prayers to the family
  9. Thank you for all the advice. We just got to the resort. Going to settle in and head down to try my luck. All the best Goose919
  10. I'm heading to Rock Lane Resort (Indian Point) this coming weekend with the family and would like to do some bank fishing (still working on purchasing a boat - need to get the wife convinced) around the Indian Point area. Couple of questions: How is the bank fishing this time of the year? Where would be the best areas to get a line wet for a couple of hours in the Indian Point area. Thanks for the help in advance. Goose919
  11. Looking to purchase one that is middle of the road. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Big C, I have not. I will look into this. Thank you for the help! I may send you a PM, would that okay with you?
  13. Thank you for the information. It sounds like I need to look into this resort.
  14. Thank you! I am familiar with the KC area as well as Harter House. I will definitely look into WW and maybe make a call to look into the aluminum boat availability.
  15. I would be willing to spend $200/night for lodging.
  16. Thanks for the suggestion!
  17. The wife and I are looking to bring her parents down to TR for a short getaway during the month of April (thinking 4/20-4/23). We usually stay at Rock Lane Marine during our visits to TR, but I would like to change things up this time. I'm looking for a place that would accommodate 4 adults comfortable with a nice few of the lake. I'm also looking for a place or a location near the condo that we could rent a boat to do some fishing, as the father-in-law is retiring at the end of March and I would like to celebrate his retirement with a little fishing. Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  18. Thanks for the help! I have tried but he his booked. Looks like my procrastination has got the best of me
  19. I know its late notice but does anyone know of a fishing guide service that has a 4 hour trip in the morning on either 7/22 or 7/23? Staying at the Majestic by the Dam. Thanks for the help!
  20. Doroger Thank you kind sir. I MIGHT just end up trying them out. Thanks again for thoughts! Goose
  21. Champ Tried sending you a PM but it said you cant accept anymore PM????
  22. Thank you Nitroman!!
  23. I have never Drop Shot Fished, any helpful tips would be greatly appreciated.
  24. Champ188, Thank you. I will definitely take a look. I have a call in to the Father-in Law. Take care!
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